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2 Messages

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019 6:07 PM

Internet Promotion of $40 per month but being charged $50

I have a complaint for ATT.  On May 6, 2019 I contacted ATT to find a lower promotional offer for my internet services.  While I was chatting with an ATT agent, I was offered $40 a month for the next year.  A good deal, right?


Well, today I get a bill and I am being charged $50 per month for the next year.  So I contact ATT and inquire about this change.  Since this has happened to me in previous years, I had an email copy of the chat transcript to support my claim that I was offered $40 per month for the services.  Well, it seems that the ATT agent and supervisor conveniently could not find the Chat Reference that I provided them with and would not honor the offer that I had been given.  I have the exact chat transcript in front of me and I am telling them this is what the transcript says and they tell me that they cannot honor it.


What annoys me is how they can email me the chat with the reference number and they they "conveniently" cannot find it on their end.  It has been very frustrating dealing with ATT every year on their internet services.  I believe I will be shopping for other internet services in the next month.


This is considered poor customer service and bad quality!  I guess I should not be surprised!



2 Messages

5 years ago

I have ATT Fiber - nothing else.

Please see the chat transcript below

ATTChatTranscripts@chat.att-mail.com ATTChatTranscripts@chat.att-mail.com via dalu.onmicrosoft.com

Mon, May 6, 11:39 AM


Reference Number: 744603363888534574

DATE/TIME: 2019-05-06 10:29:50

Your chat transcript:

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE - All replies are automatically deleted.

AT&T : Hi, I'm AT&T's automated virtual assistant. How can I help you today?

Me : Hello I am looking for an internet promotion

AT&T :
Got it. Please tell us your first name.

Me : My promotion will expire in 19 days

AT&T :
Thank you. Please wait as you are assigned to the next available specialist for account support.

Enrique : Hi! My name is Enrique. I'm happy to help! Let's get started.

Me : Thank you for your help!

Enrique : Thank you for waiting in the queue, I can help you check more promotions

Enrique : to help you reduce your monthly bill

Me : That would be great!

Enrique : Thanks

Enrique : I will review the charges on the account and provide you your expected monthly bill plus taxes and fees

Enrique : Please give me 2 minutes to review your account. Also, while I'm reviewing your account, I wanted to let you know that our MyAT&T app lets you easily manage your account anywhere.

Me : thank you!

Enrique : Welcome

Enrique : Upon checking you do have two discount that active, which -$10 each, the first one will expire 05/25/2019

Enrique : This was set for 12 months

Enrique : which you get for the past 12 months

Me : yes, I was hoping to find another promotion to cover the one that will expire

Me : Can I get the same promotion for the next 12 months?

Enrique : I will check

Enrique : basically for Standalone service, we have limited discount available

Enrique : normally we can keep this if you have other AT&T service that we can bundle up

Enrique : this way we can get bundle discoun

Me : well...I don't have a TV

Me : and my cellphone is through my work

Enrique : I see,

Me : so, there is no promotion for the internet service?

Enrique : your plan actual cost is $70 - minus two $10 off which total $20 = $50 per month

Me : ah...okay

Enrique : So far

Me : So, is there anything you can provide for me?

Enrique : the remaining -$10 off is set up permanently

Me : okay

Enrique : Still checking

Me : thank you!

Enrique : please allow me a minute or two

Enrique : Sure welcome

Enrique : I am almost done. I appreciate your patience.

Enrique : I am still working on your account. Thank you for your patience.

Me : Thank you!

Enrique : My supervisor is already reviewing the account now

Me : Great! I really appreciate your help with this!

Enrique : My pleasure

Enrique : Good news

Enrique : We able to get a new way towards your discount

Me : That is great! Thank you!

Enrique : we can bring your bill to $40 monthly same plan, after discount.

Enrique : This is good for another year

Enrique : I can set this up now

Me : Phenomenal!

Me : yes! that would be great!

Enrique : this way your succeeding bill will be lower

Me : My internet speed will remain the same?

Enrique : Yes remain the same

Me : Wonderful! Thank you so much for helping me withthis!

Enrique : You deserved this as valued customer

Enrique : just to recap

Enrique : We have added new discount that will bring your monthly bill for $40 every month after discount valid for 1 year. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Me : no, that is so great!

Me : I do appreciate your help in getting me this discount

Me : and lowering my monthly bill!

Enrique : Perfect!

Enrique : Thank you for choosing AT&T. We appreciate your business. Have a great day!

Me : Thank you!

Enrique : You too, take care always!

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