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ann4cats's profile



2 Messages

Sunday, February 16th, 2014 6:21 PM

Why does my bill keep going up? I was promised a fixed price that I have never paid.

I signed up several months ago with the promise of a fixed low price....after the initial set-up fee which proved to be outrageous by the way. Customer service seemed completely unaware of the original price agreement which I then re-negotiated to a similar but higher rate. That rate has now gone up mysteriously again another 5 buck or so a month. What's the deal??? I went to online billing...is this associated with a charge? They should post it if it does.

Former Community Manager


10.4K Messages

10 years ago

Hello Ann, welcome to the Forums and thank you for posting.


I saw your reply in another thread, in the same thread one of our amazing users, my thoughts, provided some good information about recent pricing adjustments. Additionally, our team will be happy to review your account and make sure you're getting the best deal possible. If you don't mind, please send us a private message by clicking here with your name, phone number and the best time you can be reached. One of our Social Media Care managers will contact you directly to help as soon as possible.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you,




12 Messages

10 years ago

Hello Ann,


This is not strange in ATT system. The same happened with me and the main reason is simply : the promotion which you get (if you get a fixed term contract) or offer (this is usually promised over phone or chat and is usually done after the first promotion expires) always drop because of the system is not stable. You should keep an eye on the monthly invoice to ensure the promotion/offfer are not dropped. When you call the customer service and they fix it with a credit to balance the malfunctioned system hot bill, they will apologize and tell you this will not happen again. Dont trust this, always keep an eye on the bills and moreover try to keep a copy of the chat sessions and write down the call phone days and time to keep your rights. Moreover, make sure it is stated on your account the length of the offer/promotion and keep it to use when needed. Trust me, you will need it !!


I see you have came to complain in the community, same like I did. The reason for that is simply the customer service has lots of conflicting departments and all they look is a summary of your account notes, many data will certainly be lost in some if not all departments and you will be confused having to start anew to recite the story.


One more thing you should take care of. If your issue is resolved, and you continue till the end of the promotion length, when you get to renew and negotiate a good price make sure as well to record all the needed information. At one point, the offer will dump from the bill and you will find yourself facing ATT reps saying the system is rejecting the promotion because it is not valid. Sometimes there are no promotions after your original promotion expire and you have to go with offers that you get over chat or phone, this is not signed contract length but promised offers, be sure to record the information and record the data, rep name, communication (chat or phone), session number for chat, etcc to use them when they claim your offer expired before its true promised length.


Sometimes you will get dumb customer service reps who will not do any effort to understand your issue and you will get confused, and you will have to raise the issue till it may reach the office of president!!

Unfrotunately, even the office of president are not integrated to look at your issue. From my experience, they get the complain from one of the community managers -like Dan (excuse me Dan but this is completely true) - and they never open a direct communication with you. After they look at the issue (and sorry I dont know what are they looking at: are they just checking the short info on the account info and reading some of your complain collected from the community managers or dig completely on the issue to understand it) I dont know simply because they end up sending you email with a brief of their finding and their decision. You will find this brief information full or errors, misleads and missing lots of other info. If you send them (office of president reps) they will not reply back..


You will know the status through your community manager who sometimes dont reply as well to you and sometimes they do..


I'm sorry but I felt I had to make you aware of what you should keep to avoid falling into the same troubles I fell in, and ended up with complete frustration and withdrawal from the service.


Take care and good luck...






