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sdohrn's profile



6 Messages

Tuesday, November 8th, 2016 5:35 PM

Resolving Bill Issue - I am angry!!

AT&T charged me for NBA league Pass 199.99.  I did not order it.  I have asked to have it removed from my bill more that a week ago.  It is still on my bill.  Nobody on there chat line or customer service line has been helpful in getting it removed. It is still on my online bill!


Customer service has stated that the charge was canceled, but it still on my bill! I would think that once it is canceled, it would not show up on your bill.



Community Support


232.9K Messages

8 years ago

Hi @sdohrn,


Sorry to read of the trouble you are having with the bill. We can help and just sent you a private message via the community forums. Click here to reply back and let us know via this thread one you have replied to the PM.





6 Messages

8 years ago

This is not solved until 199.99 comes off my bill!  I did not order NBA League Pass, and I want it off my bill!


This solution is only hot air!



6 Messages

8 years ago

This is not solved until 199.99 comes off my bill!  I did not order NBA League Pass, and I want it off my bill!


AT&T Support talks a good game, but there is no concrete solution yet! 

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

8 years ago

@sdohrn wrote:

AT&T charged me for NBA league Pass 199.99.  I did not order it.  I have asked to have it removed from my bill more that a week ago.  It is still on my bill.  Nobody on there chat line or customer service line has been helpful in getting it removed. It is still on my online bill!


Customer service has stated that the charge was canceled, but it still on my bill! I would think that once it is canceled, it would not show up on your bill.



Typically changes made after the bill is 'printed' will be credited back on the next bill; think of the bill more as a photograph of a point in time. 


First things first, though: Has the League Pass been turned off? If not, then that is your bigger issues right now. 


@Either way, click on the link in @ATTCares post to get additional assistance.



6 Messages

8 years ago

I will turn it off. Just make sure it is off my bill please.



6 Messages

8 years ago

It was not selected. Not sure why I would be charged in the first place!

Now I cannot get anybody to get it canceled. This is 199.99, not chump



6 Messages

8 years ago


Community Support


6.7K Messages

8 years ago

Hey @sdohrn,

We have sent you a private message and look forward to working with you to get this sorted.




25 Messages

8 years ago

Just as a note the U.S. Genral Service Administration prints a yearly publication called The Consume Action Handbook.  In addition to a sectionto dedicated to AT&T alone it also covers most of the corporate instituions people must utilize in everyday life. It spells out corpororate  responsisbiltyto the customer, what regulations and regulatory athoruity(s) that my over regulate an industy.   Consumer action groups that can help and of course your states consumer protection division of your states' ageneny that would regulate the industy.


Start by making an informal written complaint sent certified mail descibing your situation concisely and without any sarcasm or insults.  Customer servies phone staff is there to empathise with you struggles and problems, until people calm down and no longer want to waste anymore time in a futile effort.  The automated system will also leade you in circles if you been determined to be a nuissance. 


In your wirtten request or when filing a formal compaint with your states regulartory agencvy.  Request a person be put in contact that will work with you and continue to follow up until you agree thre situation is solved to your satisfaction.  Be very patient with this lot as they're specilly trained to effictively handle you issues but if not inclied to do so for whatevger reason are trained it methods to confuse your situation, Insiit they don't understan what your issue is and persistant in such a way that elicits and emotinal outburst and insults at which time they have the right to refuse to help you any futher.


Take notes, names, dates, times, reference numbers.  demand you accouts and billing remain unchanged or being bundled until after you issure is resolved to your satisfaction.  This also happens we seeking help often witout consultain or falsely stating this is what must be donw to solve you issue.  This puts you on new terms, often to elimating obligations on their part and imposting restrictions that prevent any future similar issues, distance themself from government oversight and regulation and the everpresent obsfucation in their billing practices.  In fact the FCC and FTC both recomend genrally its best to not combinre bills or bundle services is this is a well established method of obscuting things such as your still charged extra for subcribing to touch tone service or you been charged a fee for not subscribing. 


This is why every bill and a news section informing you of upcoming simplification of you bill to make it easier to understand.  Let the FCC know, they genrally intersted and eager to help becaue witout consumer input all they can do noting but issue fines that are worth the expnce for the return for not folling regulations.  Check FCC website you may have effected by whatever misbilling, fraud or other oversight they're being investigated for at any given time.   You could be intitled to compensation.


If all else fails your only course of action is mediatoin by an arbritar that att selects and pays for, althougt they're indepent.  Normal litgation and suits are impossible as you waved that right when you chose to open an account a become a custromer.


USA.gov/Consumer is where you can get the handbook other publication of use are provided by the FTC and FCC.  And you can usually find these and many other useful publicatons from the multitufde of governent agencies though the Government Publicatoin Office a catalog@gpo.gov  Documents can be downloaed in various forms and often in print copies are availabe for for free thought the mail.


Also keep in mind ATT's primary business isn't providing commicuation services that that's secondary to the primary businees of bulk data collection.  Their is much more money to be made selling informatin they learn about people and selling it or prividing it to whomever wants it and for wjatever price they like.



3 Messages

8 years ago

OMG I am doing this today. I am so frustrated with AT&T. I'm so tired of being lied too.  I call about excessive bill I received. 3 months ago. I was told that it would be adjusted and that my by bill will be $45. The next bill is doubled. I done Chat customer service every month. Each time someone tells me they are going to fix it, nothing happens and they keep adding late charges on top of that. I'm Libid actually.

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