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2 Messages

Friday, July 25th, 2014 3:05 AM




            I am writing you with much frustration. I would like to apologize up front, for not only the length of this post, but- it's informality. Once you finish reading, you will understand why I'm just way too exhausted to correct everything..This is a chronological account of my dealings with your company. I am extremely frustrated with how companies handle customer service lately (in most cases, longer).. I have been an AT&T U-Verse customer for about 4 years now.. Along the way, I would receive promotions and would upgrade or pass up, accordingly.. Always paying my bill on time, and I'm always respectful to each representative I speak with. It should be noted that, upon scheduling my ORIGINAL install with AT&T, I was given a tech appointment, and I waited...First date comes, tech never shows or calls... 2nd date comes, tech never shows or calls.. Now, I'm mad.. I call and tell AT&T, no more.. I'm done.. They throw a bunch of discounts at me and I say.. "I don't even HAVE the services yet- and now you offer me discounts?!?!" I end call deciding to go with my ALREADY sworn nemesis, TimeWarner Cable...

           I go out on a Saturday night, and decided to sleep in.. I wake up on a Sunday, not feeling very well, and tired.. Upon answering the door, I notice through the peep hole, it's AT&T...When I open, I am shocked to learn that AT&T is at my door to install services.. They can't make either SCHEDULED appointment, but- the arbitrary ones I never made, they make no problem... Frustrated yet- somewhat excited, I oblige and I get U-Verse... Yayyyyyyy!!! Right??? No.. Not so fast.. Over the next 4 years, my options have been AT&T, who I now loathe... OR Time Warner, whom I've always loathed.. I stuck with AT&T.. Over those 4 years I have had tech's not show FIVE, yes- FIVE times.. Which I was given modest little discounts on my account.. Finally, I moved here and began to experience spotty service.. Last night, I lost my service for 1 1/2 hours.. I, first, did all troubleshooting I KNEW, to which the problem remained.. Then, I called- which led me through the daunting task of going through the automated route.. After being a team sport, I said- ENOUGH, I need a human.. For this, I paid a price..

             48 min wait time and redundant hold music.. sigh.. I finally hear a voice (not to sound judgmental) and it was that of a woman with broken English.. Ok, this should be fun.. Right off the bat, I notice something is not right with this woman.. I mean yes- it's 3am.. but- for all I know, maybe it's 12pm where she is.. I digress.. She seemed very short and kinda rude from the start.. I explain what occurred and I explained I have unplugged and reset everything.. She said ok, and does a bunch of tests which she concluded "everything was ok and doesn't appear to be any problems" I assured her there was..then begins to go through a script and tells me to "unplug and restart everything".. I explained, "ma'am, I have everything plugged into a surge protector and I unplugged the surge protector from the wall for 10 seconds".. She tells me she knows but- that's not what "I need you to do", I said.. "Ma'am, we can skip this step.. I have done this already 3 times" she interrupts me and says "Sir, I know you think it's the same, but- it's not.. you need to individually unplug every component one at a time and let them sit for 10 seconds.." I again, explain.. what I did..is electrically the same, we can proceed..." she returned with, "well- if you aren't gonna do what I'm telling you to do, what do you want me to do about it?" I got so mad..I have the conversation.. I was fuming..

                 I got off the phone and went to calm down and called back the next day and waited another 30 mins to speak to someone. I finally get another woman... I explained to the woman, my issues thus far, and how rude the last person was.. she apologized and helped me as much as she could.. So- she we scheduled a tech to come here Sunday 7/20/14 between 4pm-8pm.. I said ok and we got off the phone. Sunday rolls around and I remember my appointment, and also AT&T's track record.. I watched the clock but never contacted them until 8:15pm.. Where I explained THIS was the last time.. AGAIN!!! AGAIN.. NO show, NO call.. I was BEYOND upset! I can NOW get DirecTV and at this point, I decided I was moving on to them!! Now- it get's even better... Upon contacting AT&T I am greeted with an automated message reminding ME of my appointment.. Should've reminded themselves.. I also get a message about high call volumes and how it will take up to "10 minutes" to speak to someone.. that was a lie.. because 1hr 30 mins later.. I was speaking to someone.. I CALMLY explained the situation and she tells me to hold while she contacts dispatch.. that was another 20 mins of THE SAME HOLD MUSIC!!! AHHHHH.... Now she tells me "the tech was at my building but could not get access" I asked oh, then why didn't he/she call?.. she replied "oh, I dunno sir..  I don't know, I don't have all the details..can we please call you tomorrow?"...I stayed calm and slowly and calmly said.. yesss.... Upon getting off the phone I decided to tweet the company about these issues.. They never responded. BUT- I remembered that they had direct messaged me on twitter a while back.. so- going through my mailbox, I found the message and wrote a message.. "HEEEELLLLLLLLLLLPPPP I'm having so much trouble!"...the person responded, I explained story and he called me.. He said he was sorry and he would have a manager contact me. 20 mins later, I get a direct message from same account and it's "Cher" who explains she is the manager "David" was referring to.I was shocked at the professionalism, and the fact that the person UNDER the manager, CALLS ME, the MANAGER...messages me on Twitter..ok..anyways....

