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THE_WORST's profile



22 Messages

Wednesday, December 19th, 2018 10:00 PM


ATTT does not care at all, sums it up nicely... 

I upgraded for a new phone, purchased in full, it was an iPhone 8..  In addition, as part of my 'deal' I was being offered we were bumped up to Unlimited data for ONLY $5 more a month- THIS WAS ALL A LIE AND WHERE THE MONTHS OF HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE AND LIES CONTINUED...


I returned the iPhone 8 within the 14 day grace period, the phone was tracked and received within 3 days

I purchased, paid in full, a Samsung Galaxy 8 as part of my upgrade


My bill came out, they increased not only the plan rate by over 45$ but also each individual line by $5 each.. we have a family plan, in total including taxes they increased our bill by almost $100--  I WAS TOLD $5 ONLY AND HAVE IT IN WRITING TO VERIFY


I had to call over 5 times to get my bill straightened out and was hung up multiple times in the process..  They then told me everything was fixed and we would have no more problems with it and everything would go back and stay as it was before the change was applied--  In the meantime, still no refund on my returned iPhone 8 (weeks since it was verified returned via tracking)


Next bill came out- Increased still, additional upgrade fees re-added..  Had to call again, given the runaround and hung up on multiple times again..  Bill was reduced from additional fees applied, but then I am told even though I was never made privy to the information that bc I purchased a new phone the individual line would still increase from $15 to $40...  I NEVER agreed to that, and was NEVER told anything of that sort (again all chats were saved and all phone calls recorded to verify this) . Again given the runaround and hung up on multiple times and finally told I have to change plans entirely, which meant our line charges would stay the same (again the increase from $15 to $40) but the plan price would decrease, but that is bc we had to bump down from the 20gb to 15gb plan to just get back CLOSE to what the original plan charges were in total, and in addition we will be losing all of our rolled over data that we purposefully saved bc we have to change plans So even though we did NOTHING to approve the increases they apparently can do nothing about that now and we have to lose more and pay more...  So we now have to downgrade and lose all the data saved to get a total price back down to what we were told wouldn't be changed from the beginning..  STILL NO REFUND FOR MY RETURNED PHONE- OVER A MONTH SINCE IT WAS VERIFIED TRACKED AND RECEIVED...

ATTT emails me FINALLY a MONTH AFTER it was verified via tracking to finally verify that they have received the Item and it would be 5-7 business days for my RETURN..  SKIP FORWARD ANOTHER MONTH and I am still calling about my money and refund..  Hung up on and given the runaround over and over again... Get a case open, 24-72 Hours I'm told for the case to be completed and for my MONEY TO BE RECEIVED..  2 MORE WEEKS GO BY..  STILL NO REFUND!!  CALL AGAIN AND AGAIN AND THEN AM JUST TOLD WELL SORRY NOTHING WE CAN DO, SEEMS CASE IS STILL 'BEING WORKED' AND APPARENTLY NO ONE AT ATTT HAS ANY ACCESS TO THE GHOST DEPARTMENT WHO HANDLES CASES AND REFUNDS..  2 AND A HALF MONTHS, OVER 20 CALLS MADE, OVER 50 HOURS SPENT ON THE PHONE DEALING WITH BILL OVERAGES AND MISSING REFUNDS AND I STILL DO NOT HAVE MY MONEY..





ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

@THE_WORST   Wrote” I purchased a new phone the individual line would still increase from $15 to $40... “


This indicates a discounted purchase on a 2 year contract, so you lost the out of contract discount.  The line fee was always $40.  I have the same plan and same discount.  See photo, read the first 2 bullets.   If you paid less than $600\$700 for the phone it was not full price.  

   Prices are published online for the unlimited plans.  Compare the price online to your billed prices.  

att can be contacted by phone or chat.  Or file a BBB complaint onlineand they will have someone contact you.




1 Attachment



22 Messages

6 years ago

That is fine and well for you, however I discussed in detail before
agreeing to make a purchase in the first place and it was never disclosed..
we reply on these so called experts to be truthful and knowledgeable and I
was flat out lied to.. I will file with BBB too, thanks

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago


The photo was taken from our customer service summary.  (You have this too). It’s published on every customers myATT account.  It outlines your service and it’s costs, benefits and limitations.  




