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11 Messages

Wednesday, November 4th, 2015 3:38 PM

The most bewildering and negative customer service experience I have ever had. {long story}

Okay, I'll try to keep this short, but I want to tell the full story with all of the details to make this this clear, and I am expecting that someone from AT&T (preferably a department head / senior manager) will be informed of this message.


We've been customers with AT&T for a long time. Multiple cell phones, multiple internet accounts, etc. Our experiences with AT&T customer service have ranged from amazingly excellent to above average every single time we have had a need to contact AT&T.


This week, that changed. Our home internet account was about a week overdue, and I noticed I had missed a call from AT&T billing while I was working. The moment I realized this, I jumped onto live support via the web and was connected with a AT&T agent. I clearly expressed to the agent that our account was overdue, and requested payment arrangements be made for Friday, Nov 6th 2015. This conversation took place on Sunday, Nov 1st 2015.


The agent took a few moments to review our account, and after a brief delay - informed us that he would be more then happy to help us. The agent then informed us that payment arrangements were made for Friday, November 6th, 2015 and that our service would not be disconnected. Before ending the conversation, I mentioned to the agent how both of us work from home, and how our internet connection is our lifeblood - and I was assured that there would be no interruption in our services. The agent was polite, helpful, and I left the conversation very happy with the experience.


To my shock, on the morning of Wed, November 4th, 2015 at 6:30am, my network connection ceased to function - in the middle of my scheduled shift. I do VOIP based tech support (high tier) for a large company, and this outage disconnected me while on the phone resolving a issue with a valued client. I assumed this was simply a "hiccup" in network service (which is totally understandable, and nothing I would ever make a big deal about. No ISP can offer 100% uptime, and occasional outages happen) so I grabbed a fresh cup of coffee and thought nothing of it.


After making a cup of coffee (about 3 mins of time), I hit the "refresh" button on one of my browser tabs, and received a redirect from the requested site to att.com informing me that my service had been suspended and to contact AT&T as soon as possible.


This was very frustrating, of course, but I did not think much of it - after all, it was obvious a mistake had been made and a conversation with support would clearly show that I had made payment arrangements and that I would have my service restored in a few moments. I then logged into live chat (Which still worked even though every other site I tried to visit was informing me that my account was suspended and to contact AT&T, I assume that during a suspension AT&T still allows the customer to access support) and explained my situation to a agent via chat.


After giving this agent all of the details of what happened, he then politely informed me that he was unable to help me himself, and that he would need to escalate this situation to a supervisor. I provided my AT&T phone number to the agent upon request, and while I was still in live chat with the agent, I was contacted by AT&T via voice. The person I spoke to was a customer service representative, and the entire story was relayed again. This agent was polite, friendly, and informed me that he needed to escalate this to a supervisor as he was unable to help me.


At this point, I had been in chat and on the phone for nearly a hour, and had missed a hour of my shift. I understand these things happen, and was never in any way rude or harsh to anyone via the phone. I work in customer service, and I have never once lost my cool on the phone with anyone in a situation like this, and today was no exception.


What came next shocked me beyond belief. I was connected with a supervisor, who provided us the single worst experience we have ever had when dealing with customer service. She greeted me, and I proceeded to take about 60 seconds to describe what the situation was. She then interrupted me rather rudely, and informed me that according to her logs, the agent I spoke to on the 1st had "informed me that no arrangement could be made, and made that clear to me."


Nothing could be further from the truth. In no way was the agent I spoke to vague about granting me a extension, and it was clearly stated twice that my service would not be interrupted, that I was granted a extension until Friday the 6th, and everything was fine. I tried to express this to the supervisor, who responded by interrupting me rudely again before I could get more then a few words out to inform me that she needed to place me on hold. When I tried to respond to her letting her know that was fine, I found I was talking to the hold music - she literally cut me off and placed me on hold mid sentence. I still kept my cool.


