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The Samsung Galaxy S24
phroggue's profile



1 Message

Monday, December 15th, 2014 3:58 AM

Galaxy S5 WiFi keeps dropping and reconnecting

I have a very strong WiFi signal at home. I connect easily enough, but every few seconds the WiFi signal gets dropped and it reconnects. It's extremely admitting, especially because the connecting message keeps popping up and interrupts typing. Any ideas?

Accepted Solution

Official Solution

Community Support


15.2K Messages

9 years ago

Hi there!


We have been receiving reports of connectivity issues with the Samsung Galaxy S5 after updating to 4.4.4. We are currently working with Samsung in order to identify a root cause and fix for this issue. As appears to have helped for some of the customers who have posted in this topic, the issue appears to be related to Smart Switch which can be addressed by disabling this feature. To do so:


  1. Go to Settings>Wi-Fi>Smart network switch


  1. Remove the mark in the checkbox.


We appreciate your patience as we work with Samsung to find a permanent solution to this issue.






518 Messages

10 years ago


Thanks for reaching out to us. We can try a couple of troubleshooting steps to try to resolve this. 

Are you only experiencing this with your home wi-fi or with any other as well? Did you just start experiencing this or had it always been present?

Try going to Settings>Applications>Application manager>All>Wi-fi Direct and clear the cache and data, then try again.

Make sure that your Home wi-fi does not have any device restrictions, or secondary passwords.

Also try Settings>Applications>Application manager>All then press Settings>Reset app preferences. Tell us if this works.

Thank you,

Samsung Support ^Kov



1 Message

9 years ago

Mine and my husbands s5 has just started doing this as well. Its happing everywhere not just our house. It connects and drops about every 30 seconds. We have tried powering it down and pulling the batterie and no change.



1 Message

9 years ago

I am having the same issues with 2 S5's but not with a Note3. I have not made any changes to the WIFI system that would make this happen, I also know that one of the S5's is having the same issues on other wireless networks. I have tried the suggestions below and that has had no success.Any other ideas? Also all other wireless devices in the house work fine, it seems to be only the S5's that are having this issue. 



7 Messages

9 years ago

I am having the same issue with my S5 but only on my home network, just started a few days ago. I've power cycled the phone and removed the battery. Power cycled my home network, even had had my phone forget then reconnect to my home network. All other devices including my husbands s3 and note 3 are not having any issues.



1 Message

9 years ago

Settings. Wifi. Turn smart network switch off. Fixed both my wife and I's WiFi issues.



2 Messages

9 years ago

I've done the suggested things and this continues to happen to me too. At home on the S5. All other devices are working properly.  Signal strength strong.




1 Message

9 years ago

Thanks! That fixed my issue.

@dlnye85 wrote:
Settings. Wifi. Turn smart network switch off. Fixed both my wife and I's WiFi issues.


ACE - Professor


2.2K Messages

9 years ago

My Galaxy S5 has had no connectivity issues at all.  This morning I installed the 4.4.4 update and immediately began having wi-fi connectivity issues.  The S5 keeps dropping the connection and then reconnecting.  This is constant. 


Obviously, the signal was strong enough and constant enough that I was able to download the 487 MB update with no connectivity problems whatsoever.  Now, however, when I check Wi-Fi networks, I note the S5 is constantly scanning.  Is that normal? 


None of the other devices using Wi-Fi on this home network are experiencing connectivity issues, including a netbook, a tablet, and a Kindle Paperwhite e-reader.  According to the S5, the signal is "strong," yet it continues to drop and then reconnect. 


I have tried the S5 on other networks and the same problem exists.


I have tried the following:


"Try going to Settings>Applications>Application manager>All>Wi-fi Direct and clear the cache and data, then try again.

Make sure that your Home wi-fi does not have any device restrictions, or secondary passwords."


No improvement.


Next, I tried this:


Also try Settings>Applications>Application manager>All then press Settings>Reset app preferences. Tell us if this works


However, although I went to Settings>Application>Application manager>All and pressed "Settings,"  I could find nothing labeled "Reset app preferences." 









3 Messages

9 years ago

I have the same problems, dropping every few minutes.  Tried the first option with no luck.  The app name is actually Wi-Fi Direct Share.  (The clear cache button for the Wi-Fi Direct app is not active, greyed out.)  I also tried this on the AT&T Smart Wi-Fi app.  Then restarted.


This is definitely related to the 4.4.4 update that I unwittingly installed this morning.  Previously worked fine.  Also, the up and down wi-fi is sucking the life out of my battery, and I've been home all day.  I can usually go two days and I'm at 32% with hardly any phone use today.  My U-verse wifi is working fine for all other devices.  I even tried rebooting the gateway.


Question on the second option.  I found the "reset app preferences" option in the "..." menu.  Exactly what preferences will be reset?  This doesn't seem to apply to just the wifi app, but to all of them.


Anything else to try?  This has made my phone practically useless, since my apps hang up whenever the wi-fi cuts in or out.  Also, one other strange symptom.  Sometimes when it is doing this, I look at the list of active applications, and YouTube is there.  I haven't used that in several weeks.  Yet this has happened several times today.


Any way to revert to the firmware prior to this upgrade?

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