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HA1005's profile



2 Messages

Saturday, October 3rd, 2015 4:49 PM

My experience with ATT since I moved from TWC

To whom this may concern,

Wow where do I start! I've been a long time ATT customer (wireless) and mostly I'm pretty happy with the wireless service you provide. As a matter of fact, I actually recommends friends and family when they asked me what kind of wireless service they should go with I always say ATT.

Here's where I feel everything is going down hill for me as an ATT customer.

A year ago I moved to a townhouse community where ATT is the only service provider. To be honest I didn't want to switch from TWC because their price is much better than what you all are offering. Here's how it all started. I told the lady about what I was pay with TWC so to combat that she offered me more channels with no additional cost which made me decided to sign up for the U-Verse service when I originally called in just to sign up for an Internet service. Good job on her part right? Wrong! Here's why. She promised me an installation date that you all couldn't fulfilled and once the service was activated I didn't get all the channels I was promised when I first signed up by that lady. I felt like I went through a used car buying experience. Of course I couldn't get a hold of her and I'm sure she got the commission from the agreement I signed for. All and all it took about a month to get my service going. You can take a look at my account if it was notated like I asked them to.

Fast forward one year later. I decided to move to another town home about 200-300 ft from the original location. It was brand new building so I remembered what I went through the first time when I signed up so I felt like I was prepared this 2nd time around.

Two weeks before I moved I contact ATT informing them about the move and here's how the 2nd round is going. Yes it's not completed yet.

I informed them that the new building has no ATT box (terminal) outside so they need to send an engineer out so so the in house technician can do their part (I learned from my original experience). The agent said you're right we cannot see the signal so it will take 3-5 business days to get it going. I told him no problem.

About 3 days later he called back and said it's ready to go for you. I asked him was he certain because I didn't see the terminal box outside my building and he reassured me that it was. I told him I didn't have a good feeling about it at all because this happened to me before. Once more he reassured me and informed me not to worry because he can see that the ticket was closed by an engineering team. Whom am I to argue with a professional right. Well that pleasant surprise ended abruptly because the next available installation was 3 weeks from that day he informed me it was ready to go. It was quite a shock because I do a lot of work from home so Internet was quite important for me but it is what it is.

Well guess what happened the first time the technician came out 3 weeks after the call you all informed me it's ready to go. The technician informed me that she can't do anything because the terminal is not yet installed. Imagine how I felt at that moment after I took off from work so you all can complete the job. She proceeded to tell me she will contact her manager and someone from ATT will contact me back shortly. I waited at home from 9am to about 4:30 with no call back from you all. She left me her number before she left so I decided to call her back. Here's what she said "Oh no! No one contacted you back yet? Let me call my manager and I will call you back in 10 minutes". An hour went by with no call back so I decided to call her back once more. Yes her phone is now off and I couldn't get a hold of anyone else.

I decided to reach out to ATT social media department and below are our conversations. I admit at this point I was very upset.

ME 9/21/15


Please take a look at my account ***.

Since I've been with ATT it's been nothing but horrible services. Promise after promise and lies after lies.

If you take a look at my account (notes) since the beginning you can see that it's been a horrible experience from the beginning.

Once more in reliving the nightmare of ATT. A company that's too big too care about their customers because it monopolized the market and tides consumer's hand for their ability to choose their own provider. Not once I've experience these type of horrible experiences when I was with TWC and I was with them for over 4 years.

This 2nd journey started about 3 weeks ago because I moved 200 ft from where I was. ATT said sorry they cannot locate the unit which took 3 days to confirmed the service then over 2 weeks to schedule an installation.

To my surprise after I took off work because I had no choice the technician stated that there's an issue with an installation and now they have to wait for the engineer to figure it out before they can reconnect the service.

I don't know who's running your operation but he/she needs to seriously look into this. How is it fair to a consumer that we have to follow your rules but conveniently enough the rules don't apply your way.

