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nihar_kul's profile



2 Messages

Thursday, September 18th, 2014 5:38 PM

Denied Unlock request for iphone 5

Sicne I will be getting the new iphone 6, I requested for unlock of my current iphone 5 since the contract for iphone 5 ended a week ago. But when placed the request got the following reply from at&t We cannot complete your request because this account has reached the maximum number of unlock requests allowed during a given period. If you have questions, please review the AT&T Mobile Device Unlock eligibility requirements by going to this link, att.com/deviceunlock. I read the terms for unlcok and it says Current customers will be allowed up to five (5) unlocks per account, per year. For 2014 this is my first unlock request, I have not request 5 unlocks for the life of my account. Who can help on this.



4.1K Messages

10 years ago

I'm a little confused by one of your statements. The earliest you could sign a 2 year contract on an iPhone 5 was 09/20/2012 (for the few customers who received their iPhone 5 a day early when they ordered online, otherwise 09/21/2012 would be the earliest). Either way, 2 years won't be up for 2 more days at the earliest, so I don't understand how your contract could have have ended a week ago.



2 Messages

10 years ago

My contract started on 9/14/2012, I went with perorder for iphone 5 and
received it a little earlier than store launch date. In any case I did had
a talk att technical support and according to them since I have ordered
iphone 6 they have a policy that the new device should be activated and the
old device on the same account can be unlocked only 14 days after
activation of new device. I will try to unlock again and hopefully it works
out next time.

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