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2 Messages

Monday, July 28th, 2014 6:17 PM

Dealing with UVERSE Service

When I returned home on July 16th, I had no service.

So my alarm was disabled.

Same for MicroCell.

Same for Internet (so no SKYPE calling).

Same for TV, although who cares, since there's so little to watch?


Capable technician dispatched. Met him at 7:25 PM on the appointed day. In 20 minutes he determined that the issue was outside of my home, in the street somewhere. He put in an order for another crew to come some days later. Days later, I don't know if they came. But I'm still out of service.  About the 23rd of this month, I called and asked when I could get service. The answer was "Before 8PM on the 30th"  I've called every day since to see if I could get bumped up in the service queue.  Every agent I get on the phone says that this can't happen.


My wife is handicapped, and needs a phone that will function. We live in a dark spot for AT&T wireless, so we depend on our in-home MicroCell tower. Clearly I made a mistake last year in switching from TWC to Uverse, but now that I've made the mistake, I need the shortest path to resolution.


I am pretty sure that every time they make some attempt to work on my issue, they close the ticket and I get put at the back of the line for repair when I immediately call back in.  I'd like to find a way to stay in the FRONT of the line until my home is back in service. Perhaps AT&T has a customer portal where I, the customer, get to say when the problem is resolved.  What a concept.


Does anyone have an idea about how to keep your place in the service (sic.) queue until you actually get service?  Is there a VP of Customer Service to whom I could write?  I have, in years past, had to deal with the Texas Railroad Commission (our version of a Utility Commission), but it was not about AT&T.  This is the first time I've found AT&T to be so thoroughly unable to fix a broken cable pair.



3 Messages

10 years ago

no service for days.

i was then given an apoointment 48 hours later which was promptly ignore!

yes ignored!

no call no email no txt ...

just ;ain no show

even after i called to confirm during the window becaue they were not there.  30 minutes left in the time window and ATT confirmed!

that is just plain rude!

then i called again and was given a "prioty re scheduled appointment.... 48 hours later!

what a joke!!!!

they are liars and unreliable



2 Messages

10 years ago

New input. 7/28 6:30 PM

Outside tech came and worked two hours. The new analysis from him is that the cable is broken UNDER the pillar. So now we wait for steps 3 and 4.

1. Premises tech came and said it's outside.

2. Outside tech came and said it's buried under the pillar in a cable splice. He laid a new pillar-to-house cable.

3. Third crew is to come and bury the cable... sometime. But we know that won't fix anything.

4. The current step in this saga is I call back in, and then I get put back in line in queue #4, and wait for a digging crew to come dig up the cable. Then we start over.


If we made a book out of this, it would be a long and boring novel, with no hero to cheer for.

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