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18 Messages

Sunday, September 27th, 2015 2:13 PM


Attuverse: I have posted, and you are all very aware of what your multi-billion dollar corporation has done to us and our property. I have posted photographic evidence of what you have done, and it has done NOTHING. You have done NOTHING. I am demanding that someone from your corporate office contact me regarding this issue to get the damage claim paid, otherwise it is going to turn into a [Per Guidelines:  Keep it Relevant and Appropriate]. against you since you failed to remove a very broken and dangerous pole for FOUR YEARS, causing us to not be able to use our own driveway. You killed 3 of our trees 2 of them having to be cut down at our expense. I am only claiming the one remaining, that you threw a dead/non-viable line through instead of attaching it correctly as it had once been. I have been denied all of my customer call logs. I have written statements from YOUR technicians against you, as they are very upset at how we have been treated over this. I will continue to release more photos, more phone numbers, more names, more cell phone numbers, more everything unless you bring this to a resolution quickly. Enough is ENOUGH. Even your own customer service rep. supervisors have privately sent me [Per Guidelines:  Keep it Relevant and Appropriate]. as they are so very upset at how we have been treated. It took two long years of my calling your offices and using over a thousand extra minutes of having to repeat myself over and over to every different person I would get on the phone, to get the Gurnee, IL construction manager to get himself out of his office and show up over here, Jerry [edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.], and the ATT photographer who took several dozen photos of our property damage, of the broken, dangerous pole, and I walked up the street with him as he photographed the entire damage that was left for us to deal with. Mysteriously, that person and those photos just vanished into thin air. What happened?! Guilt? The construction manager had a main connection for the entire neighborhood "fixed" by using sticks and twigs from the side of the road, wrapping them with a 5 cent plastic wire tie, then in the attempt to cover this "work" of sticks, they wrapped a black plastic trash bag around it and left it for 3 years. Over the course of time, the elements of weather got to their genius plastic trash bag and it deteriorated, exposing the sticks for all to see. Additionally, every time the wind blew, it rained, snowed, etc. the service would go out, sometimes up to 10 to 12 times per DAY. This happened on a regular basis.  The dangerously broken pole they left leaning lower and lower as the years went on made us unable to use our own driveway. We did not even use the front part of the home, unable to sit in part of the frontroom due to the fear of this pole coming down and killing us and our pets. In fact, just this year, when Jerry ***** assistant, Andy ***** came out and agreed that this was a very bad situation, he then jokes "well if the pole came down, and if your vehicle were there, you could have gotten a new vehicle"! Sure, by OUR insurance company paying for it, not you at ATT!  I have been fighting with your so called claims company, ***** out of Texas and that is like dealing with rude babies. They have repeatedly denied our claim, first giving the reason "no evidence" despite my providing photos of very clear evidence. Then Felicia ***** of the Atlanta ATT presidents office (who ***** insulted very nastily) send them the photographic evidence again, not once, but twice. She assured me she saw the damage, and is very upset at how we have been treated. Yet we still are denied. I did not think I should have had to release personal information of how I had to park in the back alley and walk to my home since we could not use our driveway right next to our home for two years, thinking your corporation would do right by your long time customers. How wrong I was! Due to having to park in that alley and having to walk on the hard frozen snow from the artic/polar blast we have encountered in my area of the nation for the past two winters, I ended up falling on that snow and bloodying both my knees very bad. Had I been able to park in my own driveway, this would NOT have happened. It is very embarrassing to say you fell and I did not think I would have to release this information as this claim should have been paid upon the evidence shown and proved. I will continue to release more photos, names, phone numbers, private cell phone numbers, everything to the public on your public facebook page. I also have been sent privately by two of your customer service managers the best way to file charges against you. I think it is best at this time to settle this claim with us, otherwise you will end up paying out up to four times the amount if it goes to legal matters. It should not have to; again, I have provided the very clear evidence to ATT, Felicia *****, who in turn has provided that to your buffoons at *****. Yet they are now ignoring my requests for the legal reason for their denial. I have not gotten one in almost half a year now. I have the right to obtain this. ***** also requested that I obtain a professional damage report and send to them. I did this, paid out of MY pocket for this, and now they are ignoring my repeated requests to refund this money for this damage assessment that THEY requested. In my years of business, I have found that when these actions happen, they are guilty. They do not want to admit it. The technicians also state the same. In fact, the technicians have informed us that they are denied on a regular basis the proper equipment to do their jobs, as the managers of ATT construction dept. end up getting a nice fat bonus on their checks for using less equipment to "save costs". How nice! Thus, the use of sticks and twigs for the connection of the main line in the neighborhood, of which I have taken photographs of and will continue to post. If not for the fact that a very nice technician that I came to know over the years due to the inability of this construction dept of Gurnee IL to act, one Ken ***** being so furious at how we were treated, the dangerous pole and the stick/twig connection would not have been removed in early SPRING 2015! He called me personally and was so angry to see they had done nothing in all those years; he specifically remembered the start of this incident in the summer of 2011. He could not believe in FOUR years, the manager, Jerry ***** and his minions could not get this taken care of. He saw how dangerous the leaning pole was, headed right for our house, and how it had killed 3 trees, two hardwoods that my husband and I had to pay out of pocket to take down so they would not fall and hurt someone and we end up getting sued, but also a very expensive Colorado Blue spruce tree that had been there for decades and had NEVER been cut by ATTuverse because it was never in the way of their dead wire prior to them throwing the wire in the tree in 2011. It killed several families of finches that had been there for years, I found some of their babies dead in a nest that the wire had knocked out of the boughs of the tree. Since I am being ignored by ATTuverse and the very incompetent ***** "team" as they are called, in this very long period of time, I have had this case looked at by a ***** who deals with FCC issues and issues like this one. This ***** has stated that my photographs and the records that ATTuverse has that I am being denied for some reason DO NOT LIE. You will end up losing more than we have originally asked for.


