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2 Messages

Sunday, September 7th, 2014 2:18 PM

Long time U-verse customer (7+years) extremely disappointed wit U-verse service

We have had Att U-Verse for over 7 years. the first few years were great and then back in 2009, the problems started. 

In Sept/Oct of 2009, our phone line would die intermittently until in Dec 09, when it completely died.  ATT sent out a technician twice to correct the problem. The "problem" the first time, we were told, was the original wiring in our house. I found this to be strange considering we had COX service for 7 years prior to ATT and we never, ever had a problem with phone, internet or cable. The technician "fixed" what he could and was on his way and to this date we have three phone jacks that do not work. A few months later, same problem, another technician and this time we were told a cable that runs along the roof of the house had been "cut" (don't know how since we had never touched it, we didn’t even know it was there). He fixed it, we were charged $99 dollars and he was on his way.

Everything was fine for the next couple of years (besides the occasional freezes and modem resets).  However in the past 2 years, we have had a lot of issues. We are patient people and we understand that technology has issues but the in the past 14 months, the service has been horrible! The picture constantly freezes, our Wi-Fi is spotty and often non-existent in parts of the house (we live in a 1019 sq ft house). About a year ago, right around this time of year (I remember because it was the beginning of football season and my husband was not happy that we didn’t have service for our first game), ATT came, fixed the wiring and we were good. About six months ago, they came back again because we had more issues. They worked on our set up, switched some of the boxes to wireless, added a router and changed the boxes and charged us $99. But we were still having issues. So about 2 months ago, they sent another technician, he concluded that our modem was old and bad. He replaced it, checked all the TV's and all was good. A few days later, the problems returned, the TV'S freeze, some one of the wireless boxes started to lose the signal and one of the hard-wired boxes was also freezing. Again, we are patient and understanding and dealt with it. 

In the past couple of weeks the TV's freeze more and more often, our Wi-Fi is unreliable and our phone line started acting up. Yesterday, our DVR box started turning on and off on its own, our phone line was dead again, our Wi-Fi freezes and we have no TV service.  Today is the first weekend of NFL football and we have no TV service! Ugh!


Do you see a pattern? All of the technicians have been great, it's the service that stinks!


To top it all off, we pay $226 a month for:

Internet:  Max 18

Digital plan U300

1 home line


For the price we pay, the service has been disappointing and their marketing SUCKS! Sorry, but it does!

Why on earth do you send me offers for $79 for 24 months of service with additional premium channels when as an existing customer, I don't qualify!  You know I am an existing customer, (its been seven years) and if you don't then someone needs to fired. Dont send me offers that are 1/3 of what I pay if I am not eligible for them. That is not good CMR (customer relations management).

ATT is sending a technician today between 1-5, which is a little too late for the first football game. If he tells me its the wiring and they are going to charge me for the visit, I'm switching back to COX! They should have gotten the wiring done right the first time or even the second time. It's been seven years.


In the past 5 years alone, ATT has collected over $13,500 from us. We have been beyond patient and understanding. We deserve better service!



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25.7K Messages

10 years ago

I would recommend that you send a Private Message to the ATTU-verseCare Community Specialist team.  One of the specialists will respond to your PM shortly.  Please look for the flashing envelope at the top right of the page for your response from a team member.


Let them review your history with issues past and present and they will get you fixed up.


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