16 Messages

10 years ago

I've had a similar ongoing issue for over a year. I have a landline, DSL and legacy DISH bundle. It has been Ray Charles clear that AT&T has been making every effort to get rid of "copper" (landlines) and wants us to "Upgrade" to their U-verse deal (that is the normal response to frequent DSL outages), which is not available in our area.DISH, of course, is now evil, given their new thing with DirecTV. Anyway, I have the PSC watching over the current exchange with AT&T, along with my attorney spouse. Here's an interesting sequential list of my recent monthly bills: $157, $163, $166, $170, $175, $176, $181. So far I have received zero credible explanations of this obvious trend, other than "routine rate increases". This has NOTHING to do with promotion expirations,  or anything else that we have been told thus far. My favorite was that this is related to the number of billing days per month. Given that it has NEVER gone down, only UP, that would imply maybe 100 days in a billing month. The alleged "Office of the President" is floundering on answers, which is not a huge surprise, given that they are located in a different State than the actual President's Office. This ain't over yet, by a long shot.

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

10 years ago

@POPaulie wrote:

I've had a similar ongoing issue for over a year. I have a landline, DSL and legacy DISH bundle. It has been Ray Charles clear that AT&T has been making every effort to get rid of "copper" (landlines) and wants us to "Upgrade" to their U-verse deal (that is the normal response to frequent DSL outages), which is not available in our area.DISH, of course, is now evil, given their new thing with DirecTV. Anyway, I have the PSC watching over the current exchange with AT&T, along with my attorney spouse. Here's an interesting sequential list of my recent monthly bills: $157, $163, $166, $170, $175, $176, $181. So far I have received zero credible explanations of this obvious trend, other than "routine rate increases". This has NOTHING to do with promotion expirations,  or anything else that we have been told thus far. My favorite was that this is related to the number of billing days per month. Given that it has NEVER gone down, only UP, that would imply maybe 100 days in a billing month. The alleged "Office of the President" is floundering on answers, which is not a huge surprise, given that they are located in a different State than the actual President's Office. This ain't over yet, by a long shot.

When you look at the bill, what items have different pricing?



1 Message

9 years ago

Same thing happened to me. 


Got a phone call one day from a salesman, happened to be a little perturbed at Time Warner for continuing to up my bill so I took their low number and promises and switched over after 15 years with TWC.


One thing I still resent is that I never got my "free device". I call the rewards center and they act like they have no record of it even though I was asked by three different people which device I wanted.


My bills went two months before starting to get higher, I have to call every two months and argue with them to get it back down. Last month it went up $30 (!) because some "promotion expired". I called yesterday and let them have it, I had the extra receiver I had installed (for my free TV they lied to me about) credited off to get my bill back in line (plus some other promotion, I bet). Soooo, the dummies cut my second TV off instead of the receiver I am returning. Had to take more time out of my day (actually had to let the wife handle it since I am at work).


Going to most likely have TWC come back out....about the same thing for $89 (alot less than I pay) per month, I don't have time to play these games every month.







3 Messages

9 years ago

i just got off the phone with customer care and it was a nightmare! i just got a new bill and there is a restoral fee on it from three months ago! i have paid three bills since my service was interrupted and there were no fees on any of those bills. i called and they told me that it takes time to charge me! bull! three months later! 



3 Messages

9 years ago

my customer care service today was horrible! and my bill has tripled!




3 Messages

9 years ago

it makes no sense to me how they can get away with stealing your money for the same services. nothing new,just bad business!



1 Message

9 years ago

I too am currently dealing with this and came here looking for answers; facing a $245 bill! What a joke and OI got 3 stories from 3 people on 3 different calls. I am going to think on this and I believe I will go back to comcast by Friday! These people lie and offer me faster spped and all I get is slower service and an empty wallet. NO MORE!



1 Message

9 years ago

Same thing is happening with me! I've had uverse for 4 years and the last year my bill has gone up monthly. I've made calls monthly! Most of the time I just get shuffled around to people who don't want to deal with my problem so they transfer me to another person. Most calls to ATT I end up speaking with 4 separate people and nothing gets done. One time I spoke with a woman who assured me she lowered my bill significantly. I was so pleased I finally got someone to help me! But guess what, the following month my bill went up! So again I called. The customer service rep just argued with me and told me there was nothing they could do for me! I love this service but I'm at my wits end and ready to switch over.
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