At this point nearly 2 hours of my work day were wasted, and my shift was due to end. I used my phone to send a apologetic e-mail to me boss letting her know what was going on, and was told that she understood, but the tone was quite disappointed and it was obvious to me that she was not happy with me. This was pretty stressful, as I started this job only three weeks ago and having issues like this so early into my employment is not a good thing.


The supervisor came back, and informed me that there was nothing that could be done and then did things took a turn for the bizarre. She stated that "any time a agent grants a payment arrangement, the agent provides the customer with a confirmation number" and asked me what my confirmation number was. This felt like nothing but a mean spirited way of saying "I know you are lying". The agent who granted my extension never offered me a confirmation number. I attempted to explain this to the agent, who cut me off again in mid sentence and placed me on hold before I had a chance to say more then two words.


At this point, I mentioned the time and date my conversation with the agent that created my extension took place, and asked her to simply look at the chat log for that event to clear up any misunderstanding. After being rudely interrupted a couple times, I managed to get this out, and then was told something I simply cannot believe: that no one who worked for AT&T was able to access those logs, and there was no way anyone would be able to read them. Sure, the logs existed, she informed me, but no one was "allowed" to access them.


I did a facepalm, and attempted to say that I had a hard time believing that and was going to ask for her to please double check on that with her boss, but was again cut off after a couple words and put on hold.


After another delay, she came back on the phone and informed me that there was nothing she could do, and that I would have to speak with a manager, but the hold time could be a while and asked me if I was sure I wanted to wait. Yeah, I wanted to wait. I've already invested a few hours into this fiasco, might as well see it through to the end, I thought. I was still calm and cool, and attempted to say "Thank you for helping me and getting me to a manager" but was cut off after getting the word "thank" out of my mouth, and again found myself talking to the hold music.


Finally, I got through to a manager. Hours now that I could have been working wasted and the knowledge that my boss was unhappy with me for being unable to finish my shift were not making me a happy camper, but as always: I described the situation calming and politely after wishing the manager a good morning. To my shock, he actually let me finish my sentences and listened to what I had to say, which was quite pleasing after my experience with the supervisor I spoke to before him. He then told me the same thing, that his notes stated that the agent I spoke to had informed me that no extension could be granted, which was not the case.


I allowed him to finish (I don't like being cut off mid sentence, and avoid doing that to anyone on the phone regardless of how frustrated I am) and stated "If you would take a moment and look over the chat log of my conversation on Sunday, November 1st @ 6:30 am with the agent, you will clearly see that is not the case."


The manager did not do this, but simply informed me that my extension would be granted as originally promised to me and that he would have my service restored as soon as possible. After hours on the phone. I was nothing but grateful with this problem finally being made right, and thanked the manager for finally making it right. I then took up a few moments of his time letting him know how rude and unprofessional the supervisor I had spoken to was, and asked for contact information (phone or e-mail) of whoever is in charge of the customer service department so I could lodge a complaint. The manager informed me that they don't give out that kind of information, and directed me to the at&t web page to discuss this situation - and here we are.


Again, I work in the support industry. I'm not one of "those" customers who demands free things or discounts when things go wrong, but to me - this was above and beyond unacceptable service. Any "supervisor" who treated a customer the way I was treated (rudely cutting a customer off many times, placing a customer on hold in mid sentence, etc) would find themselves quickly lacking employment.


At this point, my girlfriend and I are strongly convincing ending our business internet service, home internet service, and 3 cell phone contracts and moving to a different carrier. Which is not ideal, as we have been customers for many years, and have always found AT&T to treat us acceptably, as minimal. I would appreciate contact by someone "in charge" of things in the customer service department and to be assured that we will never be treated in this way again. I would like a formal apology for how we were treated, and I would like to have the log of my conversation on Sunday, November 1st read by someone "in charge" and a copy of the log sent to me, for my own documentation.  At this point, knowing that someone took the time to even look over the 6:30am November the 1st chat log and realize that I was in the right all along, and to tell me that would go a long way towards making me believe this was a isolated incident.  A apology from the supervisor was seemed to enjoy some her childish phone antics would also be nice.  I leave it to AT&T to decide what should be done.


