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5 Messages

Friday, May 10th, 2024 4:28 PM

email timeouts

Can't receive email from Yahoo domain account using AT&T Turbo3 hotspot. Attempting to connect with Win10 laptop with Thunderbird and Android tablet with K-9 Email app. I can download email using Android phone with K-9 on a different data plan.

Accepted Solution

Official Solution

5 Messages

2 months ago

    Well, I had to come back here just to brag a little bit. I think I found the source of my email problem and resolved the issue myself, at least on my desktop. I'm guessing it will also work the same for my tablet and laptop and anything else I might connect to this data plan.

    Yep, the problem was in the default settings of the Turbo3 Hotspot. You'll have to log-in to the Hotspot's control panel to check things out. For whatever reason, under the security settings the "Allowed Traffic" feature only allowed https and http addresses. The email checkbox was cleared, which seems kind of strange to me.

    Details for enabling email to pass thru the AT&T Turbo3 Hotspot are posted below. If the AT&T crew finds this info helpful, maybe they can send me a coffee mug . . . or some other swag. LOL! ;)  (Patting self on back!)

Community Support


232.9K Messages

2 months ago

Hi @ClayB! Thank you for reaching out to us! We understand that you're not receiving email from Yahoo domain. We hear you, and are happy to assist you.


There are several reasons on why you might not be receiving email from a specific user. Please check on the below steps:


You may have blocked either their email address or domain extensions (for example, com, org, net). Check if you have the Blocked Addresses feature enabled:

  1. In the upper right-hand corner, select the Gear, and choose More Settings to access Settings. 
  2. On the Settings menu, in the left-hand column, select Security and Privacy
  3. Under Blocked Addresses in the right-hand window, you can check for any email addresses being blocked. 
  4. Scan the list of blocked addresses for the ID of the account being investigated.
    Heads up: You could've block a whole domain if you do not enter a valid email address. Check all blocked addresses listed.
  5. To remove a blocked address, highlight it and click the trash can icon. 

If no erroneous blocks were found, or no blocked addresses exist, check the filters. You may have created email filters.

  1. In the upper-right corner, select the Gear, and choose More Settings to access Settings. 
  2. On the Settings menu, from the left-hand column, select Filters
  3. Check for any existing filters that may have triggered, causing messages to route to a specified folder. Highlight the filter name to view what the filter is directing the mail to do. You can edit the filter from here.
    • Example 1: You created a filter to route messages with pizzahut.com in the From field to the folder named Trash. 
      • If this is an email you assume is missing, please check the folder for the message(s) in question.
      • If the messages are found, please check filters/folders. You can leave the filters as is, edit, or delete as they see fit.

Also, please try resetting your password as this could help resolving the issue.

Let us know how it goes!

For further assistance we're here to assist you.


Thank you for contacting AT&T Community Forums!

Nate, AT&T Community Specialist.

5 Messages

2 months ago


    Thanks for the quick reply. Ran thru your list of suggestions and didn't find anything blocked. Check the filter settings but only found two items that I'd "white listed". I'd forgotten that I'd even set them, probably were carried over from my previous Frontier email settings, but I deleted them both anyway. But I'm still not receiving email properly.

    Here's the results of my latest experimenting, working on a Win10 desktop. Using Thunderbird I sent myself an email via WIFI connected to my AT&T Turbo3 using one of my data plans. After a few minutes I made a couple attempts to d/l my email with the same setup and settings. Both attempts ended with timeouts and no new email downloaded.

    Then I switched the WIFI connection on my desktop over to my other data plan using the hotspot on my Android phone. Clicked "get messages" in Thunderbird and received my email and about 6 others in short order. The email clients on my Android tablet and Win10 laptop exhibit the same kind of behavior. Everything I try seems to point back to my AT&T data plan(s) or the Turbo3 Hotspot. But I'm willing to be proven wrong at this point.

    Is there any essential difference in the quality or capability of my two data plans? The plan on my phone has a lower monthly usage limit than the other plan associated with the Turbo3, but they both seem to connect to the internet as I would expect. If there's no real functional difference between the two plans, then the only other variable would seem to be the AT&T Turbo3 Hotspot that I purchased new less than a month ago.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

2 months ago

Hi @ClayB! We completely understand your concern regarding not receiving emails from Yahoo domain, and would like to help. Let's get the assistance you require.


The Community Forums are a public support option where other users, and AT&T, will try and assist with high level support needs. This means we won’t be able to look into account specific concerns. To get the help you need for your unique issue, please review our Contact Us page [www.att.com/support/contact-us/], and choose the best option to reach out to us. You can call, chat, or reach out via social media, and we can review your specific issue and provide you support. If you feel your issue isn’t account specific, and can be answered generally, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to help.


Thank you for contacting AT&T Community Forums,

Ancy, AT&T Community Specialist.

5 Messages

2 months ago

I wouldn't normally do this, but I got an email from AT&T suggesting that if I found the solution to my problem that I mark it as the "Accepted Answer". So to do this I had to mark my own reply as accepted. I'm only slightly embarrassed to do so, but I'm sure I'll get over it . . . (;

5 Messages

2 months ago

So far the change in settings in my AT&T Turbo3 Hotspot has allowed me to send and receive email properly in all the devices I have connected to it. The Turbo3 definitely needs to have better documentation packaged with the device and readily available to download from the AT&T Support site. I surely don't understand why the default settings for the Turbo3 don't allow for proper email access. I spent way too much time researching online and troubleshooting the problem with no real solution found or supplied from AT&T, only to have to diagnose and correct the problem myself.

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