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Godpuncher's profile



7 Messages

Tuesday, February 6th, 2024 12:36 AM

ATT set up a second internet account for my address and I can't get rid of it

I got an offer from ATT to upgrade to fiber. I went through the online setup process, and scheduled the installation. When the tech arrived, he thought I was new customer. I told him I already have ATT, its just changing to fiber. He seemed confused, said that shouldn't be possible, and that he can't take back the old gateway because its not a cancelled account. I'd have to call and cancel, then take the gateway to UPS to return it or I'd be charged. So that's annoying. Anyway, the install went fine, I'm getting the new speeds on most devices. However, my laptop is still only getting my old speed. I called to cancel the old account, and the phone rep said, "You have 2 accounts at one address? That shouldn't be possible, it's not allowed." He was very confused, but eventually said he would cancel the old account, and said the same thing about how I have to return the old gateway. Fine. I look at my account now, it still shows 2 ACTIVE accounts. My old account says "Gateway offline". My new account says "Gateway Online" but directly under that in the Test internet speed section it says "Gateway Offline". In my usage history, my old account data usage stopped on the day of the fiber install, but my new account data usage says 0MB, which is wrong. What in the world is happening?

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

5 months ago

Both accounts are listed with the same account number?

Yes, you have to return the original gateway.  It’s risky to let any tech take a gateway with them as quite often they fail to turn it in.  The BEST way is to take it to a FedEx or UPS store with the account number and GET A RECEIPT.



7 Messages

5 months ago

No, it's two accounts, two different account numbers, same address. The gateway part isn't really the issue... It's that I still have two active accounts at one address and I'm being charged for both. One says active but I can't test the internet speed because it says it's inactive. 

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

5 months ago

Your first order of business is getting the original account closed and returning the gateway.  As long as there are 2 accounts, that’s just confusing the situation.

When you’re down to one account, then speeds can be addressed.



7 Messages

5 months ago

Right. But I called and cancelled it, got a confirmation number. And it's still showing up as an active account. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 months ago

Hi @Godpuncher,


Thank you for reaching out to us today regarding your Internet Account. Let's get the help you need.


The Community Forums are a public support option where other users, and AT&T, will try and assist with high level support needs. This means we won’t be able to look into account specific concerns.  To get the help you need for your unique issue, please review our Contact Us page, and choose the best option to reach out to us.  You can call, chat, or reach out via social media, and we can review your specific issue and provide you support.  If you feel your issue isn’t account specific, and can be answered generally, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to help.


Thank you,

Bill, AT&T Community Specialist.

2 Messages

3 months ago

The same thing happened to me and it is called a rip and replace.  If the salesperson does an upgrade to your existing account, they don't receive additional compensation. If they set up a new account, they are compensated for a "NEW CUSTOMER"

AT&T billed my credit card on autopay for the canceled account and new fiber account for almost 2 years.  They owe me thousands of $$$$$$$ and say they are working on it but they do not communicate at all.  

I have about 9 months of detailed notes and I notified them today that I plan to escalate this to a (Edited per community guidelines) (Edited per community guidelines) and retain legal counsel. AT&T is designed to keep you in the dark, with a smile and frustrate you until you walk away.

Good luck Godpuncher 




4.2K Messages

3 months ago


The posts from @Godpuncher are from 2 months ago. The post from today: @RIPREPLACE looks like a SPAM post by a (Edited per community guidelines). There is no way a customer had AT&T billing on 2 accounts for 2 years. And by now they should know you can't sue AT&T since the Terms of Service for customers to agree to mediation of issues. No ability to sue.



2 Messages

3 months ago

Thanks for the reply @receding_hairline .  It was actually 16 months and I rounded up to 2 years.  This reply below has never been resolved.

I have page after page of detailed notes going back to September of 2023 and our service has been interrupted multiple times.  I have all of the proof in the world that 1 of 2 things are true, maybe both.  ATT is not an efficient, customer oriented company and/or the are willfully an evil empire who could care less about how they treat their customers. Redacting my posts without knowledge of evidence is not very honest either.  Just follow up with this information and post truth about this claim that I am making.

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