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1 Message

Friday, July 21st, 2023 4:07 AM

Your provider has not authorized you to watch this VOD stream

I am trying to watch one of my shows on the Bravo app just as I have done a million times because I'm rarely at home.  It's telling me that Uverse has not authorized me to watch the content.  First of all,  I pay too much money every month not to be able to watch the channels I pay for.  Everybody doesn't sit at home and able to watch TV in their house everyday all day! And further more, everytime I have to use my email address to login to something,  it tells me my password has been tried too many times and have to change my password. It's that Care Error that has been happening for forever now and doesn't seem to have ever been fixed.  It is so annoying. I'm ready to cancel everything with ATT.

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