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Vilmaesther's profile



2 Messages

Thursday, September 19th, 2019 10:36 PM

At&t representative signed me up for Aarp

When I enrolled in internet service a representative came during the installation to sell me wireless service. He signed me up and made me pay for aarp subscription because this would allow him to gift me two giftcards one for switching to wireless and one for internet. He said I would receive them in the mail within two weeks. I have contacted him several times because I never received anything and wanted to know if there was something needed on my part, he scheduled several appointments for which he never showed and overall stopped answering back. At this point I don’t care about the cards, so much as I need to file a complaint about his service, report him to his manager or something. How are they allowed to show up to sell a service and promise promotions and stuff that they never intend to provide?? How has Att sunk so low??



37 Messages

5 years ago

If you still have all of the paperwork from when he installed your internet service and got you to switch over to wireless too, then you need to call the internet service and explain to them what happened and to complain about the rep who wont return your calls.  Also when you are talking to a rep or a supervisor/manager, make sure you keep a record of the conversation, (time, date, rep/mgr) that way you have a record, and if need be you can escalate if they don't help.  (Next escalation path would be to the "Office of the President) of AT&T.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hi There @Vilmaesther,


Thank you so much for posting your experience with AT&T.  This is something that we do not want to here. We can help make this right.


In order to do so, we are going to need to investigate everything from the sale to the installation of the services.


We will be moving you over to the private space of your forums account.  We will be sending you a private message to your forums inbox, to request some information from you. Please reply to that message.


Just a reminder: Do not post any account information on this public thread.


Thank you for being an AT&T Subscriber.


Matthew, AT&T Community Specialist

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