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The Samsung Galaxy S24
jwa.tts1980's profile



2 Messages

Thursday, August 13th, 2015 2:43 PM


I have a Galaxy S4 that will, seemingly at random, give me a "SIM CARD REMOVED" message. The message cannot be closed; the only option is to restart my phone. Sometimes I can go weeks or months between errors, and then, like yesterday, it happened 4 times in 1 day.


There does not seem to be any pattern to when it happens. My phone can be laying on a desk, in my pocket, on or asleep, charging, I could be in the middle of a text or phone call. It *SEEMS* like it gets worse right after I do software updates. Then occurrences will gradually get further apart.


The error has been happening on and off for a little over a year. In that time, I have:

  • Replaced the SIM card at an official AT&T store
  • Factory reset my phone
  • Performed several minor OTA system updates
  • Upgraded from Android 4.4.2 to 5.0.0
  • Yesterday the phone did an automatic update, I believe, to Android 5.0.1

The problem has continued through all of these changes. Yesterday, after the latest OTA update from AT&T, was when it happened 4 times. 


My phone has been well taken care of. It shows light signs of use, but it has no cracks or breaks. It has never had water damage. The battery, SIM, and SD card compartments all look visually great. Again, no obvious signs of damage that would indicate this issue. 


Bottom line, is there a software or simple hardware fix to this? Or does the phone need to be replaced?



2 Messages

9 years ago

Okay, well, every other forum question I can find on this says pretty much the same thing: replace the SIM card or do some kind of software reset/update. And that appears to have worked for other people. Obviously, it has not worked for me. 


The only option I haven't tried is just replacing the phone. But, I've had this S4 for 27 months, so I guess it's onto the Next plan I go. Looks like AT&T has a buyback program. Maybe they'll give me something for this one.

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