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8 Messages

Thursday, October 15th, 2015 11:10 PM

Daily/Weekly Unexplained Service Drops

For a few months now my connection to AT&T will mysteriously drop for 5 to 15 minutes.  I call immediately but by the time I manage to get past the ID10T machine answering device AT&T uses, the service is back.  I usually get some 3rd world dweeb in India or Pakistan who barely speaks English and never understands my issue.  I have had my router replaced to no avail and had a guy come to my house and check EVERYTHING to no avail.  Recently, I have learned that several of my neighbors are experiencing the same issue.

UVerse used to be a great thing.  Great service and talented service people.  Now it's not just more expensive, but the service has gone down the toilet.



1.1K Messages

9 years ago

@xraywhf wrote:

For a few months now my connection to AT&T will mysteriously drop for 5 to 15 minutes.  I call immediately but by the time I manage to get past the ID10T machine answering device AT&T uses, the service is back.  I usually get some 3rd world dweeb in India or Pakistan who barely speaks English and never understands my issue.  I have had my router replaced to no avail and had a guy come to my house and check EVERYTHING to no avail.  Recently, I have learned that several of my neighbors are experiencing the same issue.

UVerse used to be a great thing.  Great service and talented service people.  Now it's not just more expensive, but the service has gone down the toilet.

Have you tried turning off IPv6? If you have the NVG510, 589, or 599, you can turn it off like this.

  1. Go to
  2. Home Network.
  3. Configure.
  4. Enter the Device Access code printed on the side of your RG.
  5. Turn IPv6 off.
  6. Press Save.
  7. Restart your device by unplugging for 1 minute.

You are done.

If the problem still goes on, please contact ATTU-verseCare with the link in my signature. Explain your situation. Please include your name, account number, phone number, and a good time to reach you. Check the blue envelope at the top right corner of this page for their reply. Be sure to also check the email account you signed up with for this forum.




3 Messages

9 years ago

I'm new to att and have experienced this same issue. I had service for less than a week and have lost signal twice. First time I called tech support only to speak to a barely understandable tech with a Indian accent who spent 20 minutes talking me through the reboot process. This time I just figured it out myself. If I wanted to be an att tech, I'd apply for the job... And I speak perfect English!!! Annoyed and reconsidering my decision:/



8 Messages

9 years ago

I feel your pain.  It's really sad that AT&T UVerse service has fallen to such abysmal levels.  I really think some days that the one guy at UVerse who cared died and those remaining are just collecting a paycheck.  

To those who work for AT&T:  THIS IS NOT MY PROBLEM!  THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM!  If you spoke English as a native language you would understand this.  

I have made regular calls, had my router replaced, and had a service call to my house.  There are NO problems on my end.  This is entirely the fault of AT&T.  Denial of your failures means you will never improve.  Accept your shortcomings and find out where the problem lies.  Then fix it.  THEN, TELL US!!  We are not mushrooms to be kept in the dark and fed a diet of crap.  We pay you for this service and it ain't cheap.

If I wanted low quality service, I go back to ComCast.



1 Message

9 years ago

Have the same problem especially while trying to watch movies on netflix or amazon. When tv goes down sometimes tablet service does as well.

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