1 Message

6 years ago

So I waited to post this because I wanted to see what AT&T was going to do. I recently upgraded to the iPhone XS Max. I was required to send back my iPhone 7 Plus as part of the upgrade by November 1st. I sent back my phone with the return label that AT&T included. On November 24th, I received a letter saying that they could not accept my phone because I missed the cut-off date (first issue) and they were sending back my phone and charging me $239.10. Now, my old phone was worth much more than $239.10 in the secondary market, so as I am reading this letter, while disappointed, I realized that I probably would actually make a couple of bucks after I sold the phone elsewhere. But that was NOT my intention.

As I unpacked the box, I realized that they sent back the wrong phone. Not only was it not an iPhone 7 Plus, it looked like it was pulled straight off of a display case (it still had that fake sticker on it that they use in the store to show what the display looks like when it is turned on) and it wasn't even an AT&T phone!!!

I immediately called AT&T and the rep said that my account would be credited and that I could simply drop that phone back at an AT&T store. A few days passed and I still hadn't received the credit, so I called back, but this time AT&T said that they couldn't credit my account because according to their records - this was INDEED the phone I sent in. Now obviously I lost my $#%* and asked to speak to a supervisor. Fast Forward, but the supervisor couldn't help because their records show that this is what they received back from me.

I even went so far as to contact the CEO of AT&T. The supervisor called me again today and still couldn't correct this, even after all the back and forth.

I filed a complaint with the FTC today and switched my service over to Verizon. Now the fun will begin - First, AT&T will want to charge me $325 for early termination Second, they WILL want their $1000, iPhone XS Max returned to them.... maybe I should just send this one back and let them deal with it. Either way, my new phone will arrive on Wednesday and I will be done (for now) with AT&T.

AT&T lost a good customer, has a claim filed against them and their CEO has multiple DMs from me... I'm pretty sure that they won't even care that I left them... let's see if they care when they get back this Fisher-Price phone instead of an iPhone XS Max, and I simply say, "Well this is the phone I sent back".. To Be continued


[Edited for privacy-This is a public forum. Please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc]



22 Messages

6 years ago

@lizdance40 What is your point in stalking this?  Fine for you but this does not make any of the mistreatment or lies or lack of refund or anything okay.. fine for you if you're an att lover but go away.. maybe go work for them.. I stated I have every conversation on record and asked specific questions about ANY additional charges or changes and was NEVER made privy to it... I dont care about your screenshots or anything else, you're oddly obviously biased or have nothing better to do... it's not about the one little thing you want to keep harping on, its the ENTIRE EXPERIENCE OUTLINE



22 Messages

6 years ago

@vmmileo Sorry to hear.. seems we both have had ridiculous experiences and treatment

In addition.. I have been with them since 2005... longevity means nothing to them either

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

6 years ago

@THE_WORST wrote:

@lizdance40 What is your point in stalking this?  Fine for you but this does not make any of the mistreatment or lies or lack of refund or anything okay.. fine for you if you're an att lover but go away.. maybe go work for them.. I stated I have every conversation on record and asked specific questions about ANY additional charges or changes and was NEVER made privy to it... I dont care about your screenshots or anything else, you're oddly obviously biased or have nothing better to do... it's not about the one little thing you want to keep harping on, its the ENTIRE EXPERIENCE OUTLINE



how many threads do you need?  Yeah thought so..  You can get BANNED for all the same threads.  Here is what is going to happen..  You as the customer asked questions yeah that is fine and dandy BUT you failed to read what you were agreeing to in the summary...  Also att only has to honor what is on the website for published rates as the law states.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago


I did not say ATT did right by you.  I am trying to direct you to your service summary so you understand why it happened and that if you ask for and recieve a discounted phone on a contract, it will happen again.  While it’s not what your were told, it was what you agreed to with your plan. 




22 Messages

6 years ago

Whoever you are GET A LIFE and GO AWAY.. or get a job with them for goodness sake.. who just sits to post about things that are not relevant to them in any way…
This is about the company and representation and word as a whole.. They have customer service and support for the exact purpose to ensure what is being represented in it’s entirety.. asking and expecting the truth is valid and real.. sorry you have less expectation of the good of society and to be able to trust, but I don’t.. good grief.. BYE

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

6 years ago

@THE_WORST wrote:
Whoever you are GET A LIFE and GO AWAY.. or get a job with them for goodness sake.. who just sits to post about things that are not relevant to them in any way…
This is about the company and representation and word as a whole.. They have customer service and support for the exact purpose to ensure what is being represented in it’s entirety.. asking and expecting the truth is valid and real.. sorry you have less expectation of the good of society and to be able to trust, but I don’t.. good grief.. BYE

I have less expectations of any company...  I read the info that is given...  I don't trust sales staff any farther than I can throw them.  Sorry just how it is.

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