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HL11272011's profile



3 Messages

Thursday, January 16th, 2014 4:47 PM


Why is the credit management fee non-refundable?

So I got uverse recently after only having service disconnected for a month. They requires a 449 dollar deposit from me. They said they would refund $5 on every bill. Since this is a normal requirement for someone with no so great credit. I assumed if I cancelled I would be returned the remainder of my balance. Today they informed me that if I cancel, even after my contract is up in October, I loose all of my money. They said it's non refundable, because it's a requirement to gain access to our service and we no longer refund deposit. It would take Att 7 years to refund my money...7 years. But it took me five minutes to give then my money.

I will be filling a compliant with the BBB and the attorney general for defrauding their customers. I have also posted this on my Facebook and Twitter and every other social media account I can find.

Do not get service from Att!

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25.7K Messages

10 years ago

From the AT&T ToS:


Advance Payments, Deposits, Fees and Limits. We may require you to make deposits or advance payments for Services, which we may use to satisfy your initial bill for Services, to offset against any unpaid balance on your account, or as otherwise set forth in these TOS or permitted by law. Interest will not be paid on advance payments or deposits unless required by law. We may require additional advance payments or deposits if we determine that the initial payment was inadequate. Upon determination solely by AT&T of satisfactory payment history or as required by law, AT&T may begin refunding of the deposit or advance payment through bill credits, cash payments, or as otherwise determined solely by AT&T. Based on your creditworthiness, a non-refundable fee may be required to establish service and we may require you to enroll, and remain enrolled, in an automatic payment or electronic funds transfer plan. We may establish additional limits and restrict service or features as we deem appropriate. If your account balance goes beyond the limit we set for you, we may immediately interrupt or suspend service until your balance is brought below the limit. Any charges you incur in excess of your limit become immediately due.



New Member


1 Message

This is (Edited per community guidelines)! I too had my "security deposit" stolen by ATT. I cancelled early, paid every bill on time up until I cancelled, paid the early termination fee, but then NO REFUND! I called and customer service insisted they had already refunded the money! NOPE! Then I was told they would not give me a detailed statement showing all charges and all payments. CAN YOU IMAGINE?! They REFUSED to account for the money! SERIOUSLY? Can you be any more evil and corrupt?




3 Messages

10 years ago

A) terms of services have to be signed and agreed upon..which I never did

B) misrepresentation and taking money and not providing service for the money is illegal.

C) just because it's company policy doesn't make it legal.


[Legal discussions are not permitted per the Guidelines]

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

10 years ago

A: "You must accept these TOS as a condition of receiving the Services. "  This is the same as a shrink-wrap license and that has been upheld.


B: AFAIK, they intend to provide the service.  You said you were asking about cancelling.


C: The Blockbuster bankruptcy had a lot more to do with the changes to the market Blockbuster was in than the late fee issue. 


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3 Messages

10 years ago

If they would have sent me a copy of the terms then I would have. They never sent me them. In fact I know what my recording says because I wrote down every call...name if caller and Their id number when I retain service. He asked if I agreed to pay for a deposit. DEPOSIT

Not a non-refundable fee.

Yes I want to cancel service because I'm moving in with my fiancé in May and she already has Att. So I was willing to pay for Att til end of contract in oct...or pay early termination fee. I am not willing to loose 449 dollars because they feel like it.

They are providing service that I pay monthly for. They are not providing me anything for the 449 because I pay monthly for my service.

Most states have a law that disallows non-refundable fee/deposits. Because it's just a way for the company to make money.

Btw I have bad credit not because I don't pay my bills but because my ex husband had cancer in '04 and we had no insurance. The bills are in the millions range. I have paid all my bills on time

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Oh I have filed with the BBB and left a message for the attorney general and my boss. As I was searching the internet I found many many more people having trouble getting their deposits back. It seems to be common theme with ATT

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

10 years ago

Have the Federal and State Governments provided to you a full copy of the laws and regulations that you are required to uphold?  I thought not.  Yet you are still responsible if you breach any of them.  Obviously there were terms and conditions in any service agreement, and they aren't going to be read over the phone.  You normally have a few days after ordering service to obtain the T&C and cancel service if you don't agree to them.


[Legal discussions are not permitted per the Guidelines]


Good luck w/ your efforts.




1 Message

7 years ago

I opened my account in 2014 when I came to US. I didn't have a social security number nor security history, I was asked to pay $449 for "Credit Management Fee". I got $5 back from each payment, and by this calculation it will cost me 7.5 years to get my money back. 


I paid my bill every month on time, had no trouble to my credit score, 1.5 years later I bought a house and moved to an area where AT&T doesn't cover, So I have to terminate my U-Vers service with AT&T. I called the customer service and asked about the rest of my Credit Management Fee. The customer service representative told me after all payments were due and payed the rest of the amount (supposed to be over $300) will be refunded as a check sent to my house.


So I waited. waited.. and waited. But I never got that check Smiley Sad


After 10 months after my U-Vers contract is closed, Today I called the customer service again, it's so painful to try to explain this situation to the customer service and got nobody understand my question. One customer service representitive even hang up my call because he tought I was asking some ridiculous money. Finally I reached out a lady who understand this situation and she told me the "Credit Management Fee" is not refundable. I simply feel I am robbed.


This is rediculas fee, I understand at the first time AT&T signed a customer who has no credit history, u charge something, but I was told by the customer service representitive that my credit level is "Green" in AT&T system later on. That means I wasn't even a customer who needs to be under Cridit Management. Why couldn't this fee to be refund?!




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