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Friday, November 30th, 2018 4:11 PM

AT&T Secure Family - App Info From the AT&T Community Team

Peace Of Mind Just Got A Lot Easier 


The AT&T Community Team is proud to announce that Secure Family will now work with your mobile carrier! It give you the tools to help you keep an eye on your children (monitor up to 10 devices) and keep their online experience safe. Your family security is important to us, so we wanted to take it to the next level.

We think you’ll love it, so you can try the new app for Free for 30 days.

Try it now

Location tracking features


FM.gifWith AT&T Secure Family’s interactive map, not only can you check your child’s location when you need to, you can schedule alerts to so you know where your child is at after school or if they go out to the movies . Other features include:

  • Arrival and departure alerts
  • Location history

Data control features

Have you thought about limiting your child’s access to Wi-Fi during school or other important times? With AT&T Secure Family you can pause and resume internet access. Other features include:

  • Permanent and temporary data block 
  • Data-time restrictions

Web and app filters

With Secure Family, you can block websites or apps in a category, with a single tap. You can set 4 filters to control the content your child sees based on age-appropriate settings. Other features include:

  • Website and app blocks 
  • App purchase restrictions 

Notifications and usage info

Afraid your child will turn off certain settings? With Secure Family, you will get an alert if your child tries to turn off location permissions. Other features include:

  • Battery status
  • Call and text buttons
  • Voice, text, and data usage info

Check out Secure Family page for more information regarding the features.


How can I get AT&T Secure Family?

You’ll be directed to download the app for your compatible devices, which includes Apple® iPhones® and tablets (requires iOS® 10 or higher) and Android smartphones and tablets (requires Android® 5.0 or higher).



How do I add family members to AT&T Secure Family?

It’s easy to add family members to Secure Family. From the app, tap the plus (+) icon at the top and follow the prompts.


ChrisZ, AT&T Community Specialist 

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2.7K Messages

6 years ago

AT&T Secure Family can help give you peace of mind. Check out the article above to learn more. 


ChrisZ, AT&T Community Specialist 



37 Messages

6 years ago

This new “upgrade” is awful to its core and is a definite downgrade from Smart Limits and Family Map which have been killed off.  Not only is this app virtually useless, but has eliminated AT&T as an option for parents who want parental control on their kids phones.  Bring back Smart Limits ASAP!!!!



23 Messages

6 years ago

This app is no longer useful as it requires you to log in every time (even with remember me checked) and will only show you where it thinks your kids were about 24 hours ago. 

If you want to know where there are now, look for another app and cancel this service. 



23 Messages

6 years ago

From the ATT post: "AT&T Secure Family can help give you peace of mind." 
What they mean is that you will be able to let the police know where your kids were the day before they were kidnapped. 




4 Messages

6 years ago

Absolutely Awful! completely worthless, kids easily disable the VPN. Thanks ATT for looking out for the kids and helping them get around parental controls.



4 Messages

6 years ago

My 15yo daughter just deleted the app after we argued with her to install it and pair it. I didn't get a tamper alert either but this app is useless. What incredibly stupid person designed it so the teenager we're monitoring can control whether they're monitored. I find it hard to believe that AT&T could be so stupid. Please tell me I'm wrong and I'm doing something wrong. Is there a way to prevent the app from being deleted or stopped? Or are you telling me if my daughter deletes it, I have to fight with her to reinstall and repair EVERY TIME she does it? 


BRING BACK SMART LIMITS. I'll be canceling this secure family useless app tomorrow. 



23 Messages

6 years ago

I have the same complaints. This app is COMPLETE TRASH!!  Smart Limits is a far superior app over this crap. Forcing a teenager to install an app that can be deleted or giving them the ability to disable vpn was the dumbest thing ATT could have done. I don’t even care about the content filtering. I just want to be able to manage the amount of data my child uses. smart limits was perfect for this but NOOO ATT just couldn’t leave well enough alone. PLEASE FIX THIS APP!!!



23 Messages

6 years ago

App is showing me at home (as of one minute ago) while I am at work 12 miles away using the phone that is supposed to be at home..

The app is broken.  Please re-enable the apps that worked.



29 Messages

5 years ago

This service is HORRIBLE! I set it up on my wifes phone to test it out before installing on our kids phones. It creates a VPN on the restricted phone, the VPN works in blocking services, works really well in fact until the VPN is disabled with one click! Are you serious ATT???



29 Messages

5 years ago

this is not a solution, this is garbage!

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