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1 Message

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015 1:39 PM

ATT Underground Line Work

Approx 3-4 weeks ago ATT completed some underground line work along a utility easement.  This easement runs through both mine and my neighbor's property.  The directional digging they did left three very unsightly and large piles of dirt.  The grass has been killed off in these areas and the area is completely unusable (I have to be diligent to prevent my kids from running and playing in these now uneven areas).


I was giving ATT the benifit of the doubt but since it has been nearly a month and no attempt at repairing these areas have been made and zero attempts at contacting me have been attempted.  

I don't know who to contact as both my local ATT store and calls to 888-288-2020 have netted zero results.


On a sidenote I was praying that this meant I would finally be recieving U-Verse at my new house (I was a prior U-Verse customer for 6 years before moving) since the house immediately across the street recieves it....but alas my heart was broken as it was routine maintenance.  



1 Message

7 years ago

Two men from AT&T appeared out front of our 2 houses and proceeded to dig a large hole.  They pointedly said that they were digging in the easement.  However they were throwing dirt and debris all over the front yards.  Two days later they came back to fill in the unsightly hole and left piles of extra dirt, an old shovel and a bucket of filth lying in the yard.  We waited for them to clean it up, but no one came, so we did the dirty work.  We are not fans of AT&T and you have made sure that we never will be.  What slobs those men were.  Thank you for nothing.  What was your point??????

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