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GrammyLane's profile



6 Messages

Friday, March 6th, 2015 7:07 PM

Classic Bait & Switch

My mother (who is 97) switched to UVerse in November as it would save her money.  As of 2/28/2015 she no longer gets any of the music channels without upgrading her service package to include the internet.  She is on a fixed income and enjoyed her music.  Now she can't get it unless she coughs up over $30 a month for a service that was unnecessary when she made the switch and doesn't need at all (except for listening to music!).  Classic bait and switch...paying the same for less services but can't cancel without penalty?  Not good business AT&T, not good business.



20.4K Messages

9 years ago

@GrammyLane wrote:

My mother (who is 97) switched to UVerse in November as it would save her money.  As of 2/28/2015 she no longer gets any of the music channels without upgrading her service package to include the internet.  She is on a fixed income and enjoyed her music.  Now she can't get it unless she coughs up over $30 a month for a service that was unnecessary when she made the switch and doesn't need at all (except for listening to music!).  Classic bait and switch...paying the same for less services but can't cancel without penalty?  Not good business AT&T, not good business.

Sorry, not bait and switch, just a change in music providers that requires Elite internet to be able to see videos in the app.


See if ATT Customer Care can help, click the ATT Customer Care link in my signature, send the PM, explain your lack of music situation.


Include your account #, email address and a good phone # (land or cell) and time to contact you on.

Check the blue PM envelope, upper right on every page, for their reply. Good luck 😉



Please NO SD stretch-o-vision or 480 SD HD Channels
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I Call It Like I See It, Simply a U-verse user, nothing more



6 Messages

9 years ago

Thank you.  I followed your instructions.


A change in providers that results in a change in monthly fee if one wants to maintain the same level of service does seem to be bait and switch to me.  Especially when one is locked into the contract.  



9.8K Messages

9 years ago

I feel free for you and your mother @GrammyLane .  I miss Music Choice already myself.  I would follow Chris's suggestion and send a Private Message to Customer Care.  The more that do that, the more pressure it puts on them to either get back Music Choice or at least make Stingray available to TV only subscribers. 


I'm not sure that I would say it was a bait and switch but it still works out to be a reduction of 45 channels to TV only subscribers with no offsetting benefit.  Consumer groups would call  something such as this a "backdoor" price increase.



20.4K Messages

9 years ago

@dhascall wrote:

I feel free for you and your mother @GrammyLane .  I miss Music Choice already myself.  I would follow Chris's suggestion and send a Private Message to Customer Care.  The more that do that, the more pressure it puts on them to either get back Music Choice or at least make Stingray available to TV only subscribers. 


I'm not sure that I would say it was a bait and switch but it still works out to be a reduction of 45 channels to TV only subscribers with no offsetting benefit.  Consumer groups would call  something such as this a "backdoor" price increase.

45 channels have no comparison to TV channels especially in the case of MC looking like an 80's user interface in standard definition, Smiley Surprised



Please NO SD stretch-o-vision or 480 SD HD Channels
Need Help? PM ATT Uverse Care (all service problems)
ATT Customer Care(all other problems)
Your Results May Vary, In My Humble Opinion
I Call It Like I See It, Simply a U-verse user, nothing more



9.8K Messages

9 years ago

Please send a Private Message to Alex. He is one of the Community Managers on this forum.

@mibrnsurg wrote:

@dhascall wrote:

I feel free for you and your mother @GrammyLane .  I miss Music Choice already myself.  I would follow Chris's suggestion and send a Private Message to Customer Care.  The more that do that, the more pressure it puts on them to either get back Music Choice or at least make Stingray available to TV only subscribers. 


I'm not sure that I would say it was a bait and switch but it still works out to be a reduction of 45 channels to TV only subscribers with no offsetting benefit.  Consumer groups would call  something such as this a "backdoor" price increase.

45 channels have no comparison to TV channels especially in the case of MC looking like an 80's user interface in standard definition, Smiley Surprised


Chris - so are you saying that the static, single image on Stingray is better than the multiple images, liner notes and such on Music Choice?  We must be looking at different stuff, lol.



6 Messages

9 years ago

I understand that everyone uses their tvs differently and what is great for one is not great for another.  My mother listened to Music Choice as much as she watched television so for her, this is a substantial change.  This issue is not "I like Stingray better therefore you should too" but this is not what she signed up for and she shouldn't be stuck with it for another 9 months.  I suspect there are others in her demographics.



20.4K Messages

9 years ago

@dhascall wrote:

Please send a Private Message to Alex. He is one of the Community Managers on this forum.

@mibrnsurg wrote:

@dhascall wrote:

I feel free for you and your mother @GrammyLane .  I miss Music Choice already myself.  I would follow Chris's suggestion and send a Private Message to Customer Care.  The more that do that, the more pressure it puts on them to either get back Music Choice or at least make Stingray available to TV only subscribers. 


I'm not sure that I would say it was a bait and switch but it still works out to be a reduction of 45 channels to TV only subscribers with no offsetting benefit.  Consumer groups would call  something such as this a "backdoor" price increase.

45 channels have no comparison to TV channels especially in the case of MC looking like an 80's user interface in standard definition, Smiley Surprised


Chris - so are you saying that the static, single image on Stingray is better than the multiple images, liner notes and such on Music Choice?  We must be looking at different stuff, lol.

Who watches the screen when listening to music?  It's for the ears, not the eyes, I was reading or online while it was on. 


Those were not liner notes, there was other info from their lives and it was too little of it too late.  If you're gonna give info, come on, give one then another one then another one.   They put something up, then leave it there for 2 minutes and don't forget the ads they put in too. Smiley LOL



Please NO SD stretch-o-vision or 480 SD HD Channels
Need Help? PM ATT Uverse Care (all service problems)
ATT Customer Care(all other problems)
Your Results May Vary, In My Humble Opinion
I Call It Like I See It, Simply a U-verse user, nothing more



9.8K Messages

9 years ago

Please click on this link to view a FAQ on the transition from Music Choice to Stingray.  Yep, more of the "Fighting for you," rigamorale.



6 Messages

9 years ago

dhascall  - Thanks!  I put my 2 cents in over there as well!


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