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6 Messages

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018 7:29 PM

Why is AT&T so disrespectful and unhappy?

Why is AT&T service so poor? Is the leadership so profoundly disinterested with its mergers, acquisitions and growth and removed from reality such that it is simply not aware? The lack of empathy in its web design, service design, and customer support processes is notable and deserves some sort of movement in opposition to the level of disengagement demonstrated. Individuals I have interacted with via chant and phone do try, I suppose, but seem shackled by an organziational culture that fails to seek problem resolution and is functionally divided into silos that behave as if members of a sect devoted to passing the buck. I empathize with these folks, the work must be difficult if the leadership offers no respite from a failure of mission (even an imagined one!)  and clearly, no real training on customer service, communication skills, problem diagnosis, or heck, even their own product portfolio.


Its a stunning example of a failed service. Somewhat fascinating to experience because of the unbelievable level of confusion AT&T perpetuates. As if that WERE the outcome of some distorted design thinking initiative intended to establish a company-wide operating model.


Also, what is the best way to file a complaint once phone and chat options fail and after losing nearly 10 hours of my life over 20 days time to this madness?



6 Messages

6 years ago

and WOW! I even just got a badge for that post. I feel recognizedScreen Shot 2018-07-04 at 12.50.18 PM.png

1 Attachment



3.5K Messages

6 years ago

This post gives zero details or any information about what the actual situation is. Exactly what kind of issues are you having? We can provide plenty of insight but specifics do help.



6 Messages

6 years ago



Yes, true, it gives little info. I have zero reason to believe that a response on this forum to a detailed, complex issue should be expected, or that this is where it would be adjudicated.


I do have 15 pages of chat transcripts and 7 screen shots available for analysis, which I would gladly share with AT&T support were there an email address available, but alas there is none. And as this info would contain abundant confidential data, I would not post it here. And it would take even MORE time to offer a discursive deep dive into the issue I am having, suggesting the Community Forum is for that purpose is only further evidence that AT&T support lacks empathy and responsiveness. A phone call is not effective since my so called 'problem' (a problem only insofar as it results from a cascade of poorly selected solutions thrown against the wall) would require one to view a web-page (or pages). Thus, I will snail mail my issue (as advised by person #3 that I chatted with just today).


Also, thanks for the badge!


But my post was an actual question for the community forum. Why does AT&T care so little about the customer experience? There has been ample opportunity for AT&T support to respond personally to my direct outreach. I was simply inviting conversation with the community around an actual question as I am confident others have had similarly maddening experiences. That is clear simply by perusing other posts. 



3.5K Messages

6 years ago

I understand your frustration but personally I find questioning the dedication, ethics and customer service efforts of a company somewhat odd without saying what happened. There are two sides to every coin. We deal with it all on the forums and there are instances where fault can lay with either party, the provider or end user. Most things are completely cut and dry. Someone sends back a damaged phone in a warranty exchange, forgets to put a phone in airplane mode on a cruise, etc, etc.


There is nothing constructive to be gained with vague allusions and zero details. Many of us on the forums know where to point you in disputes and when issues arise, but not without knowing what that issue is.



6 Messages

6 years ago



Well I've achieved the most authentic interaction with an AT&T representative than has occurred previously, so there is that to be gained.


I can’t comment on ethics - thus far, there has been no unethical behavior. And dedication is without fault. Effectiveness of customer service is problematic however and is representative of a company culture and value, not of a specific customer service person. In fact, as I indicate, I imagine it must be difficult to be successful given the apparent limited options available to connect to with a customer and that lack of problem diagnostic skills that has been demonstrated (which may reflect the limited options for communication). 


For example, there is no way to share a screen shot. This would have been useful to show that when I attempted to unlock my phone, the response I rec'd on the web site was that my IMEI number was not valid despite the screen shot I could also show that the one I entered was exactly what is listed in my phone settings. It took two chat sessions to get that straightened out and then I was told that documentation that my phone was unlocked was not available. I was provided no service request number. I was told to go to another provider and try inserting a sim card as a mean to verify. I was provided no explanation as to why my CORRECT IMEI was not accepted, why it took 2 CHAT sessions before I was told it was unlocked but told there was no way I could verify w/out trying a 3rd party SIM card. THAT is poor service. THAT poor web and service design required my extended time commitment and an actual trip to a competitor to verify that AT&T had done its job well beyond what should be necessary.


Then there is the as yet unresolved problem as to why I cannot rec'v email to txt message at my 10 digit mobile number followed by @txt.att.net or att.mms.net or sms.att.net. I have 7 colleagues able to rec'd an automated email sent from a local ticketing system (ServiceNow) to their AT&T text numbers and rec'd as text. Not me.


So far that has taken 5 chat sessions. I even have a case number and was told it would be resolved on 6/17 and I heard nothing so I chatted back and was told I would hear something on 6/20 but I did not so I chatted back on 6/21 and was told I would hear something and I did not  and still have heard nothing . I was told today I rec'd a text message with a number to call, although I explained I did not and I the agent I chatted with could not give me that number to call despite claiming it has been texted to me. I was told it was a network connectivity problem, which is odd because that problem impacts no other text functionality from any other person. When I sent myself an attempted email from my O365 and Gmail account, I was told it wouldn't work  b/c I was sending email from myself - which is totally illogical - and then told it was an email problem, although I actually run the email system at my business location. So clearly, there is some grasping for solutions here.


And again, the opportunity to share a screen show would be useful because I could show a) the bounce back email error I rec'vd on these test attempt and b) the bounce back error I rec'd when I responded to the email directed to in the AT&T bounce back (see attached). I was told to reply to Postmaster@txt.att,com and then rec'd an email saying its undeliverable. I attached 2 screen shots below showing this.


But that's nothing compared to the rabbit hole I was directed to on chat #4, and end up here:



and when I enter my mobile number and the password I use every month to pay my bill, I rec’v an authentication error. When I attempt to reset my pwd and respond to the security question, I am told no such mobile number exists. When I attempt to register, I am told that I am already registered. I have screen shots showing this as well, which would have been useful when I chatted twice today and was told that I needed to log into email, which again, makes no sense of I started at here:

AT&T Messaging Features


to. set. up.


And then the chat agent transferred me and no one ever picked up, requiring me to initiate a new chat with the agent who couldn’t share the number they claimed they texted to me  to call.


What additional detail can I provide to explain why I am asking why AT&T is so disrespectful of my time. 



6 Messages

6 years ago

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2 Attachments

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