                  I explain my anger, frustration and dismay..the manager asks when I would like a technician? I responded.. The tech is the least of my issues right now.. I said, all sending a tech is gonna do is waste time if I don't wanna stay with AT&T and that my customer service issues now trump my technical issues..  Cher begins to explain that I have promotions on my account and bc of this, they cannot help me further. I said that the promotions existed because of AT&T's mistakes, not because I was a loyal customer..It's not about promotions it's about making me WANT to stay with AT&T as a customer, and give them my money every month.. Clearly- since I can't get the services, that's all I'm doing.. Cher then asks me, what they can do to make it better? I said, I dunno know at this point but- I don't have much confidence left in the company and if my business is important to them, they will make it right.. 3 minutes passed.. "I can give you $50".. I laughed to myself and said "thank you I will call and cancel tomorrow" . I then hung up and excitedly called DirecTV (i tried to go to their site but my internet wasn't working while I was talking to AT&T)... I called and was told that due to my location, my apartment is restricted and needs to be taken care of by Pavlov Media..Ok.. well thank you, and hung up to call Pavlov Media.. Call 1. They are closed, call back tomorrow between 9-5.. Call 2. Young woman, not very professional.. Said the people I needed to speak to "Were not in at the moment, but- she will let them know to call me.." 3 hours pass, no call.. Call 3. what sounded like the same girl, "they are there.. but- on the phone, can she have them call me back?"..That also didn't happen.. Call 4.. "They left for the day, can I have them call you back?".. I snapped "NO! I am done!! You have no idea what I've gone through and I'm done!!" She shyly responded back "ok sir, I apologize.. have a good day"..

            The next day, while sleeping (messed up sleep schedule)... I get a voicemail FROM the Pavlov number.. I assume that's who it is, but- I can't make out the voicemail because the young male who left it is both speaking fast and is mumbling.. Not to mention, the English could use a little work... I went to DirecTV's site and tried to request an install BYPASSING Pavlov Media, but- it would not let me.. I called DirecTV back..waited...started to explain the story, my phone loses signal...AHHHHHHHHH....I then called DirecTV's MAIN number back and explained, LISTEN.. I WANT DIRECTV but- if I have to deal with these people.. I'm gonna lose it.. The man laughed and said let me see what we can do.. I could tell he wanted to help me, but- I learned even faster he wasn't too interested in anything I really had to say.. he was moving towards the "how would you like to pay for this?" part extremely fast.. Every time I explained to him my concerns he would stop me "Chris-- listen to me, have I let you down yet?", "Chris, stop being so negative and let me finish.. we done got this far? Right?" I said.. yes- but- and I would be cut off.. He wanted to make a sale.. We got the order in.. and when I reviewed it, probably bc I wasn't allowed to speak during the conversation.. My name and street were spelled VERY WRONG.. I went online to make this change.. But- wait.. I can't change install address online.. So- I call back.. and wait...and make changes.. ugh.. I have decided to wait until my DirecTV gets installed before cancel AT&T.. But- Today is the day.. The man who wouldn't let me talk set up my appt for today and i waited..and waited.. excited for TV service more so I can stop dealing with it!! My appointment was from 12pm-4pm.. Due to my sleep schedule I pushed myself to stay up, but- I fell asleep at 11am.. I woke up at 5:55pm to 6 missed calls.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! I immediately called the local number bc I figured it was tech.. I got him and APOLOGIZED OVER AND OVER AND OVER.. He laughed and said it was ok.. He couldn't do anything anyways, my property is restricted and all installations would have to go through Pavlov Media.. I felt so defeated..

                 So- now...Pavlov Media is closed, I am writing this.. My service spotty and still AT&T... The point of this wasn't to bore you with my story but- to see.. THIS is how we allow companies to view us nowadays.. We are expendable and unappreciated.. I know AT&T is in talks of purchasing DirecTV.. Right now, I am so mad with ALL the companies.. This is rediculous. IF this how you companies value your customers nowadays. I don't need any of you. Let is be noted, I have been a U-450 customer, with the max internet you offer.. I was going to buy the Premier package with genie for DirecTV.. I am so angered an frustrated. Most people would have just abandoned hope 1/4 way through.. I stuck through to NOW and I just can't do it anymore.. But- this is a message to all the providers... Don't forget who made your company's.. people who paid for your service.. Thank you.

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

10 years ago

Unfortunately, I couldn't get past the first few lines of that huge block o' text.


I would recommend you send a private message to AT&T Customer Care using the link below.




2 Messages

10 years ago

Yea, I apologize.. I had meant to fix it from my computer. I had already done that, thank you.

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