We look forward to hearing from you promptly, AT&T, and having this situation made right.  I strongly considered posting this story via social media, but decided that it might be best to send it directly to AT&T first, and giving them a chance to make this right.


Thank you for your time,


Sean and Amanda

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

9 years ago

You need to pay your bill ON TIME, especially if you depend on those services (internet/phone) for your livelihood.  Depending on someone else to make sure that happens is a slippery slope which I'm sure you will agree with.


Had you called CS BEFORE the bill was due they could have possibly worked with you but you admitted that the bill was a week overdue.


And just so you know, if and when you get your account up to date, there will be a re-connect fee of $90.00.



11 Messages

9 years ago

I'm sorry, skeeterintexas, you seem to be confused as to the nature of my original post and you are also providing misinformation, which does not help anyone.


To begin with, I am not a small child or a teenager.  Of course I am aware that I "need to pay my bill on time" - and my payments to AT&T have been on time for over a decade, thank you very much.  My account ended up late this month due to a unforseen medical situation, and I got in touch with AT&T before my services were cancelled and was assured that everything was fine, that I was a valued customer, and that they would make any arrengement that I needed within reason.  If I was told at the time that there was no way they could make an arrangement with me, I could have paid less then then the full balance on my credit card, asked the electric company for a extension, borrowed money from a friend/family, etc.  I had no need to resort to this, as again: I was assured everything was 100% fine.


As for a "90$ fee for being reconnected" - what are you talking about?  No such fee was placed against me.  The only "fee" I was told would apply was a $5 fee for the original payment arrangement, which the orignal agent informed me would be waived due to my long standing business relationship with AT&T.


I just got off the phone with customer service after reading your post, and they have no idea what "90$ fee" you are talking about, assured me that you have no idea what you are talking about, and that no such fee would be charged to me.  I have no reason to doubt this, as AT&T has always been upfront and honest with me about their billing practices.


Thanks for trying to help, but reminding me that I need to pay my bill "ON TIME" (in caps lock, even lol) and quoting random things to me in CAPS LOCK to draw emphasis to misinformation and then talking about fees that don't even apply in this situation is not really helpful, and barely on topic.


I understand you were just trying to be helpful, and have no desire to start any kind of argument with you.  I simply wanted to relate what I found to be unacceptable customer service so that AT&T can be given the chance to make it right before I take it to social media and cancel around a half a dozen accounts.  I think you missed the point of my post: I am not complaining about any fees, my bill, how much I pay, or anything like that.  I am complaining about being treated in a insanly rude manner by a "supervisor" (who I will of course, not name here, as that would be very rude of me to do) and what a negative experience I had, and how being lied to by a company you have done business with for many years was a bit shocking to me.  


I've had plenty of interactions with AT&T customer service over the years, and as I stated in my original post - those interactions have always been amazingly good, the "worst" I have ever experienced was still aboive the "acceptable" bar.  This morning was something totally different.


Again, thank you for your reply even though I do feel you totally missed the point and probably did not really read the original post carefully.  Can't blame you, it was quite long 🙂


ACE - Expert


36K Messages

9 years ago



You have made a posting on a forum for AT&T users.  While AT&T personnel do review these forums from time to time, a post cannot be considered an official communication.


I'd suggest that you sent a Private Message to ATTCustomerCare with a link to your post, and including your name, Billing Account Number and the best way and time to reach you.  Realize that it may be 2 business days before you hear from them.  You can call or chat and get an agent faster, but you've already been there and see where you are now.


EDIT: The $90 fee skeeter mentions is the standard $30 reconnect fee, each, for three services.  This is normally applied to accounts that are reconnected after being disconnected for non-payment.




