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157 Messages

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 4:18 PM

Promotions Unavailable Now

I'm currently subscribed to the U300 All Included tier, I had been receiving a $60.00/month off via a promotion that expired on 06/03/24. I've had at least two live chat sessions trying to obtain a new promotion so I could afford to keep my current level of service. So far the chat agents I've spoken with are reluctant to offer me a promotion and I do realize that they are system generated. If I'm unable to obtain a promotion my only alternative is to downgrade to the U200 All Included tier, I'm wondering just how many channels I'll be losing by doing so. I receive HBO for free due to the fact that I subscribe to the fiber1000 tier of internet.

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

28 days ago

Uverse is a dying product.  Discounts a few & far between.  There is no incentive to offer discounts as they would love to get out of the TV business.

I’ve had UverseTV since 2007.  I’ve got internet & phone.  I was referred to someone in “Loyalty Dept and they could only offer half the discount I have had for years.

Here’s a comparison of the different packages: https://www.att.com/support/article/u-verse-tv/KM1045171/



157 Messages

28 days ago

Thanks for your response my wife and I have really enjoyed Uverse. It's looking more and more like I'll need to change my tier to the U200 one to save some money.

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

28 days ago

The biggest difference is the movie package channels... if drop to U200 will be standard definition,  will need to add HD channels back on ($10?).

Have not kept up with annual price increases but from memory the difference in price was about $30 between U200 / U300 or about $1 per day.

ACE - Professor


7.8K Messages

28 days ago

Ask to speak to the cancelations department. They can do more than the regular people. They helped me with a promotion earlier this year.

They'd be (Edited per community guidelines) to pass up 100% of your TV money when they can pass up 5% of that money instead.

Because your Max service is tied to your internet service, you can have any TV service you wish *and* keep your Max access. The only thing I'd be hesitant to do is subscribe to a level of service with DirecTV, DirecTV Stream or U-Verse that includes HBO's TV channels...I wouldn't want to confuse their systems. I'm not saying it *will* happen, but it seems like it *could* happen.

You would lose Paramount+ access and your Showtime channels if you downgrade, but there's frequent promotions around (try the "Slickdeals" app) where if you want Paramount+, you can get it. I recently saw one year for $30 (no commercials and Showtime) and an immediate cancelation resulted in two bonus months.

I have an earlier version of that promotion. I don't get Showtime TV channels, but I get that content via the app...similar to you and HBO content.


ACE - Expert


36K Messages

27 days ago

... if drop to U200 will be standard definition,  will need to add HD channels back on ($10?).

This will not be true since you have U-300 All included now.  Since you have all-included, you'll move to U200 All included and will still have HD.  If you were an older subscriber (and didn't get the all-included version) and were getting HD as part of U-450, then what he said is true.

New Member


17 Messages

23 days ago

I agree with @baseballisback

Keep calling until you get the right representative (hint, it will be an American...just hang up if the person answering has an Indian accent, and redial).  My promotional discounts ended a few weeks ago, and I got them renewed for another year quite easily, and have been getting them quite easily for several years now.  But the key is to get the right representative on the phone, and it will be an American.

ACE - Professor


7.8K Messages

23 days ago

So what about a person who lives in the USA but has an accent?

There isn't an eye roll big enough here.

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

23 days ago


Hint, many people in America have accents even if they were born here. Large country with regional accents, some who are only 1st/2nd generation or live in a family that keeps their accent strong over the years (no requirement it ever change).

Do not encourage discrimination just because how you think someone sounds.

And don't forget, they don't owe you a discount at all. They can keep saying no. TV is entertainment. If you cannot afford it then it is your financial responsibility to reduce your service or cancel it to stay within budget.

New Member


17 Messages

22 days ago

Sorry if I offended anyone.  What I meant to express is that an American based representative will give you the discounts.  The representatives based in India will not, or perhaps are not allowed, to give any discounts.

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

22 days ago

Considering DirecTv has owned Uverse IPTV since summer of 2021, why are you calling ATT, should be calling DirecTv if wanting a discount.

I would be upset if someone was giving away my business and profitability.

While ATT now owns 70% of the new DirecTv, DirecTv has its own officers, board of directors, stock holders, etc… they are responsible for answering to, not ATT.

With potential of Dish and DirecTv future merger, DirecTv Stream and Dish Sling, would put an end to Uverse IPTV in my opinion. Giving a discount on a discontinued product is normally called a clearance sell for retailers. Once product is gone, no more discount.


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