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2 Messages

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016 4:16 PM

Request remove and refund Static IP8

I was senting a below email to consumer.appeals@att.com as instructed by an AT&T representative and got a message that 'Delivery has failed.'  So I called a billing department yesterday (Monday 8/22/16) and I was on the phone for more than 2 hours!  


I was asking for a credit and a future remove on the extra charged of Static IP8 addition $15 per month. As usual, nothing she could do. I insisted to know why AT&T charging extra without letting me know before I signed the contract.  I told AT&T sale rep. upfront that this U-Verse is for a backup if Charter internet go down.   I explained to her that I need to have this static IP8 in order for this fall back to work.  She gone for some time and come back, said that she had remove the charge. I asked what happened, she said that she had a technician switch a static IP to dynamic IP!  I said, I did not ask you nor authorize you to do that!  This is causing a problem in my network and the fall back would not work, please put it back.  She said no problem, but I have to wait for AT&T guy come to my house and reinstall another machine that would be in the next three days!  Hopefully, I can get the same previous static IP ; otherwise, I will need to contact several technician to reconfigure my home network.  After on the phone more than two hours, I still not get any answer and l get more issue!


I request to please give me a credit and do not charge me extra for static IP8 from now on.


I hope you can help me out, please advise.







Below is an email I sent to Conumer.appeals@att.com and got rejected





Dear AT&T Consumer Appeals Team,


I signed up a new account with AT&T at the Summit location in Birmingham (buddle) about two months ago.  Previously I had Charter that providing, home phone, internet, and TV. I was experiencing an internet outage by Charter for 18 hours!  I am working at home and I need internet up and running at all time, so look for a backup.  I still have Charter internet.


Before I signed up with AT&T, I was telling a representative at AT&T why I want to have a second internet line.  She said it would work, but she did not mention that I have to pay an extra for static IP 8.

I have a firewall call SonicWALL TZ 100, that both AT&T and Charter has to run through.  It turn out that AT&T IP static is the same as Charter, so my husband called in to has it change to a different IP address; otherwise, when Charter go down, AT&T will go down, too, because both has the same IP address.    I already pay for the internet service, why do I have to pay extra service charge for static IP 8.  If I had known these information upfront, I would make a different decision all together. 


I request to please remove static IP8 extra charge that already occurred and in the future from account number ***(statement attached).


Please call me directly at *** if need.


Thank you.



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Community Support


232.9K Messages

8 years ago

Hi @BenLee,


Sorry to read of your experience. We can place the static IPs back on your account but there is a charge for it. We have sent you a message, Click here to reply back.





2 Messages

8 years ago

So useless and wasting my time. Hope your guy can sleep well at nights. 

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