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3 Messages

Monday, August 25th, 2014 8:14 AM

Theft By Deception

We have been AT&T customers for many years (phone & internet) both residential and business. The residence was upgraded to DSL from dial-up. In hind sight the upgrade to the old AT&T DSL from dialup was a great improvement but, over the years the DSL came to be more like dialup, getting slower and slower with each passing year. Also the phone quality degraded along with the internet speed. The phone would pop and crack and there was a sound like high pressure air, this problem would come and go and about the time you thought it was the bad weather it would do it on a clear dry day. Much time was wasted trying to get it fixed mostly falling on def ears. And it would go from bad to worse from annoying to it was so loud you had to hang up because the call was unintelligable.

After going through the process of trying to talk to a human about the problem and waiting and waiting on the phone and finally talking to a man who sounded like he was in India and trying to understand his accent, he had the repair crews in the neighborhood doing the repairs within a week. A repairman out on the pole told me there were multiple repairs in the area. The improvement was nice but, short lived and the service began to degrade shortly there after. I often thought that the problem was our computer being the culprit, needing to be cleaned of all the internet junk that the computer collects and so I became a pro computer cleaner using Ccleaner and keeping the computer spick and span and free of malware etc. Still the slow DSL percisted and more time was wasted online. Just trying to watch a 52 second video on weather.com or att.net might take as long as 15 minutes or just giving up on it. All this and not two blocks from our home there is what I would have to call a substation for telephone, internet and television. It consists of 7 large metal boxes on a concrete slab. This must be the new u-verse stuff because before this was installed phone men would stand out there under a rain awning cutting twisted pair wires making or breaking phone/dsl connections. You would think that being that close to that much equiptment I would have to have one of the best connections/service in the Universe (U-verse) not so, still same old slow DSL. I would go to speedtest.net and use Ookla to test my internet speed but lots of times my speed was so slow it would not even run the test . I have measured the download speed as slow as 0.15Mbps and I have seen pings measured in whole seconds, one and two seconds. And the green graph of the speed test looked like the teeth of a saw blade going almost straight up and almost straight down to cut off and back up. Most of the time Ookla would tell me that Flashplay was not installed on my computer and I would go and download it again and again, dozens of times. I was at youtube and watched a video with little trouble once and so I shot over to Ookla real quick and Flashplayer loaded the test real quick and got a good test so thats how I found out I did not have to keep downloading Flashplayer. Our DSL for years has been up and down (mostly down) and just before I called AT&T this last time I told Teresa that AT&T owes us a lot of money, the lost time, aggrivation and frustration!

So now we come to the real problem as if what I have been talking about is not bad enough. I received a magazine sized add for U-verse deals in the mail. It had a big picture of a glass bowl of popcorn on the cover touting "The best seat in the house" and internet (5-6Mbps), phone 200min. mo. and tv u200 for $79.00 mo. for 2yrs. and 12mo. contract. I had been having a bad DSL day and was close to tears when I saw a phone number in the add and thought I might call it and find some help without going through the regular dial up and wait to talk to someone, and maybe they could help with a special number to get things done, (big mistake).

A kind almost too smooth voice answered immediatley on the other end of the line. I'll call him L.G. This guy was the best listener in the world, he was a pro, letting me vent my frustrations, never interupting me and letting me go on and on. Like a spider in a web waiting for the victim to get tangled before jumping in too soon. Once I had exhausted myself and explained what I have come to call "DSL PAIN", he, L.G. told me that it was not my fault and that the new U-verse system was stealing bandwidth from the old DSL system and that I had been getting robbed for a long time. I could not belive it! an honest person! (huh) Making me feel like everything was going to be alright, (Not). It sure did feel good for a while. Well, L.G. told me he could give me the repair number I required but, things would be the same in a few days after the repairs were made just like in the past.

I mentioned the $79.00 a month for all three services and that we were paying AT&T about $61.00 and change for slow DSL and phone. L.G. wanted to know what kind of channels I liked the most and I told him I like educational channels like history, DIY, Nat Geo, Nat Geo W, TLC, etc. And also that I like Ted Nuggent's outdoor show (important latter). I told L.G. that I needed to talk to Teresa about it to get her ok and he said he would send me an email telling when he would call to discuss the deal. Teresa and I determined that the additional money for the $79.00 deal was doable and that we would try it.

