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1 Message

Tuesday, October 17th, 2017 1:26 PM

When service and greed mix

I was with Metro PCS for the longest before I switched to at&t.  I left Metro when they started using phone boosters because around that time, the bars on my phone just drop.  Before the boosters I always had over half full bars at home.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out 1+2.  If signals are not weak, the boosters won't cell.


When I first got with at&t I had over half my bars at home. Today...and I do mean TODAY!  I only have one bar...sometimes two (and this will continue).  That reminded me of Metro's {edited for word filter evasion} so I looked online to see if at&t was running the same *** and sure enough, I came across the Microcell.


This is why mankind days are numbered....greed!  If someone wants to buy the Microcell, they'll buy it if they can afford it.  Lowering signals to force people to buy it is what makes you lose customers.  For those of you who don't understand the power of wireless,  these cell phones you have and the companies who make them and provide service to them, can manipulate those devices anyway they choose to; as well as connection power.


Humans have indeed traded away their privacy for wireless.  Your voices are being recorded through your device.  Your camera secretly captures video input and all you're text messages are being read.  The same goes for browsers.  It's bad enough you have no privacy anymore but adding *** like Microcell to the mix out of greed is like over kill!


These companies claim the data (privacy) they're stealing is being used for marketing.  ***  You reading my text messages and then sending me an email of a product based on what you read in my messages is not going to make me buy something I don't need or want!


For those of you who don't think your privacy is at risk, wakeup!  I have received email ads based on text messages I JUST sent!  For example, I might have mentioned someone I know needs health insurance and one minute later, I get an email alert and in that email is an ad about health insurance.  When that *** happens more times than not, you know it's no coincidence!


I've even spoken about things in my own home verbally around my phone and one minute later, boom, and ad email based on something I spoke of hits my email account.  Our government needs to regulated phone makers and service providers because these *** have really gone too far!


{Inappropriate content removed}

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

That’s a lot of tin foil hat thinking.  

Your phone does not listen and process your conversations.  If you choose, your phone can respond to a wake up word and process limited commands.  It is not able to understand a conversation or collect data from it.  

    Any computer with cookies will respond to your web searches.  Your data use is not collected by your carrier.  Your text messages are not available to anyone but you and the recipient.  Suggesting otherwise is bull.  

    The microcell is being phased out.  I had to buy one on eBay because ATT does not want to sell them.   All new phones are Wifi calling capable.  Almost every phone in the last 2 years has Wifi calling ability.  Including phones sold for $30 off the prepaid rack.  

So that doesn’t wash either. 

   So why is service worse?   Because everyone is dropping landlines and providing even little kids with cell phones.  Cellular signal is not an unlimited resource.   Wifi calling actually takes some of the weight off the network.  


ACE - Professor


3.1K Messages

7 years ago

@mrjohnson  Another thing about email is if you give your email address you could’ve giving consent for that company to pass along your email to multiple other companies. 

Former Employee


32.9K Messages

7 years ago

things that make you go HMMMM

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