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6.7K Messages

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017 2:39 PM


Death In The Family - How To Cancel An Account

A loss in the family is something we know can be a difficult time in your life. It can be even more stressful when we are attempting to close out or cancel their account. We would like to help make this a bit easier to for you.

Contacting Us
If you know the PIN, you can either Chat With Us or Call 611 from an AT&T wireless phone, to cancel your family members account. 

Come See Us

You can come see us at an AT&T owned retail store. You will need to bring:

  • Your photo ID  (Government Issued)
  • Death certificate
  • Obituary with decedents name
  • Accident report

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Note: Authorized Retailers are unable to cancel accounts.  

What You Need To Know 

  • The balance on the account is the responsibility of the estate.
  • Early termination and/or Transfer of Billing Responsibility fees won't be charged on the user's line of service.
  • The account can't remain active under the name and Social Security number of the deceased person, with the exception of customers living in Oklahoma. A Transfer of Billing Responsibility is required to keep the wireless number with AT&T service.
  • Installment plans may be adjusted for all lines of service if the account holder is deceased.
  • Installment plans may be adjusted for an individual wireless line if the deceased was a wireless user on the account.


ChrisZ, AT&T Community Specialist 


*I am an AT&T employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent AT&T's position, strategies or opinions.

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6.7K Messages

7 years ago

If you need to cancel a family members account who has passed, you will find information above on how to get this done. 







1 Message

7 years ago

Mom died and ATT landline was in her name. I now live at residence and want to remove her name from account and add my name a primary to the account.  How do I do that?  Is there a form that I can complete and mail in with death certificate?  The ATT website does not list any information on how to do this.


Thank you



1 Message

6 years ago

 My mother passed away December 26, 2017. I need to cancel her account out. I just received your bill in the mail. Thank you Karen Stott   Power of Attourney

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

6 years ago

FYI:  Powers of attorney do not survive death. After death, the executor of the estate handles all financial and legal matters, according to the provisions of the will. An individual can designate power of attorney to his attorney, family member or friend and also name that same person as executor of the estate.


By the laws of all states, a power of attorney expires on the death of the principal. More specifically, when an agent learns of the death of a power-of-attorney grantor, he may no longer act as an agent in the principal's place.




1 Message

6 years ago

My mother and father have both died and I would like to cancel their account. I don't want to change the name on the account, just shut down the account.





1 Message

5 years ago

My father died unexpectedly. I have been trying to close his account for weeks and no one at AT&T is able to do so even when I offer to fax in the death certificate or send a secure email. They keep insisting I have to go to a store where I am nowhere near a store, don't have a car, and can't move. First, I had to endure the robots, then every AT&T person I spoke to on the phone or in a chat room kept giving me different instructions and passing me on to a different department. Each time I was passed on to a different department and I asked them to read the notes, they would not. I had to start all over again from the beginning. The last guy I spoke to, barely intelligible like most of the others, actually asked me to speak to my dead father not once but three times, until I had to say, "My father is DEAD. Passed on. You cannot speak to him."  He then went on over the rules of how he had to speak to the account holder unless I had a pin. Is this crazy? So if I cannot get a pin from a dead person the account will continue on indefinitely? I asked to speak to a supervisor who was super-inflexible and kept reading from a script, and REFUSED to give me a solution except "go to the store" no matter how many times I explained to her that I could not. I asked her if I could send her or somebody else a secure email. Firm NO. She simply REFUSED TO HELP THE DAUGHTER OF A RECENTLY DECEASED PERSON - WHO IS AT&T GIVING THIS JOBS TO? Katherine XPO40F should not be allowed to have a job dealing with any human. She is probably not a human but a limited-response robot. This company STINKS to the point of absurdity.

New Member


25.7K Messages

5 years ago

This is a wired landline phone your stores cannot do anything unless it's a cell phone account. You don't care about landlines anymore you're just trying to force people to your wireless service. I just want to change a landline service and number to my name. Even your telephone service people say there's no way to do this unless I convert the service to digital. What a scam.



1 Message

5 years ago

Let me tell you about my ordeal.  After my father passed I went to ATT and printed out what was required to cancel my late fathers account.  Upon arriving at the ATT store I asked for the manager.  She was in a meeting, so I dealt with the assistant manager and I presented all my required information, plus some.  I also showed her the printout from ATT website about what was required.  She made the phone call to the 'standard' number and got a representative online.  She identified herself and said that I was there to close my fathers accounts and that she had a copy of the death certificate in front of her.  She had already checked my drivers license to confirm my ID and I had a copy of the account numbers involved.  Person on other end of the phone asked for my dads PIN number.  She told him that he was deceased!  Person then asked for my fathers drivers license.  She told him that the record had already been removed from GA drivers license records to prevent fraud.  Person than asked if I would like to have the account transferred to my name!  Then!  Then, I had to email a cell phone picture of my dads death certificate to some weird ATT email address, where I FINALLY got confirmation email that the account had been closed.  ATT is not a business.  ATT is a retention machine!



1 Message

5 years ago

I had a similar problem trying to contact DirecTV through AT&T to follow up on the equipment return for my deceased father’s account. They kept asking for his passcode. Then his favorite restaurant. I kept telling them that I do not know either and she said she was going to call the number on file and I should answer. I had to pull out his cell phone, quickly plug it in and then the agent asked to speak with my father when I answered. I said “NO, YOU CANNOT. I WISH YOU COULD, BUT HE IS DEAD!!!” What a miserable excuse for a company to not have a process in place to help those handling the affairs of the deceased. They sent the return label for his DirecTV accout but they claim they do not have the tracking number for the label THEY paid for. Now they claim it was not delivered and are trying to charge his account. USPS passed it off to FedEx over a month ago but they do not have the new tracking number. Really?!? So frustrating! And I had to hold for almost one hour to speak with a human at USPS. 



1 Message

5 years ago

I feel your pain, and recently endured a very similar torture on the phone with them. Problem still not fixed, and too tired to call them again just yet after being hung up on twice.

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