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14 Messages

Monday, January 9th, 2012 3:48 AM

Default to Favorites when pressing Guide button?

Is there a way to default to the user Favorites when pressing the Guide button instead of showing the gazillion channels in the lineup?


The Enter(Zoom) button is a good shortcut alternative to pressing the Menu button and then browsing to the Favorites, but the browser to go to whichever was last selected and used.  If I can't make it default to the Favorites then it should at least go to the Favorites if that is what I used last so the next time I press the Guide button it should go to the Favorites.


Maybe the Hide Channels is another way to do this, but then I have to go through the gazillion channels in the lineup (which lists everything, not just my subscription channels) and click to remove them.  So in essence through Hide Channels the Guide mirrors my Favorites?

Accepted Solution

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14.5K Messages

13 years ago

@clmoore3rd wrote:


Is there a way to default to the user Favorites when pressing the Guide button instead of showing the gazillion channels in the lineup?


The Enter(Zoom) button is a good shortcut alternative to pressing the Menu button and then browsing to the Favorites, but the browser to go to whichever was last selected and used.  If I can't make it default to the Favorites then it should at least go to the Favorites if that is what I used last so the next time I press the Guide button it should go to the Favorites.


Maybe the Hide Channels is another way to do this, but then I have to go through the gazillion channels in the lineup (which lists everything, not just my subscription channels) and click to remove them.  So in essence through Hide Channels the Guide mirrors my Favorites?

You can use the hide channel option to only see certain channels when you press the Guide button.

Accepted Solution

Official Solution



10.1K Messages

10 years ago

Brangusman - Once upon a time, the ENTER button menu used to be able to bring up the favorites guide. But, the rollout that added multiple favorites broke it. No matter, it was not one button access.

To access the favorites guide - MENU - 2 down arrow - OK.

Use the ENTER button menu to add or delete channels from a favorites guide, while viewing a channel.

Accepted Solution

Official Solution

Community Support


6.7K Messages

8 years ago

New AT&T Remote Features

With the new features, it includes a one-button for Favorites!!


Check out more information on how to Troubleshoot your AT&T Remote. Here are some new features that come with your AT&T Remote:


New Remote Features Jun 2016.jpg

Now with the A B C Buttons located on your remote you can:

  • Go straight to Favorites
  • Go to Search
  • Add/Remove Closed Caption (CC)

Find out more about Favorites, Parental Control and My Multiview.


Feel free to reach out to us with a detailed message by clicking here. Provide your name, 9 digit U-verse account number, and phone number. We'll be happy to help.



1 Attachment

New Member


1 Message

New to ATT Uverse...this issue has been around for over 8 years and its still not addressed!!! Comcast has had Favorites as default for over 20 years.



2 Messages

11 years ago

Ok.  Favorites is something I and I would think others use frequently...soooooooo...why does att code their remotes to be click happy....3, 4, 5 clicks to get to favorites...toooooo many click att.



3 Messages

11 years ago

This is a rather inconvenient solution, texasguy. In fact, the originator of the question brought that very issue up, saying that in order to hide channels we have to muddle our way through a gazillion channels, since the Guide shows ALL channels, not just the ones we have subscribed to.


What's the point in having a Favorites list if you have to jump through hoops to get to it? As I said, this is an inconvenient process and quite frustrating. And why make us have to spend an hour or more to "hide" channels as we wade through a gazillion channels that we don't even get?


I just switched from DirecTV to Uverse a couple days ago, and I realize that it'll take awhile to get used to the changes, but there are some things about DirecTV I really liked. As in, being able to put a favorites list as the default, and the very handy Quick Guide that brings up our 9 most-watched channels for quick switching. If DirecTV truly is a sister company to Uverse, as the salesman told us, why can't AT&T copy those features?


I consider the Favorites issue a HUGE inconvenience, and I'm not sure yet whether Uverse's benefits will outweight the inconveniences. At least I have 30 days to cancel if I want. Believe me, the Favorites issue could become a deal-breaker. I mean, really AT&T? Why the heck did you give us a Favorites option if it's a pain in the neck to use? Can anyone on this forum tell me that they actually use the Favorites list?



3 Messages

11 years ago

Here's an idea: The remote has those colored A B C buttons that seem to no longer have a function. Why not use one to bring up the Favorites menu and one to bring up a Quick Guide (like DirecTV has)?



10.1K Messages

11 years ago

CastleLyons - Re: Can anyone on this forum tell me that they actually use the Favorites list?

Yes, I use it. Initially, I did not because of the "too many clicks to access" problem & I seemed to only need to navigate short amounts of the full guide & I will not use the hide process (cannot bring myself to call it a feature). Got used to it. It is only three clicks & it does work. Poor IR kept me from making the three clicks one button on my Logitech Harmony remote.

Using the colored buttons for favorites is a good idea. Anything to get one button. It is probably the easiest way to get there.

A more robust and elegant solution is a two step process. A setup step under options that determines all future trigger steps & a trigger step - one button access while watching.

Setup possibilities inlude full, shortcuts, favorites applied to guide button and chan/up down or different ones to different colored buttons.

Favorites and multi-view selection need to be allowed/selected as same or different.

The futuristic method would be a menu pullout from the screen edge activated by a wireless mouse. It would be more movement & clicks on the mouse, but only requires one generic kind of movement and click as opposed to finding specific buttons on a separate remote - Selections are easily seen on the TV screen. Since, everything is software driven & no IR it is easily changed to maximize efficiency & works every time.

ACE - Professor


7.8K Messages

11 years ago

@CastleLyons wrote:

Here's an idea: The remote has those colored A B C buttons that seem to no longer have a function. Why not use one to bring up the Favorites menu and one to bring up a Quick Guide (like DirecTV has)?


Why not? I don't think those A,B,C buttons were EVER used! Use one for "favorites" and another for "closed caption" and make a lot of people happy.


With Microsoft selling the software the boxes run on, (or something like that) maybe we'll see major changes and improvements in the next year or so. Who knows.


Hiding channels takes about five or six minutes at most and is a good way to slim things down. I immediately hid all shopping, religion, things that were in SD that I knew were in HD, and unsubscribed channels and made my life a lot better.


The trickiest thing to block was the various premium channels not named HBO or Cinemax. Some are in HD and SD and others are in SD only.



1 Message

11 years ago

That is no fix.  This is a frustrating situation, and it seems that AT&T SHOULD do something besides post some convoluted response, that really doesn't fix it.  I'm tempted to go back to Direct TV, at least there, FAVORITES were FAVORITES.  If one of the head gurus reads this PLEASE get me an answer!

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

11 years ago

@clancyga wrote:

That is no fix.  This is a frustrating situation, and it seems that AT&T SHOULD do something besides post some convoluted response, that really doesn't fix it.  I'm tempted to go back to Direct TV, at least there, FAVORITES were FAVORITES.  If one of the head gurus reads this PLEASE get me an answer!

AT&T didn't post any response, convoluted or otherwise.  Another AT&T U-verse subscriber like yourself posted what he believed was useful information.  You may take it, or leave it, as you see fit.  I agree that the favorites features could be more readily accessable than they are, but removing unwatched channels from the main guide is a very useful work around.


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