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5 Messages

Saturday, April 28th, 2018 5:23 AM

Wireless Receivers Losing Connection

My problem is that every night, without exception, I lose the connection on a wireless receiver in the bedroom numerous times.  I always get the same set of messages.


I first get get the following notice on my screen:


The channel has jumped to live tv to allow tv viewing or recording on the dvr receiver


This is then followed by this message:


U-verse signal has been lost. ( And along with it, any buffer you had )


Our setup is as follows:

 1 wired set-top box/DVR in the living room 

2 bedrooms each with a wireless receiver 


At the times in the night that this is happening, the wireless receiver in the bedroom is the only one that is turned on.  I've also verified that there is nothing recording on any of the other receivers, including the DVR receiver.  This obviously causes problems if you're watching from the buffer, because you lose the 1 hour buffer.  Pretty irritating when you're in the middle of a show!  


My only workaround has been to record everything I'm watching, so when ( not 'if' ), it happens, I can go to the recording, and not lose anything.  But this is a real hassle, and needless to say, ridiculous that I should have to do that.


Has anyone else experienced this?  And if so, did you get it resolved?


 I would appreciate any help that anyone can provide.  







79 Messages

6 years ago

There are pages of search results of this same problem.  I was subscribed to a couple of support threads on this problem and finally unsub'd and gave up because they won't do anything about it or acknowledge it's a known issue.  It's been happening for literally years now.  They blame it on a power fluctuation or timer in your home or somewhere in your "area" .... it just happens to everyone with a wireless box at the same time by coincidence, across multiple time zones across the Country.  It couldn't possibly be something on the AT&T side.  It's like an alternate universe thing.  Or maybe it's aliens.



1 Message

6 years ago

We have had this same problem for years now.  ATT has been out multiple times because they cant figure out what the problem is.  They have also gone as far as rewiring our home.  It is very frustrating to say the least.  We are actually looking at switching to another service (thinking Direct TV, but my husband thinks they will have as many problems), but most likely Comcast.  I am paying $246 a month just for cable and internet.  You would think that they would provide better service where people wouldn't be getting cut off all the time.  It usually is at the same time of the evening as well.  We lose the signal and we know it is 11:00PM on the nose!   We should get a discount off of our bill every month for the time that we get dropped!

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