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LUGUY16's profile



23 Messages

Monday, February 26th, 2018 7:37 PM

What's going on after you change your Plan!!!

Hi guys, I'm relatively new in this but, with issues with AT&T I'm an expert, LOL. Recently I upgraded my Plans (U-Verse & Wireless) due of all issues I had before about Network & Wifi, AT&T offered me to upgrade my Plans for less money than I was paying for my prior so, I waited for the first bill to come & for my surprise instead of pay less NO, I have to pay more

Somebody have an idea where I can send my inquire to obtain help in how to solve this? 

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

6 years ago

What is costing more? The wireless or U-Verse? What plan did you have and what plan did you change to and how many lines? All your charges are listed on your bill, you should be able to see exactly what is costing more. If you would like to ask specific questions on what any charges are, we can explain. Otherwise if you would rather contact customer support, you can call 611 from your phone, chat or send a private message to @ATTCares. Email is not an option.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

Does it seem logical you were getting more for less?  How?     And by how I mean the actual numbers.   

Wireless prices are fixed per their website. So any breaks had to come on the TV side.  



23 Messages

6 years ago

Hi, sandblaster, thanks for your replay. So, YES, I upgraded U-Verse & Wireless, & YES the promised me one price and since the first month after they apply the Upgrade I'm paying more money than they said. Actually I didn't ask for the upgrade, AT&T (Loyalty Department) offered me this upgrade due the terrible service I had during a year an half after I upgrade to "Fiber Optic" & after several times "Techs" came home to fix it, several times a new Modem & several hours online on chat trying with no results, right now I supposed to have 100 mbps internet witch it's speed is worse than when I have 45 mbps internet so, it's to long history to place everything here but proves I have enough, thank you again for your replay 



23 Messages

6 years ago

Thank you for your replays, now I have my first bill of U-Verse after the upgrade & it is what about AT&T offered me, waiting for Wireless bill to compare so, hopefully after I chat online & they promised me to revise & investigate what AT&T offered me I'm going to figure out if they are charging me the correct amount for Wireless, however I paid overcharges in my two firsts bills U-Verse & Wireless after the Upgrade. 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago


Because of how ATT bills, paying this month for service already rendered, your bill after changes will always have prorated charges.  When you upgrade service, you will have both the new rate, plus the difference between old and new rate. 


lets say you were paying $100 and switch half way through a month to a plan that costs $40 more.   The next bill will reflect the half month increase $20, as well as the new rate.  So rather than $140, there is one month at $160.   



23 Messages

6 years ago

Thanks lizdance40, that's not the point, the thing is before I upgrade on Wireless I was paying about $180 about, they offered me upgrade (Unlimited data, talk & text) my service for less money than this (about $153 plus taxes) but my first bill after the upgrade I paid more than $240 when I supposed to pay $153 plus taxes & prorate as you mentioned above so, that is about $60 of taxes and fees added to it, that's for me totally crazy, now I'm waiting for my second Wireless bill after the upgrade to see how much are the charges because I already pay all the fees right? Very complicated the AT&T's bills!!! They never loose a Penny, or yes? Thanks once again.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

@LUGUY16  Well that makes no sense. Tax and fees are $60?   There are no fees for changing plans.  

$153 for unlimited data must mean you only have 2 lines on PLUS or 3 on Choice.  

The line access may have gone up $5 each if you were on a Mobile Share Value plan.

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