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1 Message

Tuesday, November 17th, 2015 7:18 PM

AT&T Custom Work Order

I recently received a quote from AT&T for a custom work order that is needed for construction that both my neighbor and I doing with the same contractor. The AT&T work involves re-routing the drops to our homes as well as part of the line underground. I was absolutely outraged at the price AT&T has quoted for this work (north of $2K). What's even more frustrating is that the local utility company (monopoly) and the local cable company are both willing to relocate their lines with no cost. I am a long-time AT&T (Uverse and Wireless) customer, but my neighbor has no AT&T service. So while I am frustrated that a long-time customer would be treated this way, my neighbor is equally upset because they receive no tangible benefit from spending this money with AT&T. 

A call to the engineer who wrote the quote for the custom work order resulted in a response that was as simple as "we type in the work and it generates a price that we are required to charge", with no opportunity to speak to someone further.

I cannot believe there isn't an opportunity to mitigate these charges. I will be switching TV/Internet and Wireless providers if this is how AT&T will treat its customers.


Former Community Manager


10.4K Messages

9 years ago

Hi @ShaneH82 Welcome to the Forums!


We can definitely have our social media care team review your information and see if there are any better options. Please send us a private message by clicking here. Please include your full name, phone number, account number and the best time you can be reached.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you,


3 Messages

2 months ago

I have run into a similar issue. I am building a house and to put in a driveway need ATT to move the fiber line along the roadway.

A AT&T representative came out and gave my contractor a form which we were to send in. They require a $500.00 payment to even look at the issue.

I sent a check in 5 weeks ago and have been ghosted ever since. Won't answer the phone , return VM or emails.  I can't build my house until they move the fiber. Their claim is that when they put in the fiber they had no idea that homes would be built there. The plans were on file in the county records since 2007. 

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