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The Samsung Galaxy S24
chuckleone's profile



3 Messages

Thursday, September 4th, 2014 7:06 PM

Samsung Galaxy S4 SIM error/constant reboot issues

A couple mongths ago my Samsung Galaxy S4 started giving me problems with dropped calls/no sound/no service and feeling warmer than usual. I didn't think anything of it since I figured it was most like due to nextwork issues. Now that the phone is out of warrant by 2 months  I am getting an error telling me that the SIM card is not detected and forces me to restart the phone, rendering the phone useless.


I took the phone into an AT&T store and they replaced the sim card. The problem occured again within an hour. I took the phone to another store and was told I should perform a factory restore. I did this and the sim problem continued. I googled the problem and found that several other people have been having this problem for some time and have posted various solutions. I have tried the following with no luck:


1. Replaced sim card - error continues

2. Factory restore - error continues

3. Boot into safe mode and clear cache - error continues

4. Cut a piece of paper to the size of sim card and insert into sim slot w/sim card - error cont...


I called AT&T support as was told the phone is out of warranty and it would cost me $150.00 for an insurance replacement (i have insurance for the phone). I am not convinced that I should have to pay for this repair due to the fact that the phone has been giving me problems for some time.


Can anyone help me in getting this phone repaired/replaced in warranty? I am very unhappy with the level of service I am currently getting from AT&T and after many years of being a subscriber am seriously considering another carrier, preferraby one that does not charge a deductable for insurance replacements.



85 Messages

10 years ago

"feeling warmer than usual" &  constant rebooting.......

Let me guess here.  I bet somewhere along the line you got an over-the-air "upgrade"to the operating system ?  The same old story for the millionth time.  The phone is corrupted. Can't be fixed by restarting. You will have to find someone who knows how to wipe the drive and put a clean install.  That or another phone.  I have (2) S3s and ALWAYS REJECT the software upgrade for this reason.  Mine work as good as when I bought them new.



3 Messages

10 years ago

So this is an OS glitch? Is this issue caused by an update that Samsung implemented or at&t? Who is responsible for bricking my phone?


I have experience with replacing ROMs on android devices as well as building native apps for Android with java using Eclipse. So I feel confident that I can get this working myself if that is the solution.


Thank you for the reply, I will research what files I need to fix this.



3.1K Messages

10 years ago

@chuckleone wrote:

So this is an OS glitch? Is this issue caused by an update that Samsung implemented or at&t? Who is responsible for bricking my phone?


I have experience with replacing ROMs on android devices as well as building native apps for Android with java using Eclipse. So I feel confident that I can get this working myself if that is the solution.


Thank you for the reply, I will research what files I need to fix this.

If it's a firmware flashing issue, it's not anyone's fault - in some very small number of cases, major firmware updates don't successfully update everything for any number of reasons.


Your S4 needs to be re-flashed. I'm pretty sure AT&T can/will do this for you in a store, or you can do it yourself if you're willing to take the risk - the stock kitkat firmware can be found via a google search, and can be flashed onto the S4 (again, plenty of how tos on the web, with the tools you need.) You'll need to track down the info on how do that yourself, this forum isn't the place to discuss it.


All that said, I'm not at all convinced that's the issue. This sounds more like a hardware problem in the sim slot, which has nothing to do with the phone running warm with the latest OS

Former Community Manager


10.4K Messages

10 years ago


Hi @chuckleone Thank you for posting!


If you're still having issues with your device, our team will be happy to help you with that! You can send us a private message by clicking here. Please include your full name, phone number, account number and the best time you can be reached.






3 Messages

10 years ago

Hi ATTDmitriyCM,


I sent you a PM with my contact infomation. Any help you can provide me is appreciated.





518 Messages

10 years ago

Hi chuckleone, 

We appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us. We apologize for the negative experience. We are happy to discuss some repair options with you. Please follow this link and complete our support form with the details of what you are experiencing. Here is the link to our support form: http://on.fb.me/1jnZRzT ^Jake  

Samsung Support

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