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yippie_ki_a's profile

5 Messages

Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 10:29 PM

Being charged $125 / month to use landline phone with closed captioning


My mom has a severe hearing impairment and uses a landline telephone with closed captioning. The landline phone also requires an internet connection for the closed captioning. The price for the phone is $55 a month. The price of the internet recently when from $45 / month to $70 / month. 

It seems very unreasonable to be charged $125 / month just to use the telephone with closed captioning. Are there any lower cost alternatives? Can AT&T waive the cost of the internet which is being used to support closed captioning?

Note: My mom is in her 80's an cannot use a cell phone. The phone is too small and she cannot operate computers. So that is not a reasonable alternative.

Is there a reasonable solution here other than paying AT&T $125 / month to support this landline with closed captioning?

Thank you! 

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

2 months ago

Does the phone line have to be POTS?  AT&T has digital phone service options that are cheaper per month, or perhaps you could use a different VOIP provider such as Ooma, Vonnage or MagicJack to provide analog phone service to the telephone with closed captioning.  The prices range from "free" (you have to pay fees such as taxes, USF, local 911 fees, etc.) to $30/month for such a service, which is better than $55/month for POTS.

You might ask loyalty if there's some sort of discount available for the Internet service.  Going from $45 to $70 seems rather strange unless some sort of new customer discount expired.  My Internet service is $65/month for 500 Mbps FTTP service.



19.7K Messages

2 months ago

Google close caption phone, there's a government sponsor one that may be free if she qualifies.

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

2 months ago

Does she receive SNAP?

If yes can apply for ATT Access for $30 per month.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

2 months ago

I think OP's mother already has a phone, so an offer of a "free Captioning phone" isn't the point.  It's the monthly service fee that she's struggling with.  Unless you're thinking that a different phone may alleviate the need for one of the two services she has.

I saw one phone model out there that said it had the capability of doing the Closed captioning without an Internet Connection.

5 Messages

2 months ago

The reason why the bill was increased was that last year in Michigan there was an ice storm and a tree took down the copper line. I called to get the service back up and AT&T tried to sell upgraded fiber service during a State of Emergency in Michigan! I refused. They installed fiber anyway and then jacked up the cost January of this year.

It turns out that copper was a more reliable service (notwithstanding the tree taking out the service line), since fiber only works when there is power. The power sometimes goes out in Michigan and then my mom has no phone. 

It just seems absurd that there is no other technical solution for a landline phone plus closed captioning from the phone and internet company for less than $125.

I contacted their disability National Center for Customers with Disabilities (NCCD) but they claim they can only help people with a cell phone and do not help people with landline phones! I also contacted AT&T's Disability and Aging Center, which apparently has been abolished (I got a normal advisor who knew nothing about it - of course). And I also talked with their Disability Department. Again bubkis. Each department tried to pass me off to another department, again and again. Rinse and repeat. Almost as if they are trained NOT to help customers solve problems and just dish them out to another hapless, clueless department until in frustration the customer gives up.

So there is apparently NOBODY within AT&T that can help an 85 year old granny that needs a phone with closed captioning for a reasonable price. Quite amazing honestly the duplicity, dishonestly, and deceptive business practices of this company. Honestly they deserve some sort of award in customer disservice. ★★★★★ (Hope Sauron is not reading this. If you are reading this you are never getting your Ring back! Ha Ha.)

The total bill for phone, tv, and internet in January was $258! Eye watering. Perhaps they need the whole shebang from another full service provide that can provide the captioning without breaking the bank.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

2 months ago

They installed fiber anyway and then jacked up the cost January of this year.

At this point,  an online complaint to the FCC or BBB was warranted.  It's not too late.  You should have your Internet service at the price you were paying for before they replaced it with fiber, at least for a year (and, re-reading this, perhaps that was the case).  If they replaced her copper service with Fiber, that sounds like she already has AT&T Phone, not POTS.  And she's being charged $55/month for that?  Wow!   And, if she's on AT&T Phone now, shifting to another VOIP provider should be technically feasible.

I don't know how long you're typically without power in your location.  A UPS can be had to give your power for your Gateway (and ONT if separate) for several hours for somewhere between $100 and $200 and should last 3-4 years before needing a battery replacement.