11 Messages

9 years ago

Thank you, JefferMC - I have already sent a private message to ATTcustomercare with a link to my original post and more information for them.  I was unable to find any form of mail contact for AT&T, so a forum post as well as a private message seemed the best way to get in touch with someone who could possibly make this right for me.


Thanks again for the help!  Have a good one.


EDIT: Thanks for clearing things about this "90$ fee".  I was assured that no such fee applies to me, and frankly - it's the least of my concerns.  My issue is simply being treated very poorly by a "supervisor" and dealing with someone who was about as far from "polite and professional" as one could possibly get.


ACE - Expert


28K Messages

9 years ago

I'm sorry...I must have misunderstood the statement: "...Our home internet account was about a week overdue...".


I supposed I have different understanding of the words "week" and "overdue".


My apologies.  Smiley Frustrated



11 Messages

9 years ago

All good, skeeter.  I should have worded it better.


Regardless, my issue is really only about being promised one thing from a official rep of AT&T, and then finding out that rep totally lied to me, falsified the summary of our conversation, and then the amazingly rude and childish "Superviser" and her attitude problem in dealing with the issue.  It really was the worst customer service I have ever experienced, and I have never experienced anything but above average to really excellent service when dealing with AT&T.


Thanks again.  Have a good one.

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

9 years ago

You need to be aware of those nasty (and legal) Terms of Service:


f. Late Payment & Failure to Pay. If you choose to have the charges for your Service added to your telephone bill, and, if AT&T does not receive your payment before the next billing date, you shall pay to AT&T a late payment charge and/or an interest charge allowed by applicable law, on all charges due and unpaid. Acceptance of late or partial payments (even if marked "Paid in Full") shall not waive any AT&T rights to collect the full amount due. Notice of any disputes must be in writing and received by us within 30 days after you received your bill or you will waive any objection. AT&T may suspend or terminate Service if your payment is past due. If AT&T suspends your service for non-payment, you must pay all past due amounts in order to have service restored, and you may also, at the sole discretion of AT&T, be required to pay a service restoral fee.


Let us know how things work out for you, though.  Smiley Happy



11 Messages

9 years ago

Will do.


Quite aware of the TOS.  However, when you call them and make an payment arrengement and are told that you will not, under any condition, be disconnected and then are disconnected - and then are treated very poorly by a supervisor and have to spend hours and hours to get them to honor what they promised you in the first place, it tends to be a very frustrating experience.


Not to mention the laughable sillyness of being told "Sure, we have logs of all communication with customer support reps - but no one who works here has the ability to read them at any time" one has to sit back and ponder just what the heck is going on 😛


I'll let you know how it works out.  I've made AT&T aware of this situation, linked them to my post, and hopefully at minimal I will receive a apology from the employee who treated me poorly.  Don't care about my bill, don't care about free stuff: just a simple "I was having a bad day and took it out on you, and I'm sorry" would do wonders in restoring my faith as a long term customer who dishes out a pretty decent chunk of cash to these guys every month.  I stay with AT&T as they have always treated me well, and it's not like I don't have plenty of options that are actually a bit cheaper and a bit faster, and it's not like I am under any "contract" for anything at all.


And hey, if AT&T can't take the time to make this right, then I can at least share the story, get it up on some well read blogs and social media, publish the chat logs, include the names of the persons in question, and recommend to a pretty decent network of people to take their business elsewhere.  For now, I'm going to limit this to these forums and see if AT&T actually means it when they remind me that I am a "valued long term customer".  I have a good amount of faith they will make it right, and that I was simply dealing with a untrained rep who might have wanted to make an arrangement, did not have the heart to be honest with me, and then told me everything was fine and lied on the paperwork, and that later I delt with a supervisor who was stressed out and having a awful day.


I've done phone based service before, I know how stressful it can get.  Everyone has bad days.  🙂

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