At this time, I am requesting that someone, that can DO something at ATTuverse, contact me regarding this situation to avoid *****. I have proven my case already.


You have my information from my sign in on this forum, if not send me a private message and I will provide it.   Photo captured from Google Map, August 2012, one full year after the damage happened. Imagine how much worse it became after three more years. This is the driveway we could NOT use for the following two years as the very obvious leaning pole came down further and obviously the wire they threw in the tree (damage seen on this photo) came so far down it was impossible to access the driveway. This caused me to have to park my SUV pictured, in the back alleyway and utimatelly caused me to fall on the rock hard snow during the polar blast we experience during the last two winters. I did not think I would have to even include this, however since we are being ignored, a known condition to ATTuverse not corrected for four years that endangered life, damaged propery, and ended up causing us to spend more money out of pocket at the request of your 'insurance claims dept' *****, who will not reimburse us even that money, not to mention they are completely ignoring us and refusing to provide a full legal reason for denial of our claim. That is because they do NOT have one.


TA/TDA  9-27-15

att stick connections006.jpg

1 Attachment



18 Messages

9 years ago

Here is your Gurnee IL construction dept. manager's idea of "fixing" a main connection line in a neighborhood; using sticks from the side of the road and wrapping with a 5 cent plastic tie. Then in the attempt to hide the stick connection they wrapped a cheap plastic trash bag around it then left it for THREE YEARS! The elements of weather deteriorated the bag, leaving the stick connection to be open to the elements, and to the public to see and photograph, which I did. Every single time the wind blew, the rain and snow came down, or even just on a regular nice day, your stick connection failed miserably and we would lose service up to 10-12 times per day. Enjoy! Great work ATTUverse, Gurnee garage supervisor Jerry [edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.]!! GREAT JOB! But most of all, don't forget: photographs do NOT lie. You cannot refute any of what I have stated that has been done to us and our property, and are in fact, denying me the right to copies of my call logs over the past four years in my non-stop attempts to get this resolved. Instead we were ignored. att stick connections006.jpg

1 Attachment

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

9 years ago

After 4 years, I think you know what the next logical step is and it does not involve posting on a peer-to-peer messageboard.  Smiley Frustrated



18 Messages

9 years ago

Hey Skeeter! How you doing? I emailed with you earlier in the year about this, you were very kind and helpful. Can you believe (well, I'm sure you can) they are still doing this to me? I am giving them to the end of this very month, 3 more days to respond to me, I have also posted all of this on their Facebook page and am continuing to release names, their cell phone numbers, private phone numbers i have for their "president's office" in Atlanta, fax numbers, and more photos since i have many.


I could not find the appropriate forum to post this in, however I was told by multiple technicians that they do read these. I was notified to give them as much notice and to post these photos in as many places as possible.


If they would have just paid the dam claim for the ONE tree they ruined, I would not have had to bring up the incident that caused me to fall on the rock hard snow (since i could not use my own driveway--thanks to their broken and dangerous leaning pole) as I did not want them having to dig into my personal medical records, etc. as they will do to try to get away with it. This Sedgwick company in Texas they use for their claims is a pure joke.  They are rude, argue with you, and refuse to give any written requested information, which they cannot do.


Nice way they used some free sticks from the side of the road to connect the main wire for the neighborhood, isn't it? You should have heard the asst. construction manager try to laugh it off "oh well..ha ha ha... pretty creative, wasn't it?"   I can't repeat on here what my response was back to him. Something about putting those sticks elsewhere than the connection wire.


Hope you are doing well, and watch for the fireworks! ATTuverse's own managers are so mad about this they have sent me emails that are really not too readily seen to the public on how to file charges against them, plus I have my best friend who is a federal attorney who deals with situations just like this.


They will not be laughing then..

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