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11 Messages

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 10:59 AM

Can't access my HBOGo account while house-sitting bc owners also have UVerse but no HBO subscription

This has to be as infuriating as it gets for me. I'm stuck housesitting for a week and am apparently not allowed access to my HBOGo subscription because the internet I am using to access said subscription happens to be in a household that also uses ATT but doesn't have HBO, as everytime I attempt to log-in, it traces the IP address and recognizes it as an ATT Uverse subscription with no HBO. 


If I were housesitting for someone who had Time Warner (or just any ISP that ISN'T also ATT) this wouldn't be an issue, as I would be allowed to log in to my personal hbo go account using the prompts without being automatically rerouted and logged in using a proxy. 


What am I paying for if my promised 24-7 access to HBOGo that comes with a paid subscription is limited or contingent upon my accessing it over only certain types of internet connections, namely non-ATT ones. It's as if I'm being punished for the fact that they don't subscribe to HBO and I happen to find myself on their internet connection.


What are my options? Is there even a solution? (One that doesn't involve me having to create a hotspot with my phone to allow my computer to connect via a different IP addy. That's just ridiculous.)



20.4K Messages

10 years ago

@tlischet Nothing you can do when house sitting as you found out it goes by the IP address the request is coming from and if they have the service (which they don't).


Not so sure about your assertion about signing in on other providers, it's provided for in-home view at your IP address only. 😉



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11 Messages

10 years ago

Thats not true. I can access my HBOGo from my mother's house (she has Time Warner for instance).  HboGo is supposed to be accessible from ANYWHERE, not JUST one's own IP addy, as the app is packaged with an HBO subscription. Thats the entire point. Their entire tagline reads: "HBO Go. It's HBO. Anywhere." To be clear, i can only not access my HBOGo IF i am using the internet of a fellow ATT Uverse subscriber who doesnt also subscribe to HBO. 

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

10 years ago

HBOgo asks some software from the video provider you select (AT&T in this case) to verify that the viewer has the rights to view the HBO video.  AT&T's first checks to see that if the home network you are on is actually a U-verse network.  If it is, then it checks to see if that account has HBO.  If a U-verse account with HBO, I don't think it even makes you log in--this is supposed to be a convenience factor.  But, if you're on a U-verse account without HBO, it rejects the request.  If it finds you're not on a U-verse account network, then it prompts you for credentials.



11 Messages

10 years ago

@JefferMC wrote:

HBOgo asks some software from the video provider you select (AT&T in this case) to verify that the viewer has the rights to view the HBO video.  AT&T's first checks to see that if the home network you are on is actually a U-verse network.  If it is, then it checks to see if that account has HBO.  If a U-verse account with HBO, I don't think it even makes you log in--this is supposed to be a convenience factor.  But, if you're on a U-verse account without HBO, it rejects the request.  If it finds you're not on a U-verse account network, then it prompts you for credentials.

Right-- that's the entire issue. I'm on a U-verse internet connection whose TV package doesnt have an HBO subscription, therefore it doesn't even give me the option of logging into my own HBOGo account (since I do pay for the service) bc out of convenience, it only allows for ONE association on the network.  There is no solution, basically. I called AT&T, they said it had been logged as a known problem and they are working to fix it. I just want the access that I'm paying up the nose for, basically-- and this is a component of said service that means enough to me that this clear oversight on their part is more than just an annoyance on mine.


So in short, this just means that, if I want access to my HBOGo that comes with my paid subscription, I had better always make sure that either: 1) The network I'm using is anything BUT a U-verse network (outside of my own home of course), or 2) In the event I happen to find myself on a U-verse internet connection, I had better hope that the person whose internet I am using also happens to be a HBO subscriber


[Inappropriate content removed]



9.8K Messages

10 years ago

@mibrnsurg - Not quite true about your home IP address.  HBOGo subs can go to almost any other ISP and use WiFi to get it, regardless if the home subscribes to HBO.  


@tlischet Our forum moderator confirmed that this was AT&T's call.  This madness started about six months ago.  Sorry.


HBO (and Netflix, for that matter) know that there is an issue with UserID/password sharing (though this is not the issue with your circumstance) but it must be an issue for AT&T.  If you are trying to use a phone or tablet, one could always use 4G or whatever cell data networks but that could push your data use.  I will say that this is not a popular decision and has cost AT&T more in terms of goodwill than it saved in $. 😉





11 Messages

10 years ago

How has this issue not been resolved? It seems as though AT&T does not WANT to resolve it and hopes people will stop asking about it. I have had the same issue in multiple locations. It's as though AT&T U-Verse customers who wish to use these services are being punished for using AT&T's network abroad.


Just fix the problem. 



10 Messages

9 years ago

Since HBO Now is coming out, maybe AT&T will stop this because we can now go with HBO directly instead of AT&T for the same price. It's probably *easier* just to stay with AT&T for HBO since it integrates with one's existing cable & DVR, but for anyone who pet/house sits or simply visits friends with a lesser U-verse package, HBO Now is probably the way to go. This logon problem is the same with other premiums... so hopefully Starz/Show/etc will also allow independent subs.



4 Messages

9 years ago

Joined just to post this. It is a sure-fire way if you have personal hotspot capabilities on a phone or tablet. If you have, say, a roku or Xbox that needs to connect to an HBO-GO account on a different Internet connection rather than the house you are in, simply turn on your hotspot, and connect your computer (to verify the new device to HBO and to log in with your details) and the device you wish to view it on, to the phone's hotspot. Verify your login details and type the device code into the computer's browser. Bam. Now connect the device back to the home network. Outsmarted their software engineers. Prepare for this to be patched 😉



11 Messages

9 years ago

Yeah but that's the whole thing--- I shouldn't have to, nor do I want to, jump through so many hoops or deal with all that mess jussssssst to regain access to something I technically pay for. At this point it's more about the principle of the matter than the actual problem. But also what if my phone doesn't have hotspot capabilities, or worse yet-- Id have to PAY my phone provider for said hotspot capabilities, just on the off chance I wanna access my hbo go over a uverse network that doesn't also subscribe to HBO? Like no. Verizon charges for hotspot capabilities. Tmobile does not. Idk about the other providers but that's all entirely Beside the point. Point being-- if I pay there should be no contingencies placed upon my point(s) of access. Then ATT just needs to take a hit and bite the bullet on whatever perceived minuscule amount of profit loss they predict would occur (which I guarantee is nothing Bc like I said-- this measure on their behalf in no way impacts or prevents password sharing for hbogo subscribers) and give their paying customers full access to what is owed them.

I shouldn't have to come up with or MacGyver my way into my own service(s).

God, I hate ATT.



4 Messages

9 years ago

Yeah, I agree. At least you can console yourself with the fact that you only need enough hotspot data to authenticate your device, so it's not too bad. This is their response to people sharing HBO-GO passwords, so I can't say one of the biggest companies in the country would be easy-going. (AT&T ANDY Time Warner, for that matter). We should just use this fix and authenticate all the devices we can while we can. It's all we can do..
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