All you care about is gaining market share and buy off other companies to take that control. Your customers do not want to be with you by choice, they're with you because they have to!!

I’m sorry to hear you had this experience Herb. We do apologize for all the inconvenience this must have caused you. We are taking a look into this for you. Has a Tech contacted you yet?

No not yet
I'm paying for the service I don't have. The cellular side credited me $50 but at this point my cell data is going through the roof. Why do you all departmentalized so much? The left hand has no clue what the right hand is doing and the left leg has no clue the right leg exist. Does anyone has an ability to take a look at me as one customer (one entity) and not as what kind of service I have? All I get are meaningless apologies because one department cannot do what the other department promised etc.

Let us reach out to the field manager to assist with this matter. Please allow us some time to get in touch with them so we can have the matter looked into. ~Tony AT&T Social Media Manager

Thank you

ME 9/22/15
When can I expect an answer? I work everyday until next Monday. Will your team accommodate me and work around my schedule like I accommodated your team yesterday?

We have reached out to the field manager and waiting response, I am sure they are waiting on the engineers. We do not have an ETA as of yet. Thanks, -Tim

It's now 3:15 pm still haven't heard back from anyone.

Here's a solution. Allow TWC to provide service in my area. You'll see how fast you'll lose your customers that aren't in the contracts that we had no choice but to accept in the first place.

Is your engineering team that hard to get a hold of? This make no sense. Everyone are pointing at a department that no one can get a hold of. Are they that high up on a pedestal and if they are don't y'all see that's your opportunity?

I apologize for the inconvenience and frustration that this has caused. We will update you when we receive an update. -Tim

ME 9/23/15
I hope I get an answer soon. Something is obviously wrong. Takes over 24 hours to get a hold of your engineering department (department that can't be reached). For a sake of good business I hope you all address this for future customers

The work is still being performed. Once it has been completed either myself or a peer from our reschedule group will contact you. As of now, we do not have a time it will be completed. Items of this nature, depending on the equipment that needs to be placed, can take some time.

What does this mean then?
(I can't attach the screen shot but it's a screen shot of a Text you all sent me that issue is now resolved)

And still no one contacted me with a phone call

I replied to the Text message but your team cannot accommodate me with my schedule. I'm free tomorrow until 2 pm. Can you please make that happen. I accommodated ATT for the passed 3 weeks, I feel you should be able to accommodate my request especially I took this passed Monday off to be there for the installation.

ME 9/24/15
You all want to hear something funny? Your technician came back to do supposedly to complete the job y'all couldn't complete Monday because someone once again acknowledge that my resident is ready to go as you can see from the text I received. This gentleman has no clue what's going on and how to get my service going because once again your ENGINEERING Department did not complete their job.

Do you see how ridiculous your operation is yet?

Once again I rearranged my schedule to accommodate you all and yet I'm the one getting screwed

Maybe you can reach out to this guy
(Picture of your CEO)

The only method of communication I received is the text you all are telling me I'm going over my 10gb cell plan 1gb at a time as a reminder that my bill will keep rising the longer you all delaying the installation.

Guess how many of this I received
(Picture of a text from ATT reminding me that I went over my data plan)

My apologies for the continued issues. Our lineman is out now working on this signal issue.

Guess what he said. He said the engineering team needs to come out. Why can't you all reach out to your precious engineering team?!?!?!?

Even your own people are shaking their heads

Hi Herb. I got in touch with the Tech and the facilities team and they are building a engineering ticket to pull the cable up from below the gravel and install the sidewall terminal. The SRN ticket# is ***

We will be able to check back on the progress every 2-3 days to ensure they get that done ASAP. -TravisW

Are you all going to be able to take care of all the overages I received on my cell phone bill?

