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joebradley62's profile



20 Messages

Sunday, February 11th, 2018 2:42 AM


Uverse modem/gateway reboots every night at 8:45PM

Every night at exactly 8:45 PM my modem/gateway reboots. Watching TV and screen freezes then we get the uverse signal has been lost screen with all the usual troubleshooting items about cables, power, reset all the different boxes etc. Problem is, it is none of that. The gateway just decides to reboot all by itself and usually takes about 2 or 3 tries to get back up and working again. Frustration with customer service as they only know how to do the same thing we have already done, resetting every thing etc. Then they say they will send new equipment which they never do. Finally got a tech to come out. Swapped out the modem/gateway, did not fix the problem. DID NOT FIX THE PROBLEM.



15K Messages

6 years ago

Is it really that punctual, i.e., exactly 8:45 PM every day? And even equipment replacement didn't fix the problem?  If yes to both these questions then the problem is some kind of interference.  That means it could be anywhere from your location back to the VRAD and maybe back even further.   Stuff like this can be very difficult to diagnose and pin down, if not impossible.


The only areas under your control is you immediate area.  Is there any nearby equipment you might be using that can even remotely cause interference or even direct line problems like a UPS that might be on some periodic recharging schedule.  Something transmitting an interfering signal or causing a pulse on your power line?  You have to really stretch you imagination.  And you can see why such problems can be so hard to pin down.


If it's outside you area it may be impossible to pin down.  I have no suggestions here.  You certainly aren't going to get a tech out at 8:45PM to troubleshoot.


One other question about that 8:45 PM.  Is it every day, only week days (M-F)?  Is there some regular pattern?



20 Messages

6 years ago

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, I am well aware of the difficulty. I am a supervisor of Instrumentation and Control technicians. I have tried many different solutions over the period of this. All components are now plugged directly into an outlet, no strips, no UPS no nothing in between. Yes it is very punctual, you could set your clock by it, which makes it seem like something definite is happening at that time and causing this problem. It matters not which TV we are watching at the time, it is related to the gateway itself rebooting. Usually does it twice. I was mainly just venting. I doubt I will solve it here. Recently the DVR hard drive failed and technician came out and swapped in a new box for us. He seemed to imply most of our issues are neighborhood wide. We have a couple of channels that, when selected, show about 15 seconds of programming, freeze and then give the lost signal screen/dialog. He said that is definitely our neighborhood as he has the same complaint from many. I would swap but Uverse is included in our homeowners association fees so even with crappy service it is dirt cheap in the long run. Good news (I hope!) we are getting fiber soon (ish). Work has already started on the install.

Former Employee


32.9K Messages

6 years ago

As a former premtech i ran into this several times, ive had them reboot when the streetlight comes on to a water heater clicking on, then there were the treadmills.

New Member


1 Message

Mine reboots every days at around 1pm. I look at the gateway log and it says "AUTOREBOOT: Timeframe reached. Reset threshold (3)." Now I need to find out how to turn off autoreboot, or set it to the middle of the night.

New Member


1 Message

4 years ago

I have the exact same issue, having a reboot every night at 8:45 

Former Moderator


697 Messages

4 years ago

Hi @Hoborg


Thank you for sharing your concern.


As per AT&T Community Guidelines, we will have to close this thread, as it is 2 years old. We would request you to post it as a new conversation.


Have a great day!


AT&T Moderator

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