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2 Messages

Thursday, May 11th, 2017 6:50 PM

AT&T is the worse. absolute worse. Unable to cancel account after three attempts.

I had a Uverse and internet account with ATT and around October of 2016 I decided to cancel the account because: 1. internet was too slow, 2. I hardly watched TV, 3. it was too expensive.  I called to cancel and was told that I was still in a promotion period and would have to pay a cancellation fee. I was surprised since I knew for a fact my promotion ended in October. However it seemed that "somehow" I upgraded my TV package in July thus starting a new promotion period. This was impossible since I was in Singapore at the time working night shifts and was not making changes to my account (I am the only person with access to that account). Anyways, I got in touch with a supervisor and he was able to waive the fee and understood my situation. I was told the account was canceled. I promptly returned all the equipment as per their instruction and was done with ATT forever....or so i thought.


On January 2017 I received an email from ATT saying I had a bill for about $470 that I owed for unpaid monthly payments....WHAT?!?! I checked my bank account as well, and an automatic payment had processed for about $260. I was dismayed and confused and called to get to the bottom of it. Well....I was told that I never canceled my account. After explaining to them that they are wrong and that they need to check their S**T, they were able to see in the saved archives where I had requested to cancel back in October. They still however wanted to charge me for a cancellation fee for ending my promotional period...HAA!? After another hour on the phone they issued a reimbursement to my account for the auto payment and also re-canceled my account. I tried to login online to make sure it was canceled and I was not able to. I assumed  everything was done correctly and that I would be done with ATT forever.....Or SO I THOUGHT!!!!


In April 2017 I received a phone call from an unknown number. Usually I don't answer these but I was on the toilet and decided to tickle my interest...I was not tickled. It was a collection agency notifying me that I owe over $500 to ATT for charges that I have not paid......ARE YOU F****** kidding me?!?! Since I assumed the lady on the phone was unaware of ATT's incompetence I tried to be civil and tell her I had to call ATT to sort this S**T out and that I owe them nothing.  However, she insisted that I still hear the options for paying back the sum as I should be aware of the penalties I will receive if it is not paid. This infuriated me so I had to hangup before I ripped her a new one. 


I called ATT and of course they said the account was never canceled. I began with a somewhat calm explanation of the history of this nonsense (but with an extreme underlying tone of disgust toward ATT) and that they better fix everything otherwise I would take legal action and retaliate with any means necessary.  After being on hold for some time I was ensured that I will owe nothing and that the case will be escalated to another department and that I should receive an email in about a month verifying that the bill was removed....Well obviously i have no hopes in their ability to do their jobs so I have yet to see if I will be done with all this. All i know is that ATT is horrible and cannot perform day to day operations internally and communicate properly between departments. Please if you have read this do not use ATT they are the worse.

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232.9K Messages

7 years ago

Hi @klongen1,


Sorry to read of this. We can look into this. Send us a message by clicking here. Include your full name, address, contact #, and a brief description of the issue. We may email you using the email address associated with your forum ID so keep an eye out. 



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