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2 Messages

Monday, October 15th, 2018 3:51 PM

My recorded shows will show that they are recorded, complete, but only play a few minutes.

I can record, say, 5 shows in one day. Maybe, 2 at the same time, the other 3 shows at different times, single one at a time. When I go to replay them, they play for just a few minutes and then stop with the "Finished" splash screen. The shows all show that they have been recorded for the appropriate amount of time. That is, if it is an hour show, it show that the program was recorded for an hour. I have an Arris 2250 box. It was installed 3 weeks ago and has never worked correctly. The shows that were recorded are shows that were recorded when I was NOT watching them. My DVR is not full, just 17%. There have been no power outages, etc.. I have rebooted the box 4 times. I have not done a hard reset of the box, yet.

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