AT&Ts customer facing departments are staffed as cheaply as AT&T knows how and are severely limited in what they can do.  If there's not a script option for it, they cannot do it.  If they can't help you, there's no reason for you to be tying up their phone line keeping them from achieving their calls-per-hour metrics.  They probably also don't want to be the last person you speak with if they can't help you, because that's who'll get tagged with the results of whatever post-call survey you answer.

5 Messages

2 months ago

I guess one of the points I'm trying to make is that there is apparently no way to get the closed captioning on the telephone without also paying for internet. Basically paying more than 2x the cost of a phone to use a phone with closed captioning. Pretty outrageous! 

The ice storm was in Feburary 2023, so it appears that it has been about 1 year since they installed the fiber. So perhaps the price increase can be directly attributable to that. But note this service was never requested and in fact I refused the upgrade on principle as we were dealing with an emergency but got the service forced on us nonetheless. 

I'm not sure what the difference is between AT&T Phone and POTS. But now they do have fiber. But if the power goes out the router is not powered and the phone doesn't work. Is there a less expensive alternative? Perhaps google or youtube has a better plan with cable, internet, and phone in one package? I'm not sure. I am sure that customer service cannot help and could care less.

The last person I spoke with was in the Disability Department. So yeah he is apparently going to get tagged with the problem. Should have helped instead of giving me the run around and general service number after I was transferred around 4 times over a several hour phone call. Everything started pleasent enough but once they could not solve the problem it went south. But it took multiple hours to get to that point.

Amazingly there so-called "disability" services are just for show and actually cannot help a disabled person. Even more amazingly, they seem to be set up to actually discriminate against customers who have landlines (their so-called "National Center for Customers with Disabilities" only serves customers with cell phones) and they have no solution for the extremely expensive closed captioning connundrum other than to keep repeating the same drivel. Somehow I expected more from the phone company but I know better than to think they actually have people who are technically savvy that can actually solve a problem with the phone.

My parents have had the same landline phone for over 50 years. One would think the company would at least attempt to solve this problem but to them it's just another opportunity to exploit and rip off an elderly couple that cannot fend for themselves.

In order to switch to VOIP they would have to have the internet. The internet at a mimimum was quoted at $60 for Internet 100 service. So that is an option but I need to have reliable service so using some 3rd party for VOIP would be too technical for my parents since they cannot fix it if the service goes down. They need a reliable phone service with closed captioning at a fair price. $125 is not fair. My mom shouldn't be punished because she has a hearing impairment.

AT&T should be reaching out to resolve this situation. It's not rocket science. Perhaps they have a VOIP with closed captioning. That might be a solution. (Sauron are you listening? ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul)

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

2 months ago

If ATT fiber has been deployed and have an issue with copper the copper service will not be repaired but a forced migration to fiber or cancel the service.

Please double check your billing again and for both services in case the numbers are transposed with internet being $55.

What was the previous speed tier? Current speed tier as internet 500 would be $70, internet 300 $60 and if qualify for ATT ACCESS for fiber speed of 100 would be $30.

Last I checked, been awhile, ATT Phone which is old Uverse Voip with connection into back of gateway with unlimited calling was around $35. In this case have one bill for combined billing. If have internet with POTS line would have two separate bills.

Internet 300 (60) and ATT Phone (35?) Is less than $100 before taxes and fees which can add up. 

Conclusion number of bills?, speed tier?, Phone connection back of gateway?

5 Messages

2 months ago

Phone is a Caption Call phone which requires a connection to the internet.

Unlimited phone service costs $40.99 and $56.99 after taxes. 

They had Internet 500 in January 2024 at $70 a month.

(Was apparently upgraded from Internet 300 due to temporary $3 a month discount. So apparently they bait and switched my dad.) 

The Internet 100 was offered at $60 by AT&T in my recent call. i.e. The least expensive option for the internet.

Uverse with unlimited calling for $35 sounds like a good idea... I'll check into this. But $35 phone + $60 internet = $95. Still quite expensive to have a landline and closed captioning, which I believe should be offered pro gratis.

My parents don't quality for any reduced pricing.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

2 months ago

AT&T is not responsible for the fact that a device requires two services.

AT&T is responsible for the pricing of the two services.

Your Dad is responsible for taking a promotion he probably shouldn't have.

Managing VOIP doesn't have to be a chore.  I have a device that I barely pay any attention to, it just works.  You have VOIP already in the Gateway.

Your belief that something should be free is not compelling to the stockholders of the company that would have to provide it.

Perhaps the federal programs that provide the money to make the devices free should provide money for the services required to power them.

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