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madmax988's profile



602 Messages

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019 10:21 PM

u100 channel list is unavailable on AT&T's awful website.

I'm considering changing my channel package.  When I look at the channel list comparison it does not show u100, even though it is listed as a choice on purchase site.  it only shows ufamily and then u200.  It does not show it on PDF view or interactive html view.

Can you please send me a copy of u100 channel list?  This information should be available on website.


Why is at&t's website always so poorly made?

It's legitimately one of the worst websites on the internet.  It's always broken, it requires way too many clicks, it's missing information, it often has outdated information, and it often directs you to pages that loop back to previous pages accomplishing nothing.

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

5 years ago

U100 hasn't been available for quite awhile now (5 years maybe?).  You must be looking at a re-seller's website.


Compare channel lineups HERE 



602 Messages

5 years ago

I do not accept this as a solution.  Either u100 is being falsely advertised and the website is out of date, or you are wrong.


I'm literally looking at www.att.com while logged into my account, and click change tv package, it's listed as an option.  It's listed at $64.




at&t tv packages #1.JPGat&t tv packages #2.JPGat&t tv packages #3.JPG

3 Attachments



602 Messages

5 years ago


You shouldn't be allowed to mark your own answer as a solution.  If I thought it was a valid solution, let me mark it as such.  I'm 100% not looking at a resellers website.  
So which is it? is it not available and the website is out of date? or are you wrong and it is available but the channel list is missing.  


Maybe it's different in Texas than Florida?  at&t does seem to treat Florida way worse than it's home state. 

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

5 years ago

Please provide a link to the website you were looking at.  My answer provided a link to the AT&T website.  ETA:  your link took me to information about Wireless services.  Color me confused.


Note:  You marked your answer as a solution.  Pot, meet kettle.  😆




602 Messages

5 years ago


The website i'm looking at is https://www.att.com/shop/myuverse/dashboard.html?actionType=ChangeTV-Plans  but obviously if you aren't logged in as me, it might look different.   Literally I get there by logging into www.att.com and clicking manage tv  plan, that's why I posted screenshots. 
I thought by marking my answer as a solution, it might remove your answer being marked as a solution, but apparently you can have multiple solutions.  And apparently there's no way to remove the mark as solutions once you mark them.



602 Messages

5 years ago

Most likely u100 isn't offered and it's a bug, because when I log out and then look at site, u100 isn't listed as a choice, but again it's because at&t's website is GARBAGE.



602 Messages

5 years ago

When I open an incognito tab and click the link, (i.e. how it would look to someone who isn't logged into my at&t account), it takes me to a please login screen, when I log in, it redirects a bunch of times and then just takes me to account overview page.  Again at&t's website is garbage.  but also why do you think at&t's change tv plan website would be available to a different user? obviously the link isn't going to work if you aren't logged in, even logged in it probably won't work for a different user.



602 Messages

5 years ago

Oh apparently I was able to unmark my answer as solution.  Can you please unmark your answer as well so another at&t rep, might see question and might answer? @skeeterintexas 

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

5 years ago

I'll play (I retired after I won the lottery so I have nothing better to do).


I logged in to my account.  Went to "Manage my plan" under TV and I see the following:








I have U450 so that's why it's only showing the lower options but interesting observation, it doesn't even show U-Basic.  I wonder if they are getting rid of that one too.  Perhaps UFamily will be the lowest package.

1 Attachment

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

5 years ago

I did a little Googling (again, I have all the time in the world) and found a post on DSL Reports dated Jan. 2012 commenting that U100 is no longer offered.


Bottom line: Is something screwy on the website?  Perhaps but that doesn't change the fact that U100 is not available...anywhere.....and hasn't been for a very long time. 


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