When L.G. called we discussed the deal but, now the deal had gone from $79.00 a month to $101.00 a month and when I asked him how that happened he said do you remember talking about all the channels you like and talking about Ted Nuggent's show, Well I custom made you a channel list with all the channels you like and I added Ted Nuggent's show. I asked him how many channels that came to and he said about 265. ( When the installer came to do the install and I told him I was getting the custom channels and the Ted Nuggent show, he just rolled his eyes and said, well you got the u200 and that is when I knew I had been had.) The installer gave me a channel chart and sure enough all I got was the $79.00 deal of u200 and no Ted Nuggent show. I counted the total number of channels on u200 and it came to 230 channels if you can call things like a whole channel being devoted to a guide to Colorado a channel. The state of Main, Cancer your options and dozens of sales channels like QVC and AT&T's own sales channels (multiple ones) and on and on. So 230 subtracted from 265 leaves 35 lost channels and no Ted Nuggent.

After the install I received an estimate of the first months bill for August at $ 101.00 a month (Oh yeah, L.G. said he would get rid of Augusts bill because of the DSL and phone pain we had been through, another lie.) We installed on July 31 2014 and it was finished at dark so AT&T just had to prorate the bill for one whole day. Can't lose a cent. Several things were wrong with the install including a remote that did not work and had to be replaced. So the first night and several days after was spent fighting the remote until I noticed it worked a lot better if the remote was held two feet from the receiver, thats why the installer did not catch it because he was on top of the receiver all the time (one tv install). After the bill estimate, on about August 10 we received the August bill for $117.45, $16.45 over the estimate and if you think AT&T will say that that is normal, when I contacted Charter Communications after the install they came up with what would be my first bill including all taxes and charges in like one minute while I was on the phone with them if I decided to change and they would pay the early cancel fees up to $500.00 (Ido not think any should be paid since I was lied to.) This August bill goes to August 25, why not the whole month ? And then we are informed that September will be around or over $120.00. This is too much. How much can a person stand ? And we get emails saying CONGRATULATIONS your first AT&T bill is here, I guess they think I would cellibrate a root canal and if thats not enough we get a video link to go and cellibrate our video bill with a voice that says Teresa every chance it gets (the account is in Teresa's name). This is too too much, like being transported to another really weird realm.

I want to inject something here, L.G. said that the 5 Mbps up to 6 Mbps that I was getting with my deal, he had never seen go below 5 Mbps. Well, the very next day I went to speedtest.net and tested the download speed at 3.75 Mbps, in all fairness I have never seen it go this low again but, it did happen, also not a day has gone by without the picture pixilating, getting jiggy and freezing multiple times a day

I hope someone can help me on this forum, there is more to this story but, I am too tired to keep writing about this very painfull experiance. I hate doing this and spending my time going through this. So I will wait for a while to get this fixed and if that dosen't happen its good by AT&T.




Community Support


6.7K Messages

10 years ago

Hi @wrecksford,


I am so sorry about the problems you have had with your U-verse service, but I will be glad to help. With your internet speed, if you are using a wireless device, try testing hard wired to see if the speeds differ. If so, then there could have just been a lot of wireless interference at that time. With the other issues, they are account specific issues, and I will be sending you a private message, so I can help you with them further.


-David T



3 Messages

10 years ago

   Dear David T,

       Maybe you should go back and read my post again.The title is theft by deception. The big problem is I am going to be paying a lot more for my service and getting a lot less. Not getting what I was promised and jacking up the price. I was lied to. I got u200, phone and internet for a base price of $79.00 a month and now the bill is going to be around $120.00 for September. This is not going to happen and I will not stand for it. If you people think I am going to let you talk me to death and I will give up you have got another thing comming. I think I deserve a phone call by a person who will correct this problem. Why do you think this post was posted in billing and accounting so you could waste my time about tech issues ? I guess any reply is better than nothing (not). This is about THEFT, BAIT and HOOK,THEFT BY DECEPTION, a criminal act. I am going to drop you like a hot rock and I am not going to send a dime to AT&T until this is addressed.

       Now, the pixilation, jiggy picture, and freezing is not happening from wireless in our home maybe some where else. The problem seems to occur around or about 15 min. after the hour and 15 min. before the hour and sometimes 2-3 min before the hour.

