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1 Message

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012 2:40 PM

Family map not able to locate iPhone 5!!!

Please help!  The family map service is giving a message of "not able to locate" one of the numbers on my plan.. . It is an iphone 5 and we were able to locate this number before the phone/software upgrade.  The phone is on and in clear range.  It seems like a glitch with the new iPhone software.  Is there a fix out there? 


Thanks in advance!



Accepted Solution

Official Solution



28 Messages

10 years ago

Hi there,


I've recently joined the FamilyMap team and I've asked to participate in the forums to assist customers with current issues as well as determine areas for possible future enhancements to the product.


With the release of FamilyMap v2.0 a few months ago, the companion app Check-In is no longer needed.  The companion app was needed to help with locating LTE iPhones (i.e. iPhone 5) until a longer term solution could be put into place. 


FamilyMap v2.2 was released last week and included some usability enhancements, as registration on iPhones is a little tricky compared to other mobile phones, and some bug fixes.  Hopefully you will find these to be welcome changes. 


We did have an issue with the iPhone 6 release that has since been addressed, I will be watching for posts indicating if there are any issues that may not have been caught.


When using the new iPhone FamilyMap application, it's important that phones you wish to be able to locate have the application installed and the family member must 'JOIN' the family to complete registration.  Once this is done, the family member should allow FamilyMap to run in the background and location services (i.e. GPS) should be enabled).


Happy Locating! Please let me know if you have any issues or questions. Smiley Happy


~FamilyMap Team

Accepted Solution

Official Solution



28 Messages

10 years ago


@PDG170 wrote:

Ok, here it is:  Family Map Does NOT like LTE.  On the phone(s) you are trying to find, You will need to turn off LTE via Settings, Cellular, Enable LTE, switch to Off.


Trade off is not able to benefit from LTE


It seems this has been an issue for a while, at least since iP5 phones were released.


AT&T should really fix this bug, or give users a refund and let them use it for free until resolved.



Hi there,

Previously you needed to have the Check-In companion app installed on iPhone 5 in order to locate due to LTE, however, with the release of FamilyMap v2.0 or higher you no longer need the companion app and should uninstall it.  


For all iPhones you are trying to locate on your FamilyMap account, here are a few things you can do to ensure you can successfully locate your family member:

  1. Uninstall the Check-In companion app if you have it
  2. Install the latest version of the app: FamilyMap (version 2.2)
  3. Open up the app and make sure the family member leaves it running in the background (battery usage is small)
  4. Ensure Location Services are enabled on the family member's device
  5. Try and location - you should be good to go at this point

If you still can't locate the family member device, there are a few reasons this may occur:

  • The family member device didn't register correctly - unfortunately the registration flow for iPhones can be a bit tricky due to the constraints in the iPhone operating system.
  • When a locate request fails, you should get a message of some sort with a link to improve locates (it varies based on whether you used the web or a mobile device) or a message to 'invite' family members to 'join' the family. 
  • If you see the option to 'invite' your family member, tap the link and it will trigger a series of SMS to the family member's device, with instructions to them to 'Join' the family.  It's important that they complete the process or the device will not register with the FamilyMap services.  It isn't as customer friendly as we would like but as I commented earlier, it's a constraint of the device operating system.

Please let me know if this solves the problem; if not we will dig deeper to see what might be happening.




~AT&T FamilyMap Team







8 Messages

12 years ago

Mine does not locate either. The app does not work, and on the web based locator, it locates randomly.

I know this is a app problem, because icloud locate my phone app locates perfectly.



3 Messages

12 years ago

I'm searching for a similar answer ... our son (with an iPhone 4S) was fairly accurate in locating, within a 200 yard radius most times, within a few yards occasionally.  On Friday 9/21, he updated to iOS6 ... and now the most accurate range is 7.2 miles??!!  The entire town fits in that radius?!  When the app was in iTunes App Store, it was an easy place to post feedback, and problems seemed to get rectifide (or at least questions answered) fairly quickly ... I'm not sure where to turn to try and solve this.


Other posts in this forum suggest it has something to do with Apple and their Locate my iPhone (and not letting AT&T have access to the same GPS functions?).


Hoping it gets resolved soon.



1 Message

12 years ago

Previous phone was iPhone 4 --- locate worked ok for months.


After upgrading to iPhone 5, the system consistently reports "AT&T FamilyMap could not accurately locate this contact. It is possible that their device is not turned on or they are out of AT&T coverage. Please try again later...."


New phone is on and charged.


Tried removing the family member, then re-adding.


Still no cigar.



12.2K Messages

12 years ago

@ptcatl wrote:

Previous phone was iPhone 4 --- locate worked ok for months.


After upgrading to iPhone 5, the system consistently reports "AT&T FamilyMap could not accurately locate this contact. It is possible that their device is not turned on or they are out of AT&T coverage. Please try again later...."


New phone is on and charged.


Tried removing the family member, then re-adding.


Still no cigar.

look like they are aware of it but no word on a fix


Former Community Manager


5.2K Messages

12 years ago

Hey folks, 


I'm sorry that you had some difficulty with AT&T FamilyMap when using your new phone. Are you still seeing an issue with not being able to locate family members on the map?


If so, will you please send me a private message with your name, account number, phone number and the best time to contact you?

Please also see the message regarding iPhone 5 and AT&T FamilyMap here: https://familymap.wireless.att.com/finder-att-family/supportedPhones.htm


Prepaid and Go Phone services are not supported. You may experience issues with the FamilyMap service being able locate iPhone 5. This does not affect your ability to use the FamilyMap app on iPhone5 to locate other phones on your FamilyMap account (other than iPhone5). AT&T is working quickly to completely support iPhone 5.

To send a private message, you can either click on the link in this message or click on the little blue envelope in the upper right hand corner, click "compose new message" and type my username in the "Send To" field.



2 Messages

12 years ago

i wonder why the ATT rep Jamileh asks for a private message instead of just posting an answer?



12.2K Messages

12 years ago

@jcmurphy wrote:

i wonder why the ATT rep Jamileh asks for a private message instead of just posting an answer?

for the simple reason a lot of the information that is requested is private and links to your account details - woudl you want to post those in a open forum? The answer is not atomagic derived from blue smoke and mirrors, sensitive account information is required to research the true issue and come up with the response



3 Messages

12 years ago

Jamileh - Same issue. PM sent to you (last Friday).
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