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3 Messages

Saturday, June 21st, 2014 11:24 PM

Can't use my parents HBOGO account because I too use AT&T

My parents have AT&T u-verse and have the channel HBO which gives them access to HBOGO. I live on my own and also have U-Verse, but don't have the HBO channel. So, every time I try to log in it doesn't give me the option to enter my parents AT&T account and says that I'm not a subscriber. I assumed it had something to do with detecting the IP address. I called today to see if that was the issue. I talked to someone and she apologized and tried to help me, but when she couldn't she sent to some rude lady and told me it WAS the IP address and there's was nothing that could be done. No apologizes at all or thank you for being an AT&T customer. My family and I have been with AT&T for a long long long time, and when I moved to my own place I too got AT&T. Now, I'm thinking about switching services JUST so I can use my parents HBOGO account without any problems. 

I just think it's stupid that I can't use my parents account because I am also an AT&T customer, but when I try logging in when someone has Version internet it works perfectly fine. 

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644 Messages

10 years ago

2 different house addresses can not share one HBO account. The 2 accounts have 2 different IPs. The only way I can think of doing it would be through your wireless phone carrier. Your shows will be limited cause your not on a Home Network....

New Member


25.7K Messages

10 years ago

It sounds to me like your trying to get something for free or maybe better yet trying to steal.  If you want HBOGO, order HBO and pay for it like the rest of us that have it.  Problem solved. 



3 Messages

10 years ago

@BeeBeeSA wrote:

It sounds to me like your trying to get something for free or maybe better yet trying to steal.  If you want HBOGO, order HBO and pay for it like the rest of us that have it.  Problem solved. 

From what you're saying... are you saying that my brother who lives at my parents house should also pay for an extra account? Or maybe not use HBOGO since he isn't paying for it? Should HBOGO charge for EACH person in a household using HBOGO? $26 bucks person. There is FOUR people in my family and we've been loyal members of AT&T so I don't get why I can't use my famlies HBOGO account just because I also have AT&T. When some who doesn't use AT&T CAN use HBOGO with out any problems.
And whats wrong with free?

New Member


25.7K Messages

10 years ago

If it's okay to use/share someone elses HBOGO account then I would recommend you call HBO support,  explain your situation and see if they can help you resolve the problem.  Something tells me you won't get very far since YOU don't subscribe to HBO.  You can see how far you got with Uverse support


As for your brother using the account, he lives in the house so one subscription is only needed per residence. 



1 Message

10 years ago

What if an HBO subscriber ventures to someone else's house and decides s/he wants to access their own HBOGO?  If we decide to avoid sharing with any other eyes aside from the subscriber's, let's say that the HBO subscriber is house sitting.  The subscriber is denied access to his/her own HBOGO account.  I can understand the thought behind limiting the access to something such as HBOGO, but there are scenarios that also make such limitations inconvenient to the HBO subscriber since the subscriber used to have access to their HBOGO virtually anywhere.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

10 years ago

Just use google chrome with incogneto mode enabled.  They can't track that.  I use HBOGO at work and its a differnet IP.  I'm sure att is using some sort of cookie with the hbogo app. 

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

10 years ago

@GLIMMERMAN76 wrote:

Just use google chrome with incogneto mode enabled.  They can't track that.  I use HBOGO at work and its a differnet IP.  I'm sure att is using some sort of cookie with the hbogo app. 

I don't believe that will help in this case.  I believe the issue here is that AT&T is actively blocking the "other" home network based on that home network not being an AT&T U-verse IPTV household, to prevent U-verse users who are not TV subscribers from viewing content they're not authorized for.  This is likely done based on the IP address assigned to the home.


The problem is that it also blocks the content for visitors who may be authorized for it.



644 Messages

10 years ago

I can go next door use my neighbors HBO account as long as I use his IP his password and login name only even though I live next door. But I will not be able to access mine from his house unless I get on my wifi and use my password my username my IP.if you have an account with uverse and HBO Go you should be able to use HBO go anywhere in the United States as long as you have a wireless connection and your UVERSE password and username hope that helps

ACE - Professor


7.8K Messages

10 years ago

I think I read something a while ago where HBO is aware of the password sharing and they're not really worried about it...yet.


What *does* happen is that if I'm on HBOGO and someone else uses my password, it logs me off. Only one login per time.


There *is* an obvious way around that which I won't tell publicly, but I'm surprised no one seems to be realizing it...


As for a legal way around it? Wait until you're absolutely jonesing for HBO. Call U-Verse up and see if they can offer it to you for three months for free. You'll get every channel (if you pay for HD, you'll get every HBO HD channel). You'll get HBO On Demand. You'll get HBO Go. If they can offer you Cinemax as well, you'll also get all those things but for Cinemax.


You can then record as much as you'd like. On the very last day of the three months, call them back and then ask to cancel. They'll cancel it for you, no problem. You'll then be able to watch all those shows you recorded over the previous three months. When you're jonesing for HBO again, call back and repeat the process.

Because you pay for your bill a month in advance, you'll probably end up paying a bit extra than you normally would, but because you get the credit applied to the same bill, that fourth month may actually appear that your bill has gone up, but then you'll get credit because you canceled HBO instead of having it past the preview. It may seem confusing and it may seem like AT&T is trying to hose you out of money, but it all works out to "three months free HBO/Cinemax."

And trust me...three months is a long time.



5 Messages

10 years ago

This makes no sense.  The whole objective of HBOGO and the HBOGO App is to be able to watch HBO shows wherever you are from your mobile device.  I've used it in hotels and at other people's houses.  If I could only do it in my own house I would have no use for it.  This is not the correct answer.

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