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joedonn's profile



6 Messages

Tuesday, March 21st, 2017 1:39 AM


Golf Channel recording problem

I have been having trouble getting a full Golf Channel show to record. Just tonite it showed I had recorded the full 1 1/2 hours of the WGC bracket show. However, when I tried to watch the playback stopped at just over 1 hour. The same happened with the Arnold Palmer tournament last week. We thought it might be the older VCR so today ATT replaced it with a brand new one and the first time I tried to record the above happened.


I love the Golf Channel need some help!!!


Joe Donnelly. in Raleigh

Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 years ago

Hi @joedonn,


We are sorry about the issues you are having with recording on the Golf Channel. With sporting events, we get our information from the broadcasters on the times the event should take, but sometimes they do run longer. Check the guide to see if there were any updates or changes to the scheduled time slot. You may also want to extend the recording in the settings yourself to an extra half hour to hour.





6 Messages

7 years ago

Thanks. I always do that, but in this case the recordings
are ending 30-40 minutes prior to the SCHEDULED time.


Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 years ago



is it ending 30 minutes early even with the 30 minute to 1 hour additional time you are adding?





6 Messages

7 years ago

Forgot to mention- it only happens on the Golf Channel



6 Messages

7 years ago

I'm set to record the WGC tournament tomorrow, so I'll add
30 mins and see what happens. I'll reply later tomorrow.




6 Messages

7 years ago

In one case the DVR said it had recorded the full 2 hours,
but it ended at 35 minutes.



100 Messages

7 years ago

Even the DVR (I am sure the poster meant DVR, not VCR, LOL) gets too bored over, watching GOLF.


JUST JOKING, don't ban or remove my post. IT WAS A JOKE 🙂



2 Messages

7 years ago

I'm having the same problem and only on the golf channel (1641). All of my settings are correct, something is cutting the recording short and it appears to be only happening with U-verse.



2 Messages

7 years ago

The on screen message says:
"Network problems have stopped this street. The program is not currently available for playing. "
But it never is available to play!!!

Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 years ago

Reset the entire system (modem and receiver), and see if this resolves the issue. In the past, it has been a communication issue. 



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