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dkb2457's profile

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2 Messages

Thursday, May 16th, 2024 7:04 PM

Billing Issue

I am disputing a service charge on my AT&T bill and was supposed to have a Billing Department Manager reach out to me by phone to discuss my issue.  I have not received any call and want to pursue tis to the next level to get resolution.  Any suggestions?

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

2 months ago

Callbacks usually don't happen. Too many agents (of any company) promise this just to get you off the phone. So callback and speak to the next agent.

This is a public forum and sometimes we can give a bit more specific guidance. What is the charge for and why is it disputed?

At the end if over the phone it doesn't resolve and it is still a dispute for you, then a BBB complaint would be the step at that point.

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