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samcollier21's profile



3 Messages

Monday, January 19th, 2015 9:00 PM

Why is my profile 3HD 1SD and how do I upgrade it?

I am only able to record/watch 3HD shows, and my 4th has to be in SD. How do I change my account profile so I can record 4HD shows at once? I have u450 with HD and i believe Max plus internet. I don't see what I shouldn't have the highest HD recording capabilities when I have the highest cable offered.

Community Support


6.7K Messages

9 years ago

Hi @samcollier21,


I am sorry about the issues you are having with your HD stream, but I will be happy to look into that for you. I will be sending you a private message, so be on the lookout for it.


-David T



921 Messages

9 years ago

The Max Plus has a 25/2 Profile. Assuming 1 HD Stream is 6Mbps, then 6x3 is 18Mbps. 1SD stream is 2 Mbps. If you had one more HD stream, your internet when all HD streams are in use would be 1Mbps. So you have to upgrade your speed to get a higher profile.



3 Messages

9 years ago

Ok so basically it has nothing to do with the uverse (TV) but everything to do with internet. Weird. What if I only had cable and NOT internet? I wouldn't be able to record anything in HD?



921 Messages

9 years ago

It's related to how far you are from te VRAD. If you just had TV, you would get the profile for the highest speed available at your address. So if you had Max Turbo or Power available, you would get 4HD streams. If you upgraded your speed, you would have 4HD



3 Messages

9 years ago

Thank you for the information! I am working with David to fix the issue right now!


Thanks for your help!



921 Messages

9 years ago

Good! I'm sure David will fix the issue for you. He's helped me tremendously over the past year I've had U-verse



921 Messages

9 years ago

@my thoughts wrote:
Not the internet but your distance from local source...
For FTTN (95%) users distance is key, less than 2200 feet with good lines can have 32M profile 4HD streams and up to 24M internet. When your distance is greater (2200-3000) the profile to provide stable service is lowered to 25M 3hd/1sd tv and best internet is 18M... for those over 3000 feet given a bonded install to provide 25M profile if a bonded profile is not available then given a 19M profile 2hd/2sd with best internet 12M.

So your distance from vrad determines profile which determines best internet speeds and hd availability.
Sometimes there may be a mistake in provisioning, which if corrected allows for more that is why David iz requesting your info... too see if on correct profile.

So if I downgraded my internet speed from Power to Max Plus, what would my profile be? 3HD or 4HD



921 Messages

9 years ago

@my thoughts I have bonded pair Power and I noticed that one line's stats are a lot worse than the other's. Is there a way ti change the pair line 1 is coming in on without calling a tech, or do you need to change sonething at the VRAD also?

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