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24 Messages

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 4:38 AM


Incredible Billing Error - ATT claims $755 services delivered 1/17/2020 to 03/17/2020

On 1/17/2020 a David A. from "ATTREADYTOGO" installed a dual band ATT wireless Internet modem Model IFWA-40, and ported my previous residential phone number to VoIP. ON 12/22/2019 I lost all four copper wire service (Residential home phone and U-Verse) which on 12/23/2019 first of four ATT TechSvc visits/testing reported all copper wires bringing ATT through the infrestructural space of the building had been completely and totally severed in an inaccessible infrastructural space, making them un-repairable. In addition to his quote of osts and services David Abromaitis had me speak to an ATTonline rep from billing or sales: both of them told me there was no cable TV as I had with U_Verse,

  1. Internet service was unlimited, with a speed would be about 24 MBPS, comparable to my previous U-Verse with unlimited online time and unlimited data, downloads, etc and no data throttling

  2. VoIP telephone service would also be unlimited with no limit on the number of calls, or the length of calls anywhere in the United States, Canada, and Mexico [- the US service to include Alaska and Hawaii)

  3. The cost for both these unlimited services together each month would be a flat rate of $80.00 a month. There would be a first month one time activation fee of $20. and a $7.00/ month charge to rent the wireless modem, model IFWA-40;

  4. The first months charges would be a 'nominal' $107.00 ($50. +$20.+ $7.00) realizing taxes, etc also

  5. The second and succeeding months, 2/17-3/17/2020. 3/17/2020-4/17/2020 would be a nominal $887.00 and other taxes

  6. Within a week to ten days I was no longer able to contact David Abromaitis -- no I could ccontact him at his att.com phone of 779-2439586 or his ATT email address of david butno longer received a reply any longer.

  7. I tried contact ATT personnel by phone at 1-800-288-2020 or online at the various ATT webpages, no one know about ATTREADYTOGO, or had any technical information about ATT Voip and wireless Internet. Eery place I tried was a dead end.

  8. .When my wired service was cut off 12/22/2019 I had a credit balance of $237 in my U-Verse account and about a $100 in my former residential phone service for a total credit when service was severed completely of $337.00; a week to ten days later, early on a Saturday morning, I believe, a person stating she was from AT&T told me I had to make another payment but was unable to tell me the account it should be paid to. Later that morning when I got up I checked my accounts page where it showed only $0.50 due (Gut stated no payment was due at that time. Still along with credits that $100.00 payment brought the amound paid to ATT to $437.00.

  9. According to my arithmetic mytotal credits are that $437.00. The debits are a total of #281.00 (adding $107.00 the first month, plus $87.00 for the second month and $87.00 the third months.

  10. Credits $437.00

  11. Debits $281.00

  12. Credit $156.00 Credit Balance Remaining

  13. I cannot find, nor have any telephone or online ATT contacts been able to direct me to an accounts page or pages showing the itemized, or monthly bills for these first three months of wireless service.

  14. I have screen captures showing the U-Verse and Residential phne account credit balances; I also have a payment record for the $100. that week-ten days after the 1/17/2020 start of service!

  15. I don't know if anyone else has looked at the unduly burdensome requirements ATT thinks are normal and reasonable to dispute their billing - but I believe the requirement for extensive documentation and in some cases for submission of multiple copies to ATT when ATT can clearly make multiple copies more easily and for less cost than a home user/home phone customer. No one in the past months since 1/17/2020 will discuss how to investigate and resolve the cource of these billing errors when ATT claims I owe them almost twice the $437 I have already paid.

  16. Apparently there is no informal process -

    1. a single page form a home phone user or home phone and internet customer could fill out and submit, similar to the ca. half page I did above?

    2. Also since ATT apparently has no internal position similar to an Inspector General, so as a customer you are dealing directly with the people whose work you are disputing.

    3. As no ATT contact was willing to discuss the fact $755.00 dollars for the first 90 days of new service is clearly wrong - because ther is no dialog there is no one at ATT investigating what the service basis is for the $755.00 - just for VoIP phone and wireless Internet at 24 mbps; I have made no long distance calls of great length. Most of my local long distance or what ATT calls (inter-lata) calls and perhaps 3-4 "actual long-distance calls" were to family in Florida and Arizona.

Comments, and suggestions are invited, especially another contact area within AT&T; another strategy pathway or a good (Edited per community guidelines) working with discrimination cases representing disabled senior citizens. Or anything else you believe might be useful.

(Edited per community guidelines)

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

4 years ago

File a Better Business Bureau complaint online

This is a public forum and you have posted a good deal of personal information that should not be there. Please edit and remove or the Forum mods will remove it for you

1 Message

2 months ago

I'm here to also say David A. also did me wrong.  He seems nice enough when you interact with him, but he has now bait and switched me twice.  David sold me a new phone plan, told me I could get two new phones for FREE with the plan when I change carriers.   When I get the new phones, after he has set them up, he then tells me I have to pay sales tax on the phones, which was nearly $200.  There was no mention of sales tax prior to this.  That is not free, as he told me, but I nicely paid as it would still be a good deal to change plan and get the new phones.

Then when the bill came for the new phone plan it was more than double what he quoted me to pay per month.  I specifically asked if my monthly quote included taxes, fees, etc, to which he said it was an all in quote.  He also told me no one-time charges.  The bill is filled with one-time charges and taxes/fees.  When I called him about the bill, he said to send him a copy and he'll investigate, which I did.  I did not hear back.  Now every time I call him to follow up, it goes straight to voicemail so it appears he blocked my number. 

So this guy is out there bait and switching on the regular, and then ghosts you when what the charges are not higher than he told you.  Do not do business with David A.

(Edited per community guidelines)


ACE - Master


11K Messages

2 months ago

The same David A has been scamming for 4 years?  Regardless, this is a 4 year old thread, and the message has been given, so the thread will be closed.

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