        I am not real concerned about the tech problems right now, because all I do is work the computer trying to get AT&T straightened out. I don't have time for TV.

        Our install date was july 31, 2014. I have had it, you have only a few days to act, I am not going to let you people run me in circles. I have already talked with another service, I really don't belive you have it in you to do the right thing, all you have to do is read this forum to figure that out.

        When I cancel, I am not paying for this aggrivation, I am not boxing up your equipment and mailing it to you, you brought it over here you can come and get it. I think your reply to my first post is about what I expected.




1 Message

10 years ago

Well, I find that when it comes to getting any help thru ATT is completely useless. We have had issues with the DSL service for over 3 months. Contacted them over and over.Was always told our modem was bad but, UVERSE HIGH SPEED IS AVAILAVLE IN YOUR AREA!!! Which by the way isnt true. Anyways.

After purchasing 3 new modems and after hooking up each one and having the same issue with all 3. Guess what. All those new modems i was told was bad also. Evidently ATT trains their CSR's to tell ones this in order to get them to switch to uverse. After fighting with CSR's explaining that it was not a modem issue (and being called a liar in so many words). I asked for a tech and was told there was no use for a tech because it was my modems that were all bad. Finally, after fighting with CSR's for 2 weeks and over 3 months of our service dropping 15-20 times a day finally got thru to repair and got a tech to show up. now, we replaced all new lines in our house to everything to phones and computers to the internet, even bought new phones. so after spending close to 400 dollars for all this and still dropping the internet and spending another 230 dollars for modems, here come the tech. I explained to him what was going on, now, this tech was a great guy.he replaced the whole box on the side of the house, asked to see what was going on inside the house. after he checked and done tests and seen everything in the house was correctly done, he said to me, it is NOT an issue with anything with inside lines or the modem. Tested the lines and found a bridge tap was needed. After he finished, the internet worked great. Then, 5 days later.ATT calls for a checkup as to how things were working. 1 hour later, boom, down goes the internet and back to the same old issue. Constant drops and low and behold, i call in and guess what, the modem the tech left here was also bad.Funny, because it was a brand new one also. Again was told when i called in that UVERSE HIGH SPEED INTERNET IS AVILABLE in my area. When i told the CSR is wasnt available that only 1.5 meg is in my area, why would i change from 3.0 meg to 1.5 meg.
As the tech stated, new fiber lines in my area is only to what i call a hub, from that hub to our neighborhood is the old copper lines. Crazy because people 4 blocks from me are able to recieve the higher speed uverse but we cant. So here is the conclusion, everytime ATT contacts us or we contact ATT, our dsl drops constantly. If this is being done intentionly by ATT to get ones to switch to uverse, which i have had computer techs here watching  packets dropped either on account of ATT doing this or the copper lines being junk, but, does ATT offer to come out and run the new fiber lines which we was told would be done over 1 year ago, nope. This is the reason all the people in this neighborhood has went back to cable because the ATT service here is some of the worse ever. Everytime an ATT truck shows up in the neighborhood, again, the internet dropsEven the ones that have switched to uverse is now cancelling out the service and going back to cable. I dont really know what ATT's issue is, but i have talked to highups in the ATT dsl department and the tech that came here say the same thing. ATT is pushing for ones to switch to uverse.. The old sbcglobal dsl ran so much better than this service we get out here but ATT does nuthing about it except to send us the bill every month and expect to pay for a service that is worse than dial up and to try to get anywhere with CSR's when u call in is like beating a dead horse.So as we constantly drop service i will continue to call in and have my account credited for all the times we are not able to use our internet. Hopefully ATT will figure this out or at least re-train the CSR's to stop telling ones everytime they have an issue that its the modem. it a shame that even the techs agree with me on this. If any ATT people read this, please do not contact me in any way because i do not want told my modem is bad when the service goes down again. this is an ATT issue with wanting people to switch to uverse and junk lines. I have an issue, i have the direct numbers to the right people at ATT that actually are willing to help

Community Support


6.7K Messages

10 years ago

Hi Wrecksford,


I apologize about my reply. I should have included that we would be happy to assist you with your billing issues. We do not post anything on the public forums about billing related issues, because it is account specific, and we definitely do not want to cause more problems with others gaining access to your personal information.


We have received your message, and will do everything we can to help.


-David T

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