We are happy to assess a credit for you on the U-verse account. I cannot speak for the cell phone piece. -TravisW

ME 9/25/15
Bottom line, I see you all as one entity. Why do you bounce me around like ping pong? All I get is "I'm U-verse I can't help you with your cellular service". How is this fair to consumers? If that's the case then you all should change your name completely for each service you offer. We see you as one company and not 2-3 like you're treating us. My cellular service is through the roof because of your u-verse service so why do I get penalize for the incompetency of your organization?

Hi, Herb. Upon review of your account, I can see that you've already received a significant credit due to data usage on your phone. Due to AT&T policy, we're unable to offer you further credits to your mobile account. I know that's frustrating to hear, and I do apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for being a part of AT&T, and have a great rest of your day. ~Joe G, AT&T social media manager

What's significant? Are you talking about $50 credit? Or you can see what I will receive once ATT rectify my situation?

So far all I got is $50 so I'm not sure what you're talking about. The uverse and Internet that hasn't been working for almost a month because your team did not fulfill the agreement you all agreed to deliver. Why am I being held accountable when it's your team that didn't deliver on the agreement I agreed to? If all the work orders was properly executed I wouldn't have to use my cell data when I'm working from home.

Hey Herb. Once this is resolved, I can assess a credit on the U-verse account for you. -Travis

ME 9/26/15
Someone just call and informed me Victoriaof engineering is overseeing my case which has an est completion date of 10/6/15. Are you serious?!?!?!?!?!?

Those dates are conservative and subject to change every couple of days as progress is made. -Travis

ME 9/29/15
Once again I took off work to be here because Victoria called and told me it will be completed. Guess what?!?!?!
(Picture of the contractor digging the ground to install the terminal box)

And the technician that just came out said there's more to it than just putting in this box
(Picture of the terminal box)

Have you had enough of how bad this is for me yet?

Another day I took off work to be here to be told "no I'm sorry there's nothing we can do at this moment.

Now what? The technician said they still have to connect the line to a terminal (across the street) otherwise this box has no signal. Who else you have to call or get involve before you dispatch a technician for the 4th?

I'm gonna start collecting these so you can see the process your customers go through
(Picture of the service promise forms each tech left me)

ME 9/30/15
When should I expect someone from att to contact me?

Proof that I had to be home again yesterday
(Screenshot of the scheduled appointment time)

I am not sure why you were contacted to reschedule. I still show the engineering ticket active. An install will not be possible until the Engineering ticket is completed. -Travis

Who knows? If you don't know imagine how I feel. Victoria is from the engineering department.

How much longer do I have to wait?

As of today, it still shows the 6th. I will follow up with my Facilities contact tomorrow when I arrive to see if we can get an update. -Travis

Y'all want me to cancel my service?
(Screen shot of an email from ATT requesting me to send the equipments back)

We contacted our engineering group just now and the issue was cleared yesterday. The soonest we have to install is Monday. You can check here for a sooner appointment or change it to a day that works better for you: www.att.com/esupport/article.jsp?sid=KB408690&cv=813. Sorry for the delay to get this fixed.

Victoria call me Wednesday and told me she will call me back yesterday to have this work order completed this weekend so I don't have to take off work for the 4th. I'm still waiting for that call back

Look at the call log

Why do y'all keep lying to me?!?!?!?

***, Would Monday work for you to complete the install? I can change it to that date for you. -Travis

What do you mean you can change it to that date. It's already scheduled for that date Travis.
(Screen shot of the scheduled appointment this Monday)

Here's who I'll contact going forward. Would you like me to copy on it as well? Please provide me your direct contact if you want to me on the thread


This is my last attempt to reach out to you all to try to have this issue rectify.

Herb A


[Edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.]

Community Support


6.7K Messages

9 years ago


Hello HA1005,


We're sorry about the delay you are experiencing with your installation. We understand it has been delayed due to some pending work by our engineering office and there has been some confusion around the completion of this work. Please send us your account number with a can be reached number at ATTU-verseCare to investigate your situation and be able to assist further.


Thank you,



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