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MJBSpeedy81's profile



14 Messages

Monday, September 17th, 2018 6:55 AM

Guide issue

I've created a list of all my favorite channels and I noticed an odd behavior. If I have a show "highlighted" or selected on the Syfy Network (for example) and I press info to read more about the show and furthermore to record it the guide doesn't go back to where you think it would. It jumps up at the top of the list to whatever show is listed on NBC.


I imagine this is a "software" glitch and only AT&T can fix it but if by chance it's not I sure would love to know a solution to resolve this annoying issue.


Also, these boxes could respond a little faster. It seems like the processing power is from the 1980's. It's unusually longer to navigate the guide or On Demand.


Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Accepted Solution

Official Solution



15K Messages

6 years ago

Congratulations you discovered the feature/glitch, call it what it is, a bug, in what I refer to as the "Favorites info loss of position" bug.  Since that was "introduced" almost 2 years ago (no updates since then), others have posted here about it too. 


Back in December 2016, shortly after the then yearly UI update came out, I complained about this with a private message to ATTU-verseCare.  Here was their response back then:


We apologize about the issues. We are aware of the issue and have reported it. The new update has led to this change, and we have passed the information along to our teams. Currently, it is working as intended, but we have let our team know that some people are not happy with the change. They are looking into this. We apologize for the inconveniences on this.

[Bold emphasis is mine.]


What could posses "them" (whoever "designed" this) to change what was (a) originally consistent with the Guide display, and (b) making Favorites Info next to useless and aggravating unless you don't care about the loss of position?  Whatever their "thinking" was, if it is now "working as intended", I don't expect them to admit their mistake so I don't expect any change in this "feature" because at this point I don't expect any more updates, not after 2 years.   I would like to be wrong and surprised but I am not holding my breath.Man Frustrated

ACE - Professor


5.7K Messages

6 years ago

If it's WAD, the code would only get changed via a new product requirement. Although nothing official has been written AFAIK, Uverse has reached effectively sustaining only support. 



14 Messages

6 years ago

I've had U-Verse tv before coming back so I know it hasn't always been this way. That's a shame they haven't fixed it. I bet they would if everyone called in wanting a reduction in their bill because of the aggravation.



14 Messages

6 years ago

Along with the above mentioned issue, if you choose to record a show and then return to the guide, it freezes so that you can't continue scrolling---- then you have to go back to the initial menu and click Favorites again. It's obnoxious that this hasn't been fixed to the way it was before. "Working as intended" is a sad excuse because it makes no sense to have it work this way.

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