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2 Messages

Monday, April 14th, 2014 9:51 PM

Has anyone else been treated this poorly by AT&T Customer Service?

Ohhh I was furious this weekend.


I call AT&T on Tuesday 04/08 to get high speed internet. I ask for cable internet and am told that is what I am getting. Okay cool. It was to be installed on Friday 04/11 by 8pm. I get the modem...it's DSL...so Strike 1.


8 pm rolls around, no installer...so I call the customer "service" to ask if the install was done.


The garbage begins...


The rep interrupts me to tell me it's a self install and goes off on her script. I explain that I understand that and I was asking if my service was turned on by the installer who was going to show by 8pm to turn the service on outside/at the box/whatever, as I was told. 


I am told that she understood my question and goes off on her script again. I interrupt to tell her that an installer was to come to do the outside hook-up and the self install was the indoor stuff, which I was fully ready to do on my own. She repeats herself and when I repeat MY question she hangs up on me.


I call back...I start to talk about how I was hung up on, get told that it was a self install and guess what...I  get hung up on.


I call back...I ask to speak with a supervisor, placed on hold for approx 8 minutes and then hung up on.


I call back... demand to speak with a supervisor...get put on hold...for 20 minutes...then told there is no supervisor (lol) and am told I will be transferred to another department. I ask to be warm transferred since I've already been hung up on a couple times. The representative assures me she will stay on the line until I reach a live person in whatever department I am being transferred to. Suddenly I hear someone breathing on the phone...and finally I ask if anyone is there and a guy goes "Yes"...I wait...no more response. I ask if I have reached AT&T and am told yes ...and then something clicks and he does his intro.


I explain my question. He begins to tell me it is a self install...I interrupt AGAIN and explain AGAIN and he tells me the outside install is done and I can set up my modem.




It's already been an hour so I wait until Saturday morning to install the DSL modem...and it doesn't work.


I try all hook-ups in the place, no dice. I try all the little tricks in the install poster, meaning I unplug it and plug it in again, and restart my computer.


I call tech support...who tell me that it is a self install. Cat Mad


I blow up finally and get a supervisor. I explain, yet again, what I have had to deal with as a new customer.  The supervisor cooly goes 'uh huh' as I speak and doesn't really respond, nor even apologize.


He tells me they have no record that anyone came out to do the outside hook-up or that I was even on the schedule.




I demand someone come that evening. Suddenly he sees the order on Friday and says that the tech was out and turned on my service. I tell him it's not working, and that they will send someone out, that day, and get it fixed.  


I am told that a tech will be sent.


An hour later I get an automated call telling me that the tech was scheduled to come out but...and get ready for this...for the next day.


So I call back AGAIN and am told there is no way to get a tech out to us. They had an appointment set up for me the same day, but canceled it. No notes or anything about why. And my request for a tech is refused. I tell them to schedule it for Sunday evening then. We hang up, I get my automated call, whatever.


Sunday rolls around...we get the tech out...turns out nobody did the hook-up so no matter what I did it wouldn't work. The tech lied about coming that last Friday. The tech turned the service on, I got the modem thing all done, we finally have service.


..the icing on this poo cake? The signal is terrible, the google home page takes an age to load and you can't even watch a short YouTube video. My cellphone actually has a faster connection.


I am a brand new member to AT&T, not even a week old, and have already been treated like trash, been lied to, and talked to like I am stupid.


I have 24 days left of my 30 day cancelation period to decide if this is worth it. At the moment it's not and Comcast is looking better and better.


Just a rant, sorry 😞


Former Employee


4.9K Messages

10 years ago

Hello, thematgreen!


Thanks for posting. I'm so sorry to hear about your recent experience. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know by clicking here to send us a private message.


In your message, please provide your name, phone number, email address, and the best time to reach you. You can expect a reply within two business days, so keep an eye on the little blue envelope icon in the top right corner of your screen.

In the meantime, please feel free to message me with any other questions or concerns.





1 Message

10 years ago

Mariana, <br>I have been with At&t for quite some time now and on April 25th my fiance and I bought three new HTC one M8's. Mine and my brother in law's phone work beautifully. My fiance's phone has had issues. We've done factory resets, called tech support tonight June 16th and spent 2 hours on the phone trying to fix the issue with his phone. The first technician tells me she has never had this problem with this new phone, admits that she see's his issues with serious lag on all activity with the phone. As she proceeds to be completely combative and disrespectful to myself and my fiance after an hour of manufacture resets and her (Debbie) telling me that phones and computers are completely irrelevant to tech support.  She then refuses to let me speak to a manger for another 15 minutes as she 's blabbing away about absolutely nothing. Finally I get a manger named Dan, this at first I thought would be better at getting point across of I want a new phone and I will not accept a what they call certified "Like New" phone, he tell me exactly the same thing debbies did in that I can either go by another phone for full retail price or take a refurbished phone. After this incompetent manager argues with for another hour, talking over me, calling me girl and addressing me so informal. I am now beyond my breaking point of using extreme foul language at this so called manager, I ask to speak to someone else. Now I get another manager Randall, I again explain my situation and get the same 20 minute rant of how I can buy a new phone or accept a refurbished phone. I asked him to put himself in my shoes, would you accept a refurbished phone with all of the issues that we are having, be disrespect ed my three people who are there to help me, are they not? Would you accept this kind of service? Randall tells me in a loud and unpleasant manor "I am with holding my personal opinion as you wouldn't like what I have to say".......... <br>Put it this way, is this how AT&T treats their customers? I would never tell anyone I was speaking to no matter how upset and frustrated they are "that they wouldn't like what I have to say about my issue!!!!!! This is completely unacceptable behavior for your managers to be so incredibly disrespectful to the millions of customers who enable them to receive a paycheck each week, and in return we are treated like *** My fiance's phone is a month and half old, it's brand new, looking and it's defective, he needs this phone for work and simply I paid at the time over $600 dollars and I would like a new one. It's a simple as that. I am not allowing this behavior to be accepted and I want something done about this. I have already purchased the phone, contacted HTC last night spending two hours resetting the phone, and two hours today with AT&T only to be told that your managers simply don't give a crap about their customers because at the end of the day they still get paid every week. <br>I feel embarrassed for you that you have people like this talking on the phone to more of your customers treating them with the same disteoect they have bestowed upon my fiance and I. I want something done about this immediately!!!!! Or you will hear from me again and again until someone learns to treat people with RESPECT.


[word filter avoidance]

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