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12 Messages

Wednesday, January 27th, 2016 9:27 PM

Why is there no LOYALTY to the company DISCOUNT



I had U-verse since the day it came out and it was always a good deal. I had a package of U300, with four receivers, HD fee and the fastest internet offered, always upgraded as soon as available (I was getting around 75Mb last time) and I was paying around $170 total, taxes and everything. Every time there was any kind of deal I would jump on it and extend out two years. I loved the service, reliability, the way everything worked. But then I hit the end of my last two year contract and month by month all those deals started falling off my bill as you can see below in six months my bill went up over $100 a month.

07/21/2015 - 08/20/2015               $267.55

06/21/2015 - 07/20/2015               $204.33

05/21/2015 - 06/20/2015               $204.49

04/21/2015 - 05/20/2015               $202.77

03/21/2015 - 04/20/2015               $193.72

02/21/2015 - 03/20/2015               $170.87

01/21/2015 - 02/20/2015               $166.53


So I am an AT&T customer for about 30 straight years and U-verse for about 10 years, as I said got it the day it was available and I was a DishNetwork through AT&T customer before that, yes they bought DirecTV, but used to be in bed with Dish. (By the way I am also an AT&T wireless customer forever as well, with four line family plan etc.)


So I call sales and tell them ALL that info above and that my contract is coming to an end, so what kind of deals I can get to extend another two year contract... NOTHING!!!! They wouldn't offer me anything at all. I couldn't believe it, so I call in to two different reps and contacted two different reps via Chat. None of them would offer anything at all.


So I couldn't believe this I was actually happening, I was looking around at other providers for options. So now I have Comcast Xfinity with pretty much same channels, HBO, HD, four receivers and internet at 105Mb (so it says on my bill-I actually get 150Mb consistently). And I get all that for $118 a month taxes etc included. Stupid AT&T ! !


Now I am sure in two years Xfinity will want to hike my rates, but the woman in the office said come see her and she will get me another two years at whatever the best deal is at the time. We'll see if that happens, but for now I love it.


So to end this little tail, remember how they wouldn't offer me any kind of deal at all to stay. Which by the way they never tried to give me a deal when I gave the final call to disconnect service either. You know like the final "OK I guess he's seriously going to leave us we better do something" deal. I was shocked, they just said OK we will turn off you service on the day requested, without a question why I was leaving nothing. I mean I was really in shock. Anyway, of course about a week later and about once every other week since I get the letters in the mail begging me to come back with all kinds of great deals. REALLY AT&T?!?


I will never understand why providers do NOT reward customer loyalty. Your bill should go down the longer you stay with them (or at least stay the same), not the other way around. YOU HAVE TO LEAVE in order to get a deal someday to come back. Well you know what, unlike AT&T I am usually a pretty loyal customer when I am treated right and the service is fundamentally sound (stuck with them when they were screwing up my DishNetwork combined billing, stuck with them through all the U-Verse growing pains - and there were a lot of them, stuck with them whenever there was any kind of technical or billing issue anywhere) so now that I am an Xfinity customer, unless they do something really screwed up, I probably won't ever go back. Oh well AT&T… and since I no longer have the phone, TV, internet bundle anchor, I will also be, for the first time ever, be looking at other wireless carriers when my current contract is up. (And don’t even get me start on this new idea that they are “liberating” us by NOT having contracts anymore. Biggest line of bull they have ever spewed out.)



5 Messages

8 years ago

As I said. We will see how it goes. As I said we may be back with ATT later.



20.4K Messages

8 years ago

You are NOT an ATT Uverse customer anymore because?  Full price is too outrageous.  Oopps, read the fine print at Comcrap, DVR is $7.95/mo 1st 2 months (yeah had to double check that), then goes up to $20-21/mo.


The base price is guaranteed for 2 years, but everything extra above that is 1 yr, then regular pricing after that.  At least that's what they're doing here in metro Detroit.


Also they don't even have 2 channels I watch regularly, 4 others are only in SD.   And talk about screwed up, add them as they come on, Guide #ing.  Don't get me going on Internet pricing, they actually offer a 3M and 6M Internet at ATT prices.


In this day and age loyalty counts for nothing at almost everywhere now. Smiley Frustrated



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28K Messages

8 years ago

So....you are no longer a Uverse customer because they wouldn't give you a discount? 


Did you have to post the same thing on 3 (or 4) different threads?

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