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Jagg55's profile



51 Messages

Monday, February 26th, 2024 9:49 PM

Customer retention - no help!

Our AT&T monthly bill just went up another $20 per month. I was told that there is nothing they can do. We've been with AT&T forever, and I have a hard time believing that. I was told to keep checking back for new promotions. I don't have the time to do that. Ridiculous.  

Accepted Solution

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

4 months ago


Not a childish response. Simply pointed out the reality of the situation. You did say that "find hard to believe" so then saying you don't have a problem believing is a contradiction. I am not here to coddle you like a child so my responses are that of a mature adult, straight forward, and not sugar coated.

Agents can only work within the options the system has available. It is not that they have "no interest" it is that what you want isn't there. Helping you means getting the best fit on the services for your long term billing, not inventing a discount (which is throwing money at you) which is something agents cannot do anyway.

So yes it is time to believe that discounts will be few and far between or no longer offered. You either continue with service as is, reduce it to something comfortable for your budget, or go with another provider you feel suits you better. No matter which way you go, always plan for full cost and do not rely on discounts. Simply enjoy them when they are there but budget based on the full cost.

You asked for a discount, were told none available, and now you complain thinking they are not "helping" you. It is not their obligation to discount the service just because you don't like the cost or cannot afford it. In the end it is your responsibility to manage your finances, not theirs.

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

4 months ago

Unfortunately that is the reality. Just because you've been with AT&T "forever" does not guarantee there are always discounts available. At some point you have to pay what the service is. They are a business to make money. So any discounts are temporary perks. Sorry you have a hard time believing that, but they are not going to just keep throwing money at you.

Sure you can call whenever you want to see what is currently available. That is up to you. Personally I would just make sure what you're subscribed to is not higher than you use or if there is something you would be willing to drop to save cost.

And as you've posted in the U-Verse TV section, be aware that is a legacy service that is no longer offered to new customers. Though they are keeping it active for now, one wonders if/when they would move to putting a hard end date for the service. Plan your future accordingly.


Former Employee


22.5K Messages

4 months ago

Prices increasing every January in the past due to the new carrier fees and expenses to maintain a discontinued product. However the 2024 increase occurred in Nov 2023 for packages along with $1 increase in local channels from $10 to $11. 


Depending on plan, equipment, etc most increases are $5 to $12 per year.

Ufamily $5, U200 $8, U300 $9, U450 $11

If you received a 12 month promotion last year, that also has expired resulting in an apparent larger increase but still just the standard pricing. Example if received a $20 discount last year that now has expired, your pricing did not increase but your discount expired. 

Promos if offered would be for DirecTv Stream, not Uverse IPTV. 

You can lower your monthly cost be lowering the tv package and/or reducing the number of receivers. 
Going from U300 to U200 should be about $20, and each receiver reduction is $10 saving. 



51 Messages

4 months ago

"Unfortunately that is the reality. Just because you've been with AT&T "forever" does not guarantee there are always discounts available. At some point you have to pay what the service is. They are a business to make money. So any discounts are temporary perks. Sorry you have a hard time believing that, but they are not going to just keep throwing money at you." 

 I know they are in business to make money, and I don't have a problem believing this, and I'm not asking them to THROW money at me. I don't need your childish response Einstein! 

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

4 months ago

UverseTV is on life support.  There is no motivation for AT&T offer discounts any more.




51 Messages

4 months ago

I know that Uverse is on life support. I heard that some time ago, however we have internet and 4 cell phones with them as well. Fiber hasn't been installed in our area, and our streaming is too slow, for Direct TV. The channels are also different with Direct TV. My point is that they showed no interest in helping on any of the items, and were indifferent about it. 



51 Messages

4 months ago

Thanks Juniper. For an “expert” (Edited per community guidelines), you don’t know what you’re talking about. Was able to get ahold of the right person and resolved. Thanks for your 2 cents!




35 Messages

3 months ago

Jagg55 what was the resolution and / or discount?

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

3 months ago


You call AT&T and discuss your options. If there is a discount certainly take advantage of it. Just be prepared that discounts are not always available. Even when they are make sure you have the right fit on your services so not paying any more service than what works for you. And any discounts are based on individual account, and can change at any time, so there is never an expectation you will have the exact same thing available as someone else.

Also keep in mind, U-Verse TV is a legacy/grandfathered service. They stopped accepting new customers. So likely this results in being even less incentivized to offer discounts for a service that is (slowly) on the way out.

And contrary to @Jagg55 's claim, I do know what I'm talking about. Just because it is not the response someone wants, doesn't make it any less valid.




51 Messages

3 months ago

I received the discount I was looking for and more. Juniper's response was wrong. They still offer discounts to Uverse customers, and I netted out paying less than before! 

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