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3 Messages

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016 10:46 PM

Who actually offered me a Walmart Gift Card? (Possible scam warning)

So I've been a little peeved with UVerse lately. Technical service and billing, typical stuff. Called 800 288-2020 last week (8/11 at approx 3PM PDT) and using ATT's automated voice recognition system, I stated, "UVerse billing issue - customer service."


Turns out, I was a lucky winner. The computerized response (this seems important as it strongly suggests that the call was still within the ATT system) stated that I was the recipient of a $100 Walmart Gift Card. Hmm, sounded too good to be true, but still, at this point I had no real reason to be overly sceptical.


After a brief delay, a women with a distinctly Tagalog accent told me that I had won a gift card. It could be used at Walmart. Ok, fine. She then asked for my name and address. Then she told me it could also be used at Target or Best Buy. Alright, this was starting to sound a tad odd. She then stated that I was awarded this card due to my poor phone reception. Wait, what? Who told her that? She didn't know who I was when I called but she knew that was why I called (it wasn't)?


She told me that said card would be sent to me within 4 or 5 business days, and that all that was required was that I cover....shipping and handling! Only $3.95. And would I be using a credit card or a debit card? Yep, this was way off. I asked her if she was with ATT and she started speaking much faster and in an evasive manner. She definitely did not acknowledge being with ATT, though she wouldn't say what entity she was with. Again, she pushed for credit or debit card info. When I refused, she got annoyed and said, "Sir! If this was not legitimate, would we ask for only $3.95?" (Ah, probably...) Plus, "you can always report fraud to your bank or card issuer." Yes, very reassuring to know that she's immediately got this script in front of her.


I firmly stated that I had no interest in the offer, and for her to transfer me to UVerse customer service. She refused and pushed again for my cc or dc info. I hung up the phone. When I called back and eventually got through to ATT customer service, the girl I spoke to had no idea what I was talking about when I explained the previous call, and sagely told me to never give out my cc info over the phone. I asked to speak to a manager, but of course, she was too busy and then didn't call me back as promised. A customer care representative that I subsequently contacted online did look into it (thanks) and called me as promised, but told me that he had no idea what had happened. He suggested that it may have been an issue with an ATT contractor.


I don't know if this was a contractor that I spoke to, but I do know that my call was flagged while still in the ATT phone system for this phishy offer, and I find that really, really messed up. Anyway, in my quick search of this forum, I don't see any other anecdotes, so perhaps it was the luck of the draw. And yes, I did call the correct number as evidenced by my call history.


Can anyone explain exactly what happened?



18 Messages

8 years ago

Hi Allans1,

We apologize about your experience. We're happy to help you! It sounds like maybe you had a bad connection somehow and were connected to someone that was not affliated with AT&T. We would not ask for you to pay for shipping and handling of a gift card. We offer gift cards based on promotional offers you sign up for and not for service related issues. We understand your frustration and are here to help you if you need any assistance moving forward. Please reply with a detailed message if you still need help. Be sure to include your name, account number, phone number, and the best time to reach you.

Keep an eye on the envelope.png at the top right corner of your screen for a response. In the meantime, let us know if you have any other questions or concerns!




1 Attachment



3 Messages

8 years ago

Thanks, Sun4Cher, I appreciate the reply.


Fwiw, it wasn't a bad connection (nor am I in the habit of signing up for  promotional offers), so perhaps the mystery will go unsolved. OTOH, other affected customers might see this and contribute to the thread in the future. If nothing else, I've learned to exclusively use online tools when dealing with your firm, rather than calling customer svc.


Best regards.



1 Message

7 years ago

I just had the same experience. Exactly the same.
I hung up and they called me back k about 10 times.

Also said if I wanted to cancel that I needed to proceed first with the recording.

I also called att again and they had no idea what was going on.



3 Messages

7 years ago

Wow, it's getting quite brazen seeing as you were called back like that.


Nothing was ever resolved for me, though a mid-level ATT manager humored me for about five minutes.


Dollars to donuts this involves one or more rogue ATT employees at that particular ATT call center. Given the tremendous volume of calls, they're pretty much able to do this with impunity.

New Member


1 Message

3 years ago

Just had this happen to me a few minutes ago.Today is November 6, 2021. I called the # on the sticker attached to my AT&T gift card which prompted that I had been chosen to receive a $100 Walmart gift card. So even tho AT&T gift card department is closed on the weekends, somehow, my call was intercepted and transferred to a live agent. Same explanation as original poster's story, gift card can be used at Target, Best Buy, etc. And yes, was also told my voice was breaking up/poor signal even tho I could hear the agent clearly.

When I was going to give them another gift card to pay for the $4.95 shipping and handling fee, the conversation turned aggressive and argumentative. I asked why I couldn't use a regular credit card to make the payment - a payment is a payment, right? Not for them. The agent insisted in an argumentative tone they could only accept bank cards. When I asked to be transferred to a manager, the agent said he would end the call. I beat him to it and hung up. Do not fall for this.

How and why are AT&T calls being intercepted by scammers like this??

Community Support


232.9K Messages

3 years ago

We are here to help you with your AT&T rewards card, MikiTX.


We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you, and we will pass this feedback along to the right department.


In order for you to get the best help with your AT&T rewards card, we recommend that you contact them at (800-288-9983). they are open 9-6, Monday through Friday. They will be able to help you and answer any questions that you have.


If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reach back out.


Thank you for choosing AT&T.


Marc, AT&T Community Specialist

1 Message

10 months ago

So it seems a tho this scam is as old as time. The first post was from 2017 and today September 2023 I had exactly the same experience. I am puzzle by how this happened when I was just trying to get in touch with AT&T customer support, and seeing the AT&T answers over this forum makes me even more uncomfortable. There’s no intention from this company to look into the details of why are we, the customers, being prompted to a scam phone line when we are just trying to get a hold of customer service??? Not to mention, I had already been scammed by an AT&T sales person that came to my house sold me a plan and totally stole the phones we were exchanging. I will say, as soon as we pay the equipment we owe to AT&T I will absolutely cancel all my affairs with this company, given that there’s ZERO accountability for the scams the customers are being subjected to. 

if you get offered some kind of reward Walmart gift card while trying to that a hold of AT&T customer support, do not provide them with ANY personal info and hang up. You are being absolutely punk’d. 

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